+# Allowed status values
+ "online", # online and operating normally
+ "api_readonly", # site online but API in read-only mode
+ "api_offline", # site online but API offline
+ "database_readonly", # database and site in read-only mode
+ "database_offline", # database offline with site in emergency mode
+ "gpx_offline" # gpx storage offline
Config.setup do |config|
# Name of the constant exposing loaded settings
config.const_name = "Settings"
# Load environment variables from the `ENV` object and override any settings defined in files.
- # config.use_env = false
+ config.use_env = true
# Define ENV variable prefix deciding which variables to load into config.
- # config.env_prefix = 'Settings'
+ config.env_prefix = "OPENSTREETMAP"
# What string to use as level separator for settings loaded from ENV variables. Default value of '.' works well
# with Heroku, but you might want to change it for example for '__' to easy override settings from command line, where
# using dots in variable names might not be allowed (eg. Bash).
- # config.env_separator = '.'
+ config.env_separator = "_"
# Ability to process variables names:
# * nil - no change
# * :downcase - convert to lower case
- # config.env_converter = :downcase
+ config.env_converter = :downcase
# Parse numeric values as integers instead of strings.
+ required(:status).filled(:str?, :included_in? => ALLOWED_STATUS)