+ # The Dispatcher class handles decoding a series of RPC calls
+ # from the request, dispatching them, and encoding the response
+ class Dispatcher
+ def initialize(request, &_block)
+ # Get stream for request data
+ @request = StringIO.new(request + 0.chr)
+ # Skip version indicator and client ID
+ @request.read(2)
+ # Skip headers
+ AMF.getint(@request).times do # Read number of headers and loop
+ AMF.getstring(@request) # | skip name
+ req.getbyte # | skip boolean
+ AMF.getvalue(@request) # | skip value
+ end
+ # Capture the dispatch routine
+ @dispatch = Proc.new
+ end
+ def each(&_block)
+ # Read number of message bodies
+ bodies = AMF.getint(@request)
+ # Output response header
+ a, b = bodies.divmod(256)
+ yield 0.chr + 0.chr + 0.chr + 0.chr + a.chr + b.chr
+ # Process the bodies
+ bodies.times do # Read each body
+ name = AMF.getstring(@request) # | get message name
+ index = AMF.getstring(@request) # | get index in response sequence
+ bytes = AMF.getlong(@request) # | get total size in bytes
+ args = AMF.getvalue(@request) # | get response (probably an array)
+ result = @dispatch.call(name, *args)
+ yield AMF.putdata(index, result)
+ end
+ end
+ end