- id: sotmus2016
- alt: State of the Map US 2016
- link: http://stateofthemap.us/
- img: banners/sotmus-2016.jpg
- enddate: 2016-jul-23
- id: sotm2016
- alt: State of the Map 2016
- link: http://2016.stateofthemap.org/
- img: banners/sotm-2016.jpg
- enddate: 2016-sep-23
- id: fossgis2016
- alt: FOSSGIS conference 2016
- link: http://www.fossgis-konferenz.de/2016/
- img: banners/fossgis-2016.jpg
- enddate: 2016-jul-04
+ id: sotm_2020
+ alt: State of the Map 2020
+ link: https://2020.stateofthemap.org/
+ img: banners/sotm_2020.png
+ enddate: 2020-jul-05