- xs1=xc-0.001; xs2=xc+0.001
- ys1=yc-0.001; ys2=yc+0.001
- sql=<<-EOF
- SELECT cn1.latitude AS lat1,cn1.longitude AS lon1,cn1.id AS id1,
- cn2.latitude AS lat2,cn2.longitude AS lon2,cn2.id AS id2, cs.id AS segid
- FROM current_nodes AS cn1,
- current_nodes AS cn2,
- current_segments AS cs
- LEFT OUTER JOIN current_way_nodes ON segment_id=cs.id
- WHERE (cn1.longitude BETWEEN #{xs1} AND #{xs2})
- AND (cn1.latitude BETWEEN #{ys1} AND #{ys2})
- AND segment_id IS NULL
- AND cs.visible=1
- AND cn1.id=node_a AND cn1.visible=1
- AND cn2.id=node_b AND cn2.visible=1
- ORDER BY SQRT(POW(cn1.longitude-#{xc},2)+
- POW(cn1.latitude -#{yc},2))
- row=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_one sql
- if row.nil? then return [0,0,0,0,0] end
- xs1=long2coord(row['lon1'].to_f,baselong,masterscale); ys1=lat2coord(row['lat1'].to_f,basey,masterscale)
- xs2=long2coord(row['lon2'].to_f,baselong,masterscale); ys2=lat2coord(row['lat2'].to_f,basey,masterscale)
- xmin=[xs1,xs2].min; xmax=[xs1,xs2].max
- ymin=[ys1,ys2].min; ymax=[ys1,ys2].max
- nodesused[row['id1'].to_i]=true
- nodesused[row['id2'].to_i]=true
- points<<[xs1,ys1,row['id1'].to_i,1,{},0]
- points<<[xs2,ys2,row['id2'].to_i,1,{},row['segid'].to_i]
- # - extend at start, then end
- while (a,point,nodesused,toreverse=findconnect(points[0][2],nodesused,'b',toreverse,baselong,basey,masterscale))[0]
- points[0][5]=point[5]; point[5]=0 # segment leads to next node
- points.unshift(point)
- xmin=[point[0],xmin].min; xmax=[point[0],xmax].max
- ymin=[point[1],ymin].min; ymax=[point[1],ymax].max
- end
- while (a,point,nodesused,toreverse=findconnect(points[-1][2],nodesused,'a',toreverse,baselong,basey,masterscale))[0]
- points.push(point)
- xmin=[point[0],xmin].min; xmax=[point[0],xmax].max
- ymin=[point[1],ymin].min; ymax=[point[1],ymax].max
- end
- points[0][3]=0 # start with a move
- # reverse segments in toreverse
- if toreverse.length>0
- sql=<<-EOF
- UPDATE current_segments c1, current_segments c2
- SET c1.node_a=c2.node_b,c1.node_b=c2.node_a,
- c1.timestamp=NOW(),c1.user_id=#{uid}
- WHERE c1.id=c2.id
- AND c1.id IN (#{toreverse.join(',')})
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.update sql
- sql=<<-EOF
- INSERT INTO segments
- (SELECT * FROM current_segments
- WHERE id IN (#{toreverse.join(',')}))
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert sql
- end
+def readwayquery_old(id,version,historic)
+ # Node handling on undelete (historic=false):
+ # - always use the node specified, even if it's moved
+ # Node handling on revert (historic=true):
+ # - if it's a visible node, use a new node id (i.e. not mucking up the old one)
+ # which means the SWF needs to allocate new ids
+ # - if it's an invisible node, we can reuse the old node id
+ # get node list from specified version of way,
+ # and the _current_ lat/long/tags of each node
+ row=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_one("SELECT timestamp FROM ways WHERE version=#{version} AND id=#{id}")
+ waytime=row['timestamp']