assert_response :success,
"can't upload a deletion diff to changeset: #{@response.body}"
+ # check the response is well-formed
+ assert_select "diffResult>node", 1
+ assert_select "diffResult>way", 1
+ assert_select "diffResult>relation", 2
# check that everything was deleted
assert_equal false, Node.find(current_nodes(:node_used_by_relationship).id).visible
assert_equal false, Way.find(current_ways(:used_way).id).visible
assert_equal false, Relation.find(current_relations(:used_relation).id).visible
+ ##
+ # test uploading a delete with no lat/lon, as they are optional in
+ # the osmChange spec.
+ def test_upload_nolatlon_delete
+ basic_authorization "", "test"
+ node = current_nodes(:visible_node)
+ cs = changesets(:normal_user_first_change)
+ diff = "<osmChange><delete><node id='#{}' version='#{node.version}' changeset='#{}'/></delete></osmChange>"
+ # upload it
+ content diff
+ post :upload, :id =>
+ assert_response :success,
+ "can't upload a deletion diff to changeset: #{@response.body}"
+ # check the response is well-formed
+ assert_select "diffResult>node", 1
+ # check that everything was deleted
+ assert_equal false, Node.find(
+ end
# test that deleting stuff in a transaction doesn't bypass the checks
# to ensure that used elements are not deleted.
post :upload, :id => 1
assert_response :success,
"can't upload multiple versions of an element in a diff: #{@response.body}"
+ # check the response is well-formed. its counter-intuitive, but the
+ # API will return multiple elements with the same ID and different
+ # version numbers for each change we made.
+ assert_select "diffResult>node", 8
assert_equal @response.body, "Unknown action ping, choices are create, modify, delete."
+ ##
+ # upload a valid changeset which has a mixture of whitespace
+ # to check a bug reported by ivansanchez (#1565).
+ def test_upload_whitespace_valid
+ basic_authorization "", "test"
+ diff = <<EOF
+ <modify><node id='1' lon='0' lat='0' changeset='1'
+ version='1'></node>
+ <node id='1' lon='1' lat='1' changeset='1' version='2'><tag k='k' v='v'/></node></modify>
+ <modify>
+ <relation id='1' changeset='1' version='1'><member
+ type='way' role='some' ref='3'/><member
+ type='node' role='some' ref='5'/>
+ <member type='relation' role='some' ref='3'/>
+ </relation>
+ </modify></osmChange>
+ # upload it
+ content diff
+ post :upload, :id => 1
+ assert_response :success,
+ "can't upload a valid diff with whitespace variations to changeset: #{@response.body}"
+ # check the response is well-formed
+ assert_select "diffResult>node", 2
+ assert_select "diffResult>relation", 1
+ # check that the changes made it into the database
+ assert_equal 1, Node.find(1).tags.size, "node 1 should now have one tag"
+ assert_equal 0, Relation.find(1).tags.size, "relation 1 should now have no tags"
+ end
+ ##
+ # upload a valid changeset which has a mixture of whitespace
+ # to check a bug reported by ivansanchez.
+ def test_upload_reuse_placeholder_valid
+ basic_authorization "", "test"
+ diff = <<EOF
+ <create>
+ <node id='-1' lon='0' lat='0' changeset='1'>
+ <tag k="foo" v="bar"/>
+ </node>
+ </create>
+ <modify>
+ <node id='-1' lon='1' lat='1' changeset='1' version='1'/>
+ </modify>
+ <delete>
+ <node id='-1' lon='2' lat='2' changeset='1' version='2'/>
+ </delete>
+ # upload it
+ content diff
+ post :upload, :id => 1
+ assert_response :success,
+ "can't upload a valid diff with re-used placeholders to changeset: #{@response.body}"
+ # check the response is well-formed
+ assert_select "diffResult>node", 3
+ assert_select "diffResult>node[old_id=-1]", 3
+ end
+ ##
+ # test what happens if a diff upload re-uses placeholder IDs in an
+ # illegal way.
+ def test_upload_placeholder_invalid
+ basic_authorization "", "test"
+ diff = <<EOF
+ <create>
+ <node id='-1' lon='0' lat='0' changeset='1' version='1'/>
+ <node id='-1' lon='1' lat='1' changeset='1' version='1'/>
+ <node id='-1' lon='2' lat='2' changeset='1' version='2'/>
+ </create>
+ # upload it
+ content diff
+ post :upload, :id => 1
+ assert_response :bad_request,
+ "shouldn't be able to re-use placeholder IDs"
+ end
+ ##
+ # test for more issues in #1568
+ def test_upload_empty_invalid
+ basic_authorization "", "test"
+ [ "<osmChange/>",
+ "<osmChange></osmChange>",
+ "<osmChange><modify/></osmChange>",
+ "<osmChange><modify></modify></osmChange>"
+ ].each do |diff|
+ # upload it
+ content diff
+ post :upload, :id => 1
+ assert_response(:success, "should be able to upload " +
+ "empty changeset: " + diff)
+ end
+ end
# when we make some simple changes we get the same changes back from the
# diff download.