-//= require qs/dist/qs
L.extend(L.LatLngBounds.prototype, {
getSize: function () {
return (this._northEast.lat - this._southWest.lat) *
layerOptions.apikey = OSM[value];
} else if (property === "leafletOsmId") {
layerConstructor = L.OSM[value];
+ } else if (property === "leafletOsmDarkId" && OSM.isDarkMap() && L.OSM[value]) {
+ layerConstructor = L.OSM[value];
} else {
layerOptions[property] = value;
const layer = new layerConstructor(layerOptions);
+ layer.on("add", () => {
+ this.fire("baselayerchange", { layer: layer });
+ });
this.noteLayer = new L.FeatureGroup();
this.noteLayer.options = { code: "N" };
- this.dataLayer = new L.OSM.DataLayer(null);
+ this.dataLayer = new L.OSM.DataLayer(null, { asynchronous: true });
this.dataLayer.options.code = "D";
this.gpsLayer = new L.OSM.GPS({
pane: "overlayPane",
code: "G"
+ this.gpsLayer.on("add", () => {
+ this.fire("overlayadd", { layer: this.gpsLayer });
+ }).on("remove", () => {
+ this.fire("overlayremove", { layer: this.gpsLayer });
+ });
- this.on("layeradd", function (event) {
+ this.on("baselayerchange", function (event) {
if (this.baseLayers.indexOf(event.layer) >= 0) {
link.attr("target", "_blank");
return link.prop("outerHTML");
- } else {
- return text;
+ return text;
updateLayers: function (layerParam) {
- var layers = layerParam || "M",
- layersAdded = "";
- for (var i = this.baseLayers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (layers.indexOf(this.baseLayers[i].options.code) >= 0) {
- this.addLayer(this.baseLayers[i]);
- layersAdded = layersAdded + this.baseLayers[i].options.code;
- } else if (i === 0 && layersAdded === "") {
- this.addLayer(this.baseLayers[i]);
- } else {
- this.removeLayer(this.baseLayers[i]);
+ const oldBaseLayer = this.getMapBaseLayer();
+ let newBaseLayer;
+ for (const layer of this.baseLayers) {
+ if (!newBaseLayer || layerParam.includes(layer.options.code)) {
+ newBaseLayer = layer;
+ if (newBaseLayer !== oldBaseLayer) {
+ if (oldBaseLayer) this.removeLayer(oldBaseLayer);
+ if (newBaseLayer) this.addLayer(newBaseLayer);
+ }
getLayersCode: function () {
- var layerConfig = "";
+ let layerConfig = "";
this.eachLayer(function (layer) {
if (layer.options && layer.options.code) {
layerConfig += layer.options.code;
getUrl: function (marker) {
- var precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(this.getZoom()),
- params = {};
+ const params = {};
if (marker && this.hasLayer(marker)) {
- var latLng = marker.getLatLng().wrap();
- params.mlat = latLng.lat.toFixed(precision);
- params.mlon = latLng.lng.toFixed(precision);
+ [params.mlat, params.mlon] = OSM.cropLocation(marker.getLatLng(), this.getZoom());
- var url = window.location.protocol + "//" + OSM.SERVER_URL + "/",
- query = Qs.stringify(params),
- hash = OSM.formatHash(this);
+ let url = location.protocol + "//" + OSM.SERVER_URL + "/";
+ const query = new URLSearchParams(params),
+ hash = OSM.formatHash(this);
if (query) url += "?" + query;
if (hash) url += hash;
getShortUrl: function (marker) {
- var zoom = this.getZoom(),
- latLng = marker && this.hasLayer(marker) ? marker.getLatLng().wrap() : this.getCenter().wrap(),
- str = window.location.hostname.match(/^www\.openstreetmap\.org/i) ?
