# Author: Alefar
# Author: Andibing
# Author: BEANS
+# Author: Back ache
# Author: Bjh21
# Author: Bpfhjquevaps
# Author: Bruce89
openid: OpenID
google: Google
facebook: Facebook
- windowslive: Windows Live
github: GitHub
wikipedia: Wikipedia
created: Created
closed: Closed
- created_html: Created <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time}</abbr>
- closed_html: Closed <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time}</abbr>
- created_by_html: Created <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time}</abbr> by %{user}
- deleted_by_html: Deleted <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time}</abbr> by %{user}
- edited_by_html: Edited <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time}</abbr> by %{user}
- closed_by_html: Closed <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time}</abbr> by %{user}
version: Version
in_changeset: Changeset
anonymous: anonymous
relation: Relations (%{count})
relation_paginated: Relations (%{x}-%{y} of %{count})
comment: Comments (%{count})
- hidden_commented_by_html: Hidden comment from %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
- commented_by_html: Comment from %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
changesetxml: Changeset XML
osmchangexml: osmChange XML
km away: '%{count}km away'
m away: '%{count}m away'
+ latest_edit_html: 'Latest edit (%{ago}):'
your location: Your location
nearby mapper: Nearby mapper
comment: Comment
newer_comments: Newer Comments
older_comments: Older Comments
+ doorkeeper:
+ errors:
+ messages:
+ account_selection_required: The authorisation server requires end-user account
+ selection
+ consent_required: The authorisation server requires end-user consent
+ interaction_required: The authorisation server requires end-user interaction
+ login_required: The authorisation server requires end-user authentication
heading: Add %{user} as a friend?
success: '%{name} was removed from your friends.'
not_a_friend: '%{name} is not one of your friends.'
- search:
- title:
- latlon_html: Results from <a href="https://openstreetmap.org/">Internal</a>
- osm_nominatim_html: Results from <a href="https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/">OpenStreetMap
- Nominatim</a>
- osm_nominatim_reverse_html: Results from <a href="https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/">OpenStreetMap
- Nominatim</a>
failed_to_import: 'failed to import. Here is the error:'
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] GPX Import failure'
- loaded_successfully:
- one: loaded successfully with %{trace_points} out of a possible 1 point.
- other: loaded successfully with %{trace_points} out of a possible %{possible_points}
- points.
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] GPX Import success'
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Welcome to OpenStreetMap'
destroyed: Message deleted
- lost_password:
+ new:
title: Lost password
heading: Forgotten Password?
email address: E-mail address
new password button: Reset password
help_text: Enter the e-mail address you used to sign up, we will send a link
to it that you can use to reset your password.
+ create:
notice email on way: Sorry you lost it :-( but an email is on its way so you
can reset it soon.
notice email cannot find: Could not find that email address, sorry.
- reset_password:
+ edit:
title: Reset password
heading: Reset Password for %{user}
reset: Reset Password
- flash changed: Your password has been changed.
flash token bad: Did not find that token, check the URL maybe?
+ update:
+ flash changed: Your password has been changed.
image: Image
gravatar: Use Gravatar
- link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Gravatar
disabled: Gravatar has been disabled.
enabled: Display of your Gravatar has been enabled.
new image: Add an image
title: Login with Facebook
alt: Login with a Facebook Account
- windowslive:
+ microsoft:
title: Login with Windows Live
alt: Login with a Windows Live Account
next: Next
- copyright_html: <span>©</span>OpenStreetMap<br>contributors
lede_text: OpenStreetMap is built by a community of mappers that contribute
and maintain data about roads, trails, cafés, railway stations, and much more,
all over the world.
aerial imagery, GPS devices, and low-tech field maps to verify that OSM
is accurate and up to date.
community_driven_title: Community Driven
- community_driven_html: |-
- OpenStreetMap's community is diverse, passionate, and growing every day. Our contributors include enthusiast mappers, GIS professionals, engineers running the OSM servers, humanitarians mapping disaster-affected areas, and many more.
