+ ##
+ # check that all relations containing a particular node, and no extra
+ # relations, are returned from the relations_for_node call.
+ def test_relations_for_node
+ node_id = current_nodes(:node_used_by_relationship).id
+ # fetch all the relations which contain that node
+ get :relations_for_node, :id => node_id
+ assert_response :success
+ # the results we expect
+ expected_relations = [ :visible_relation, :used_relation ]
+ # count one osm element
+ assert_select "osm[version=#{API_VERSION}][generator=\"OpenStreetMap server\"]", 1
+ # we should have only the expected number of relations
+ assert_select "osm>relation", expected_relations.size
+ # and each of them should contain the node we originally searched for
+ expected_relations.each do |r|
+ relation_id = current_relations(r).id
+ assert_select "osm>relation#?", relation_id
+ assert_select "osm>relation#?>member[type=\"node\"][ref=#{node_id}]", relation_id
+ end
+ end
+ def test_relations_for_way
+ # check the "relations for way" mode
+ get :relations_for_way, :id => current_ways(:used_way).id
+ assert_response :success
+ # FIXME check whether this contains the stuff we want!
+ print @response.body
+ end
+ end
+ def test_relations_for_relation
+ # check the "relations for relation" mode
+ get :relations_for_relation, :id => current_relations(:used_relation).id
+ assert_response :success
+ # FIXME check whether this contains the stuff we want!
+ print @response.body
+ end
+ end
+ def test_full
+ # check the "full" mode
+ get :full, :id => current_relations(:visible_relation).id
+ assert_response :success
+ # FIXME check whether this contains the stuff we want!
+ print @response.body
+ end
+ end