-//= require templates/notes/show
-//= require templates/notes/new
-$(document).ready(function () {
- var params = OSM.mapParams();
+function initializeNotes(map) {
+ var noteLayer = map.noteLayer,
+ notes = {},
+ newNote;
var noteIcons = {
"new": L.icon({
iconUrl: "<%= image_path 'new_note_marker.png' %>",
- iconSize: [22, 22],
- iconAnchor: [11, 11]
+ iconSize: [25, 40],
+ iconAnchor: [12, 40]
"open": L.icon({
iconUrl: "<%= image_path 'open_note_marker.png' %>",
- iconSize: [22, 22],
- iconAnchor: [11, 11]
+ iconSize: [25, 40],
+ iconAnchor: [12, 40]
"closed": L.icon({
iconUrl: "<%= image_path 'closed_note_marker.png' %>",
- iconSize: [22, 22],
- iconAnchor: [11, 11]
+ iconSize: [25, 40],
+ iconAnchor: [12, 40]
- var noteLayer = new L.LayerGroup();
- var notes = {};
- var newNote;
- layers.push({
- layer: noteLayer,
- layerCode: "N"
- });
map.on("layeradd", function (e) {
if (e.layer == noteLayer) {
map.on("moveend", loadNotes);
- });
- map.on("layerremove", function (e) {
+ }).on("layerremove", function (e) {
if (e.layer == noteLayer) {
map.off("moveend", loadNotes);
notes = {};
- });
- // Don't focus the text area on touch devices to avoid flashing the keyboard
- if (!('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement)) {
- map.on("popupopen", function (e) {
- $(e.popup._container).find(".comment").focus();
- });
- }
- map.on("popupclose", function (e) {
+ }).on("popupclose", function (e) {
if (newNote && e.popup == newNote._popup) {
$(newNote).oneTime(10, "removenote", function () {
newNote = null;
- }
+ }
- if (OSM.STATUS != 'api_offline' && OSM.STATUS != 'database_offline') {
- map.layersControl.addOverlay(noteLayer, I18n.t("browse.start_rjs.notes_layer_name"));
- if (params.layers) setMapLayers(params.layers);
- if (params.notes) map.addLayer(noteLayer);
- if (params.note) {
- $.ajax({
- url: "/api/" + OSM.API_VERSION + "/notes/" + params.note + ".json",
- success: function (feature) {
- var marker = updateMarker(notes[feature.properties.id], feature);
- notes[feature.properties.id] = marker;
- map.addLayer(noteLayer);
- marker.openPopup();
- }
- });
- }
- }
+ noteLayer.on('click', function(e) {
+ OSM.route('/browse/note/' + e.layer.id);
+ });
function updateMarker(marker, feature) {
- if (marker)
- {
+ if (marker) {
- marker._popup.setContent(createPopupContent(marker, feature.properties));
- }
- else
- {
+ } else {
marker = L.marker(feature.geometry.coordinates.reverse(), {
icon: noteIcons[feature.properties.status],
- opacity: 0.7
+ opacity: 0.9,
+ clickable: true
- marker.addTo(noteLayer).bindPopup(
- createPopupContent(marker, feature.properties),
- popupOptions()
- );
+ marker.id = feature.properties.id;
+ marker.addTo(noteLayer);
return marker;
+ noteLayer.getLayerId = function(marker) {
+ return marker.id;
+ };
var noteLoader;
function loadNotes() {
var size = bounds.getSize();
- var url = "/api/" + OSM.API_VERSION + "/notes.json?bbox=" + bounds.toBBOX();
+ var url = "/api/" + OSM.API_VERSION + "/notes.json?bbox=" + bounds.toBBoxString();
if (noteLoader) noteLoader.abort();
noteLoader = $.ajax({
url: url,
- success: function (json) {
- var oldNotes = notes;
- notes = {};
- json.features.forEach(function (feature) {
- var marker = oldNotes[feature.properties.id];
- delete oldNotes[feature.properties.id];
- notes[feature.properties.id] = updateMarker(marker, feature);
- });
- for (id in oldNotes) {
- noteLayer.removeLayer(oldNotes[id]);
- }
- noteLoader = null;
- }
+ success: success
- };
- function popupOptions() {
- var mapSize = map.getSize();
- return {
- minWidth: 320,
- maxWidth: mapSize.y * 1 / 3,
- maxHeight: mapSize.y * 2 / 3,
- offset: new L.Point(0, -3),