- To learn more about the community, see the <a href='https://blog.openstreetmap.org'>OpenStreetMap Blog</a>, <a href='%{diary_path}'>user diaries</a>, <a href='https://blogs.openstreetmap.org/'>community blogs</a>, and the <a href='https://www.osmfoundation.org/'>OSM Foundation</a> website.
open_data_title: Open Data
- open_data_html: |-
- OpenStreetMap is <i>open data</i>: you are free to use it for any purpose
- as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or
- build upon the data in certain ways, you may distribute the result only
- under the same licence. See the <a href='%{copyright_path}'>Copyright and
- Licence page</a> for details.
legal_title: Legal
- legal_1_html: "This site and many other related services are formally operated
- by the \n<a href='https://osmfoundation.org/'>OpenStreetMap Foundation</a>
- (OSMF) \non behalf of the community. Use of all OSMF operated services is
- subject \nto our <a href=\"https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Terms_of_Use\">Terms
- of Use</a>, <a href=\"https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Acceptable_Use_Policy\">\nAcceptable
- Use Policies</a> and our <a href=\"https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Privacy_Policy\">Privacy
- Policy</a>."
partners_title: Partners
mapping_link: start mapping
title_html: Copyright and Licence
- intro_1_html: |-
- OpenStreetMap<sup><a href="#trademarks">®</a></sup> is <i>open data</i>, licensed under the <a
- href="https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/">Open Data
- Commons Open Database License</a> (ODbL) by the <a
- href="https://osmfoundation.org/">OpenStreetMap Foundation</a> (OSMF).
- intro_2_html: You are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt our data,
- as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or
- build upon our data, you may distribute the result only under the same licence.
- The full <a href="https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/">legal
- code</a> explains your rights and responsibilities.
- intro_3_1_html: "Our documentation is licensed under the \n<a href=\"https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/\">Creative\nCommons
- Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0</a> licence (CC BY-SA 2.0)."
credit_title_html: How to credit OpenStreetMap
- credit_4_html: |-
- To make clear that the data is available under the Open
- Database License, you may link to
- <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">this copyright page</a>.
- Alternatively, and as a requirement if you are distributing OSM in a
- data form, you can name and link directly to the licence(s). In media
- where links are not possible (e.g. printed works), we suggest you
- direct your readers to openstreetmap.org (perhaps by expanding
- 'OpenStreetMap' to this full address) and to opendatacommons.org.
- In this example, the credit appears in the corner of the map.
alt: Example of how to attribute OpenStreetMap on a webpage
title: Attribution example
more_title_html: Finding out more
- more_1_html: |-
- Read more about using our data, and how to credit us, at the <a
- href="https://osmfoundation.org/Licence">OSMF Licence page</a>.
- more_2_html: |-
- Although OpenStreetMap is open data, we cannot provide a
- free-of-charge map API for third-parties.
- See our <a href="https://operations.osmfoundation.org/policies/api/">API Usage Policy</a>,
- <a href="https://operations.osmfoundation.org/policies/tiles/">Tile Usage Policy</a>
- and <a href="https://operations.osmfoundation.org/policies/nominatim/">Nominatim Usage Policy</a>.
contributors_title_html: Our contributors
contributors_intro_html: |-
Our contributors are thousands of individuals. We also include
openly-licenced data from national mapping agencies
and other sources, among them:
- contributors_at_html: |-
- <strong>Austria</strong>: Contains data from
- <a href="http://data.wien.gv.at/">Stadt Wien</a> (under
- <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/at/deed.de">CC BY</a>),
- <a href="http://www.vorarlberg.at/vorarlberg/bauen_wohnen/bauen/vermessung_geoinformation/weitereinformationen/services/wmsdienste.htm">Land Vorarlberg</a> and
- Land Tirol (under <a href="http://www.tirol.gv.at/applikationen/e-government/data/nutzungsbedingungen/">CC BY AT with amendments</a>).
- contributors_ca_html: |-
- <strong>Canada</strong>: Contains data from
- GeoBase®, GeoGratis (© Department of Natural
- Resources Canada), CanVec (© Department of Natural
- Resources Canada), and StatCan (Geography Division,
- Statistics Canada).
- contributors_fi_html: |-
- <strong>Finland</strong>: Contains data from the
- National Land Survey of Finland's Topographic Database
- and other datasets, under the
- <a href="http://www.maanmittauslaitos.fi/en/NLS_open_data_licence_version1_20120501">NLSFI Licence</a>.
- contributors_fr_html: '<strong>France</strong>: Contains data sourced from
- Direction Générale des Impôts.'
- contributors_nl_html: '<strong>Netherlands</strong>: Contains © AND data,
- 2007 (<a href="http://www.and.com">www.and.com</a>)'
- contributors_nz_html: |-
- <strong>New Zealand</strong>: Contains data sourced from the
- <a href="https://data.linz.govt.nz/">LINZ Data Service</a> and
- licensed for reuse under
- <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">CC BY 4.0</a>.
