-<% if API_STATUS == :offline %>
+<% if OSM_STATUS == :database_offline or OSM_STATUS == :api_offline %>
<p>The OpenStreetMap database is currently offline while
essential database maintenance work is carried out.
-<% elsif API_STATUS == :readonly %>
+<% elsif OSM_STATUS == :database_readonly or OSM_STATUS == :api_readonly %>
<p>The OpenStreetMap database is currently in read-only mode while
essential database maintenance work is carried out.
<%= render :partial => 'sidebar', :locals => { :onopen => "resizeMap();", :onclose => "resizeMap();" } %>
<%= render :partial => 'search' %>
-<% session[:token] = @user.tokens.create.token unless session[:token] %>
-<% if params['mlon'] and params['mlat'] %>
- <% lon = h(params['mlon']) %>
- <% lat = h(params['mlat']) %>
- <% zoom = h(params['zoom'] || '14') %>
-<% elsif @user and params['lon'].nil? and params['lat'].nil? and params['gpx'].nil? %>
- <% lon = @user.home_lon %>
- <% lat = @user.home_lat %>
- <% zoom = '14' %>
-<% else %>
- <% lon = h(params['lon'] || 'null') %>
- <% lat = h(params['lat'] || 'null') %>
- <% zoom = h(params['zoom'] || '14') %>
-<% end %>
+session[:token] = @user.tokens.create.token unless session[:token]
+# Decide on a lat lon to initialise potlatch with. Various ways of doing this
+if params['lon'] and params['lat']
+ lon = h(params['lon'])
+ lat = h(params['lat'])
+ zoom = h(params['zoom'])
+elsif params['mlon'] and params['mlat']
+ lon = h(params['mlon'])
+ lat = h(params['mlat'])
+ zoom = h(params['zoom'])
+elsif params['gpx']
+ #use gpx id to locate (dealt with below)
+elsif cookies.key?("_osm_location")
+ lon,lat,zoom,layers = cookies["_osm_location"].split("|")
+elsif @user and !@user.home_lon.nil? and !@user.home_lat.nil?
+ lon = @user.home_lon
+ lat = @user.home_lat
+ #catch all. Do nothing. lat=nil, lon=nil
+ #Currently this results in potlatch starting up at 0,0 (Atlantic ocean).
+zoom='14' if zoom.nil?
<div id="map">
You need a Flash player to use Potlatch, the
fo.addVariable('token','<%= session[:token] %>');
if (lat) { fo.addVariable('lat',lat); }
if (lon) { fo.addVariable('long',lon); }
- <% if params['gpx'] %>
- fo.addVariable('gpx','<%= h(params['gpx']) %>');
- <% end %>
+ <% if params['gpx'] %>fo.addVariable('gpx' ,'<%= h(params['gpx'] ) %>');<% end %>
+ <% if params['way'] %>fo.addVariable('way' ,'<%= h(params['way'] ) %>');<% end %>
+ <% if params['node'] %>fo.addVariable('node','<%= h(params['node']) %>');<% end %>
+ function maximiseMap() {
+ $("left").style.display = "none";
+ $("greeting").style.display = "none";
+ $("tabnav").style.display = "none";
+ $("content").style.top = "10px";
+ $("content").style.left = "10px";
+ handleResize();
+ }
+ function minimiseMap() {
+ $("left").style.display = "";
+ $("greeting").style.display = "";
+ $("tabnav").style.display = "";
+ $("content").style.top = "35px";
+ $("content").style.left = "192px";
+ handleResize();
+ }
window.onload = handleResize;