- window.location.protocol + "//osm.org/go/" :
- window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname + "/go/",
- char_array = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_~",
- x = Math.round((latLng.lng + 180.0) * ((1 << 30) / 90.0)),
- y = Math.round((latLng.lat + 90.0) * ((1 << 30) / 45.0)),
- // JavaScript only has to keep 32 bits of bitwise operators, so this has to be
- // done in two parts. each of the parts c1/c2 has 30 bits of the total in it
- // and drops the last 4 bits of the full 64 bit Morton code.
- c1 = interlace(x >>> 17, y >>> 17), c2 = interlace((x >>> 2) & 0x7fff, (y >>> 2) & 0x7fff),
- digit,
- i;
- for (i = 0; i < Math.ceil((zoom + 8) / 3.0) && i < 5; ++i) {
- digit = (c1 >> (24 - (6 * i))) & 0x3f;
+ const zoom = this.getZoom(),
+ latLng = marker && this.hasLayer(marker) ? marker.getLatLng().wrap() : this.getCenter().wrap(),
+ char_array = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_~",
+ x = Math.round((latLng.lng + 180.0) * ((1 << 30) / 90.0)),
+ y = Math.round((latLng.lat + 90.0) * ((1 << 30) / 45.0)),
+ // JavaScript only has to keep 32 bits of bitwise operators, so this has to be
+ // done in two parts. each of the parts c1/c2 has 30 bits of the total in it
+ // and drops the last 4 bits of the full 64 bit Morton code.
+ c1 = interlace(x >>> 17, y >>> 17),
+ c2 = interlace((x >>> 2) & 0x7fff, (y >>> 2) & 0x7fff);
+ let str = location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname.replace(/^www\.openstreetmap\.org/i, "osm.org") + "/go/";
+ for (let i = 0; i < Math.ceil((zoom + 8) / 3.0) && i < 5; ++i) {
+ const digit = (c1 >> (24 - (6 * i))) & 0x3f;
str += char_array.charAt(digit);
- for (i = 5; i < Math.ceil((zoom + 8) / 3.0); ++i) {
- digit = (c2 >> (24 - (6 * (i - 5)))) & 0x3f;
+ for (let i = 5; i < Math.ceil((zoom + 8) / 3.0); ++i) {
+ const digit = (c2 >> (24 - (6 * (i - 5)))) & 0x3f;
str += char_array.charAt(digit);
- for (i = 0; i < ((zoom + 8) % 3); ++i) str += "-";
+ for (let i = 0; i < ((zoom + 8) % 3); ++i) str += "-";
// Called to interlace the bits in x and y, making a Morton code.
function interlace(x, y) {
- var interlaced_x = x,
+ let interlaced_x = x,
interlaced_y = y;
interlaced_x = (interlaced_x | (interlaced_x << 8)) & 0x00ff00ff;
interlaced_x = (interlaced_x | (interlaced_x << 4)) & 0x0f0f0f0f;
return (interlaced_x << 1) | interlaced_y;
- var params = {};
- var layers = this.getLayersCode().replace("M", "");
+ const params = new URLSearchParams();
+ const layers = this.getLayersCode().replace("M", "");
if (layers) {
- params.layers = layers;
+ params.set("layers", layers);
if (marker && this.hasLayer(marker)) {
- params.m = "";
+ params.set("m", "");
if (this._object) {
- params[this._object.type] = this._object.id;
+ params.set(this._object.type, this._object.id);
- var query = Qs.stringify(params);
+ const query = params.toString();
if (query) {
str += "?" + query;
getGeoUri: function (marker) {
- var precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(this.getZoom()),
- latLng,
- params = {};
+ let latLng = this.getCenter();
+ const zoom = this.getZoom();
if (marker && this.hasLayer(marker)) {
- latLng = marker.getLatLng().wrap();
- } else {
- latLng = this.getCenter();
+ latLng = marker.getLatLng();
- params.lat = latLng.lat.toFixed(precision);
- params.lon = latLng.lng.toFixed(precision);
- params.zoom = this.getZoom();
- return "geo:" + params.lat + "," + params.lon + "?z=" + params.zoom;
+ return `geo:${OSM.cropLocation(latLng, zoom).join(",")}?z=${zoom}`;