- contributors_si_html: |-
- <strong>Slovenia</strong>: Contains data from the
- <a href="http://www.gu.gov.si/en/">Surveying and Mapping Authority</a> and
- <a href="http://www.mkgp.gov.si/en/">Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food</a>
- (public information of Slovenia).
- contributors_za_html: '<strong>South Africa</strong>: Contains data sourced
- from <a href="http://www.ngi.gov.za/">Chief Directorate: National Geo-Spatial
- Information</a>, State copyright reserved.'
- contributors_gb_html: '<strong>United Kingdom</strong>: Contains Ordnance
- Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2010-19.'
- contributors_footer_1_html: For further details of these, and other sources
- that have been used to help improve OpenStreetMap, please see the <a href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributors">Contributors
- page</a> on the OpenStreetMap Wiki.
contributors_footer_2_html: Inclusion of data in OpenStreetMap does not imply
that the original data provider endorses OpenStreetMap, provides any warranty,
or accepts any liability.
infringement_1_html: OSM contributors are reminded never to add data from
any copyrighted sources (e.g. Google Maps or printed maps) without explicit
permission from the copyright holders.
- trademarks_title_html: <span id="trademarks"></span>Trademarks
- trademarks_1_html: OpenStreetMap, the magnifying glass logo, and State of
- the Map are registered trademarks of the OpenStreetMap Foundation. If you
- have questions about your use of the marks, please see our <a href="https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Trademark_Policy">Trademark
- Policy</a>.
js_1: You are either using a browser that does not support JavaScript, or you
have disabled JavaScript.
explanation_html: If you have noticed a problem with our map data, for example
a road is missing or your address, the best way to proceed is to join
the OpenStreetMap community and add or repair the data yourself.
- add_a_note:
- instructions_html: Just click <a class='icon note'></a> or the same icon
- on the map display. This will add a marker to the map, which you can move
- by dragging. Add your message, then click save, and other mappers will
- investigate.
title: Other concerns
footway: Footway
rail: Railway
subway: Subway
- tram:
- - Light rail
- - tram
- Cable car
- chairlift
- Airport apron
- terminal
admin: Administrative boundary
- forest: Forest
- wood: Wood
+ forest:
+ - Forest
+ - Wood
golf: Golf course
park: Park
- resident: Residential area
- Common
- meadow
+ resident: Residential area
retail: Retail area
industrial: Industrial area
commercial: Commercial area
trace_not_found: Trace not found!
visibility: 'Visibility:'
- showing_page: Page %{page}
older: Older Traces
newer: Newer Traces
ct status: 'Contributor terms:'
ct undecided: Undecided
ct declined: Declined
- latest edit: 'Latest edit (%{ago}):'
email address: 'Email address:'
created from: 'Created from:'
status: 'Status:'
title: Revoking block on %{block_on}
heading_html: Revoking block on %{block_on} by %{block_by}
- time_future: This block will end in %{time}.
- past: This block ended %{time} and cannot be revoked now.
+ time_future_html: This block will end in %{time}.
+ past_html: This block ended %{time} and cannot be revoked now.
confirm: Are you sure you wish to revoke this block?
revoke: Revoke!
flash: This block has been revoked.
open_title: 'Unresolved note #%{note_name}'
closed_title: 'Resolved note #%{note_name}'
hidden_title: 'Hidden note #%{note_name}'
- opened_by_html: Created by %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
- opened_by_anonymous_html: Created by anonymous <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
- commented_by_html: Comment from %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
- commented_by_anonymous_html: Comment from anonymous <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
- closed_by_html: Resolved by %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
- closed_by_anonymous_html: Resolved by anonymous <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
- reopened_by_html: Reactivated by %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
- reopened_by_anonymous_html: Reactivated by anonymous <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
- hidden_by_html: Hidden by %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
anonymous_warning: This note includes comments from anonymous users which should
be independently verified.
hide: Hide
gps: Public GPS Traces
overlays: Enable overlays for troubleshooting the map
title: Layers
- copyright: © <a href='%{copyright_url}'>OpenStreetMap contributors</a>
- donate_link_text: <a class='donate-attr' href='%{donate_url}'>Make a Donation</a>
edit_tooltip: Edit the map
edit_disabled_tooltip: Zoom in to edit the map