+class OldNode < ApplicationRecord
+ include GeoRecord
+ include ConsistencyValidations
+ self.table_name = "nodes"
+ # NOTE: this needs to be included after the table name changes, or
+ # the queries generated by Redactable will use the wrong table name.
+ include Redactable
+ validates :changeset, :associated => true
+ validates :latitude, :presence => true,
+ :numericality => { :only_integer => true }
+ validates :longitude, :presence => true,
+ :numericality => { :only_integer => true }
+ validates :timestamp, :presence => true
+ validates :visible, :inclusion => [true, false]
+ validate :validate_position
+ belongs_to :changeset
+ belongs_to :redaction, :optional => true
+ belongs_to :current_node, :class_name => "Node", :foreign_key => "node_id", :inverse_of => :old_nodes
+ has_many :old_tags, :class_name => "OldNodeTag", :query_constraints => [:node_id, :version], :inverse_of => :old_node
+ def validate_position
+ errors.add(:base, "Node is not in the world") unless in_world?
+ end