addObject: function (object, callback) {
- var objectStyle = {
+ const objectStyle = {
color: "#FF6200",
weight: 4,
opacity: 1,
fillOpacity: 0.5
- var changesetStyle = {
+ const changesetStyle = {
weight: 4,
color: "#FF9500",
opacity: 1,
interactive: false
- var haloStyle = {
+ const haloStyle = {
weight: 2.5,
radius: 20,
fillOpacity: 0.5,
if (object.type === "note" || object.type === "changeset") {
- this._objectLoader = {
- abort: function () {}
- };
+ this._objectLoader = { abort: () => {} };
this._object = object;
this._objectLayer = L.featureGroup().addTo(this);
if (callback) callback(this._objectLayer.getBounds());
+ this.fire("overlayadd", { layer: this._objectLayer });
} else { // element handled by L.OSM.DataLayer
- var map = this;
- this._objectLoader = $.ajax({
- url: OSM.apiUrl(object),
- dataType: "xml",
- success: function (xml) {
+ const map = this;
+ this._objectLoader = new AbortController();
+ fetch(OSM.apiUrl(object), {
+ headers: { accept: "application/json" },
+ signal: this._objectLoader.signal
+ })
+ .then(response => response.json())
+ .then(function (data) {
map._object = object;
map._objectLayer = new L.OSM.DataLayer(null, {
map._objectLayer.interestingNode = function (node, wayNodes, relationNodes) {
- if (object.type === "node") {
- return true;
- } else if (object.type === "relation") {
- if (relationNodes[node.id]) return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
+ return object.type === "node" ||
+ (object.type === "relation" && Boolean(relationNodes[node.id]));
- map._objectLayer.addData(xml);
+ map._objectLayer.addData(data);
if (callback) callback(map._objectLayer.getBounds());
- }
- });
+ map.fire("overlayadd", { layer: map._objectLayer });
+ })
+ .catch(() => {});
this._object = null;
if (this._objectLoader) this._objectLoader.abort();
if (this._objectLayer) this.removeLayer(this._objectLayer);
+ this.fire("overlayremove", { layer: this._objectLayer });
getState: function () {
setSidebarOverlaid: function (overlaid) {
- var sidebarWidth = 350;
+ const mediumDeviceWidth = window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue("--bs-breakpoint-md");
+ const isMediumDevice = window.matchMedia(`(max-width: ${mediumDeviceWidth})`).matches;
+ const sidebarWidth = $("#sidebar").width();
+ const sidebarHeight = $("#sidebar").height();
if (overlaid && !$("#content").hasClass("overlay-sidebar")) {
this.invalidateSize({ pan: false });
- if ($("html").attr("dir") !== "rtl") {
+ if (isMediumDevice) {
+ this.panBy([0, -sidebarHeight], { animate: false });
+ } else if ($("html").attr("dir") !== "rtl") {
this.panBy([-sidebarWidth, 0], { animate: false });
} else if (!overlaid && $("#content").hasClass("overlay-sidebar")) {
- if ($("html").attr("dir") !== "rtl") {
+ if (isMediumDevice) {
+ this.panBy([0, $("#map").height() / 2], { animate: false });
+ } else if ($("html").attr("dir") !== "rtl") {
this.panBy([sidebarWidth, 0], { animate: false });
_oldGetIconUrl: L.Icon.Default.prototype._getIconUrl,
_getIconUrl: function (name) {
- var url = this._oldGetIconUrl(name);
+ const url = this._oldGetIconUrl(name);
return L.Icon.Default.imageUrls[url];
+OSM.isDarkMap = function () {
+ const mapTheme = $("body").attr("data-map-theme");
+ if (mapTheme) return mapTheme === "dark";
+ const siteTheme = $("html").attr("data-bs-theme");
+ if (siteTheme) return siteTheme === "dark";
+ return window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches;
OSM.getUserIcon = function (url) {
return L.icon({
iconUrl: url || OSM.MARKER_RED,