friendly: "%e %B %Y at %H:%M"
blog: "%e %B %Y"
+ helpers:
+ submit:
+ diary_entry:
+ create: "Publish"
+ update: "Update"
title: New Diary Entry
- publish_button: "Publish"
+ form:
+ subject: "Subject:"
+ body: "Body:"
+ language: "Language:"
+ location: "Location:"
+ latitude: "Latitude:"
+ longitude: "Longitude:"
+ use_map_link: "use map"
title: "Users' diaries"
title_friends: "Friends' diaries"
older_entries: Older Entries
newer_entries: Newer Entries
- title: "Edit diary entry"
- subject: "Subject:"
- body: "Body:"
- language: "Language:"
- location: "Location:"
- latitude: "Latitude:"
- longitude: "Longitude:"
- use_map_link: "use map"
- save_button: "Save"
+ title: Edit Diary Entry
marker_text: Diary entry location
title: "%{user}'s diary | %{title}"
other: "%{count} comments"
edit_link: Edit this entry
hide_link: Hide this entry
+ unhide_link: Unhide this entry
confirm: Confirm
report: Report this entry
partners_ucl: "UCL"
partners_bytemark: "Bytemark Hosting"
partners_partners: "partners"
- intro_tou_html: "Use of this site is subject to our %{tou_link}."
tou: "Terms of Use"
osm_offline: "The OpenStreetMap database is currently offline while essential database maintenance work is carried out."
osm_read_only: "The OpenStreetMap database is currently in read-only mode while essential database maintenance work is carried out."
title: "Terms"
heading: "Terms"
heading_ct: "Contributor terms"
- read and accept: "Please read the contributor agreement and the terms of use, check the checkbox when done and then press the agree button to confirm that you accept the terms of both documents."
+ read and accept with tou: "Please read the contributor agreement and the terms of use, check both checkboxes when done and then press the continue button."
contributor_terms_explain: "This agreement governs the terms for your existing and future contributions."
- tou_explain: "These terms govern the use of the website and other infrastructure provided by the OSMF."
- read_tou_html: "I have read and agree to the %{tou_link}"
+ read_ct: "I have read and agree to the above contributor terms"
+ tou_explain_html: "These %{tou_link} govern the use of the website and other infrastructure provided by the OSMF. Please click on the link, read and aggree to the text."
+ read_tou: "I have read and agree to the Terms of Use"
consider_pd: "In addition to the above, I consider my contributions to be in the Public Domain"
consider_pd_why: "what's this?"
guidance: 'Information to help understand these terms: a <a href="%{summary}">human readable summary</a> and some <a href="%{translations}">informal translations</a>'
- agree: Agree
+ continue: Continue
declined: ""
decline: "Decline"
you need to accept or decline: "Please read and then either accept or decline the new Contributor Terms to continue."
confirm: "Are you sure you wish to revoke this block?"
revoke: "Revoke!"
flash: "This block has been revoked."
- period:
- one: "1 hour"
- other: "%{count} hours"
time_future: "Ends in %{time}."
until_login: "Active until the user logs in."
time_future_and_until_login: "Ends in %{time} and after the user has logged in."
time_past: "Ended %{time} ago."
+ block_duration:
+ hours:
+ one: "1 hour"
+ other: "%{count} hours"
+ days:
+ one: "1 day"
+ other: "%{count} days"
+ weeks:
+ one: "1 week"
+ other: "%{count} weeks"
+ months:
+ one: "1 month"
+ other: "%{count} months"
+ years:
+ one: "1 year"
+ other: "%{count} years"
title: "Blocks on %{name}"
heading: "List of blocks on %{name}"