- autoPanPadding: new L.Point(60, 40)
- };
- }
- function createPopupContent(marker, properties) {
- var content = $(JST["templates/notes/show"]({ note: properties }));
- content.find("textarea").on("input", function (e) {
- var form = e.target.form;
- if ($(e.target).val() == "") {
- $(form.close).val(I18n.t("javascripts.notes.show.resolve"));
- $(form.comment).prop("disabled", true);
- } else {
- $(form.close).val(I18n.t("javascripts.notes.show.comment_and_resolve"));
- $(form.comment).prop("disabled", false);
- }
- });
- content.find("input[type=submit]").on("click", function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- var data = $(e.target).data();
- updateNote(marker, e.target.form, data.method, data.url);
- });
- return content[0];
- }
- function createNote(marker, form, url) {
- var location = marker.getLatLng();
- marker.options.draggable = false;
- marker.dragging.disable();
- $(form).find("input[type=submit]").prop("disabled", true);
+ function success(json) {
+ var oldNotes = notes;
+ notes = {};
+ json.features.forEach(updateMarkers);
- $.ajax({
- url: url,
- type: "POST",
- oauth: true,
- data: {
- lat: location.lat,
- lon: location.lng,
- text: $(form.text).val()
- },
- success: function (feature) {
+ function updateMarkers(feature) {
+ var marker = oldNotes[feature.properties.id];
+ delete oldNotes[feature.properties.id];
notes[feature.properties.id] = updateMarker(marker, feature);
- newNote = null;
- $("#createnoteanchor").removeClass("disabled").addClass("geolink");
- });
- }
- function updateNote(marker, form, method, url) {
- $(form).find("input[type=submit]").prop("disabled", true);
- $.ajax({
- url: url,
- type: method,
- oauth: true,
- data: {
- text: $(form.text).val()
- },
- success: function (feature) {
- if (feature.properties.status == "hidden") {
- noteLayer.removeLayer(marker);
- delete notes[feature.properties.id];
- } else {
- var popupContent = createPopupContent(marker, feature.properties);
- marker.setIcon(noteIcons[feature.properties.status]);
- marker._popup.setContent(popupContent);
- }
+ for (id in oldNotes) {
+ noteLayer.removeLayer(oldNotes[id]);
- });
- }
- $(".leaflet-control-attribution").on("click", "#createnoteanchor", function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- if ($(e.target).hasClass("disabled")) return;
- $(e.target).removeClass("geolink").addClass("disabled");
- map.addLayer(noteLayer);
- var mapSize = map.getSize();
- var markerPosition;
- if (mapSize.y > 800)
- {
- markerPosition = [mapSize.x / 2, mapSize.y / 2];
- }
- else if (mapSize.y > 400)
- {
- markerPosition = [mapSize.x / 2, 400];
- }
- else
- {
- markerPosition = [mapSize.x / 2, mapSize.y];
+ noteLoader = null;
- newNote = L.marker(map.containerPointToLatLng(markerPosition), {
- icon: noteIcons["new"],
- opacity: 0.7,
- draggable: true
- });
- var popupContent = $(JST["templates/notes/new"]({ create_url: $(e.target).attr("href") }));
- popupContent.find("textarea").on("input", function (e) {
- var form = e.target.form;
- if ($(e.target).val() == "") {
- $(form.add).prop("disabled", true);
- } else {
- $(form.add).prop("disabled", false);
- }
- });
- popupContent.find("input[type=submit]").on("click", function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- createNote(newNote, e.target.form, $(e.target).data("url"));
- });
- newNote.addTo(noteLayer).bindPopup(popupContent[0], popupOptions()).openPopup();
- newNote.on("remove", function (e) {
- $("#createnoteanchor").removeClass("disabled").addClass("geolink");
- });
- newNote.on("dragstart", function (e) {
- $(newNote).stopTime("removenote");
- });
- newNote.on("dragend", function (e) {
- e.target.openPopup();
- });
- });
+ }