-//= require jquery.simulate
-OSM.Query = function(map) {
- var protocol = document.location.protocol === "https:" ? "https:" : "http:",
- url = protocol + OSM.OVERPASS_URL,
- queryButton = $(".control-query .control-button"),
- uninterestingTags = ['source', 'source_ref', 'source:ref', 'history', 'attribution', 'created_by', 'tiger:county', 'tiger:tlid', 'tiger:upload_uuid', 'KSJ2:curve_id', 'KSJ2:lat', 'KSJ2:lon', 'KSJ2:coordinate', 'KSJ2:filename', 'note:ja'],
- marker;
- var featureStyle = {
+OSM.Query = function (map) {
+ const url = OSM.OVERPASS_URL,
+ queryButton = $(".control-query .control-button"),
+ uninterestingTags = ["source", "source_ref", "source:ref", "history", "attribution", "created_by", "tiger:county", "tiger:tlid", "tiger:upload_uuid", "KSJ2:curve_id", "KSJ2:lat", "KSJ2:lon", "KSJ2:coordinate", "KSJ2:filename", "note:ja"];
+ let marker;
+ const featureStyle = {
color: "#FF6200",
weight: 4,
opacity: 1,
fillOpacity: 0.5,
- clickable: false
+ interactive: false
queryButton.on("click", function (e) {
+ function showResultGeometry() {
+ const geometry = $(this).data("geometry");
+ if (geometry) map.addLayer(geometry);
+ $(this).addClass("selected");
+ }
+ function hideResultGeometry() {
+ const geometry = $(this).data("geometry");
+ if (geometry) map.removeLayer(geometry);
+ $(this).removeClass("selected");
+ }
- .on("mouseover", ".query-results li.query-result", function () {
- var geometry = $(this).data("geometry");
- if (geometry) map.addLayer(geometry);
- $(this).addClass("selected");
- })
- .on("mouseout", ".query-results li.query-result", function () {
- var geometry = $(this).data("geometry");
- if (geometry) map.removeLayer(geometry);
- $(this).removeClass("selected");
- })
- .on("mousedown", ".query-results li.query-result", function () {
- var moved = false;
- $(this).one("click", function (e) {
- if (!moved) {
- var geometry = $(this).data("geometry");
- if (geometry) map.removeLayer(geometry);
- if (!$(e.target).is('a')) {
- $(this).find("a").simulate("click", e);
- }
- }
- }).one("mousemove", function () {
- moved = true;
- });
- });
+ .on("mouseover", ".query-results a", showResultGeometry)
+ .on("mouseout", ".query-results a", hideResultGeometry);
function interestingFeature(feature) {
if (feature.tags) {
- for (var key in feature.tags) {
+ for (const key in feature.tags) {
if (uninterestingTags.indexOf(key) < 0) {
return true;
function featurePrefix(feature) {
- var tags = feature.tags;
- var prefix = "";
+ const tags = feature.tags;
+ let prefix = "";
if (tags.boundary === "administrative" && tags.admin_level) {
prefix = I18n.t("geocoder.search_osm_nominatim.admin_levels.level" + tags.admin_level, {
defaultValue: I18n.t("geocoder.search_osm_nominatim.prefix.boundary.administrative")
} else {
- var prefixes = I18n.t("geocoder.search_osm_nominatim.prefix");
- var key, value;
+ const prefixes = I18n.t("geocoder.search_osm_nominatim.prefix");
- for (key in tags) {
- value = tags[key];
+ for (const key in tags) {
+ const value = tags[key];
if (prefixes[key]) {
if (prefixes[key][value]) {
- for (key in tags) {
- value = tags[key];
+ for (const key in tags) {
+ const value = tags[key];
if (prefixes[key]) {
- var first = value.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase(),
- rest = value.substr(1).replace(/_/g, " ");
+ const first = value.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase(),
+ rest = value.slice(1).replace(/_/g, " ");
return first + rest;
function featureName(feature) {
- var tags = feature.tags,
- locales = I18n.locales.get();
+ const tags = feature.tags,
+ locales = OSM.preferred_languages;
- for (var i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) {
- if (tags["name:" + locales[i]]) {
- return tags["name:" + locales[i]];
+ for (const locale of locales) {
+ if (tags["name:" + locale]) {
+ return tags["name:" + locale];
- if (tags.name) {
- return tags.name;
- } else if (tags.ref) {
- return tags.ref;
- } else if (tags["addr:housename"]) {
- return tags["addr:housename"];
- } else if (tags["addr:housenumber"] && tags["addr:street"]) {
+ for (const key of ["name", "ref", "addr:housename"]) {
+ if (tags[key]) {
+ return tags[key];
+ }
+ }
+ if (tags["addr:housenumber"] && tags["addr:street"]) {
return tags["addr:housenumber"] + " " + tags["addr:street"];
- } else {
- return "#" + feature.id;
+ return "#" + feature.id;
function featureGeometry(feature) {
- var geometry;
+ let geometry;
if (feature.type === "node" && feature.lat && feature.lon) {
geometry = L.circleMarker([feature.lat, feature.lon], featureStyle);
- } else if (feature.type === "way" && feature.geometry) {
+ } else if (feature.type === "way" && feature.geometry && feature.geometry.length > 0) {
geometry = L.polyline(feature.geometry.filter(function (point) {
return point !== null;
}).map(function (point) {
}), featureStyle);
} else if (feature.type === "relation" && feature.members) {
geometry = L.featureGroup(feature.members.map(featureGeometry).filter(function (geometry) {
- return geometry !== undefined;
+ return typeof geometry !== "undefined";
function runQuery(latlng, radius, query, $section, merge, compare) {
- var $ul = $section.find("ul");
+ const $ul = $section.find("ul");
- $section.find(".loader").oneTime(1000, "loading", function () {
- $(this).show();
- });
if ($section.data("ajax")) {
- $section.data("ajax", $.ajax({
- url: url,
+ $section.data("ajax", new AbortController());
+ fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
- data: {
- data: "[timeout:5][out:json];" + query,
- },
- success: function(results) {
- var elements;
+ body: new URLSearchParams({
+ data: "[timeout:10][out:json];" + query
+ }),
+ credentials: credentials ? "include" : "same-origin",
+ signal: $section.data("ajax").signal
+ })
+ .then(response => response.json())
+ .then(function (results) {
+ let elements;
- $section.find(".loader").stopTime("loading").hide();
+ $section.find(".loader").hide();
if (merge) {
elements = results.elements.reduce(function (hash, element) {
- var key = element.type + element.id;
+ const key = element.type + element.id;
if ("geometry" in element) {
delete element.bounds;
elements = elements.sort(compare);
- for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
- var element = elements[i];
- if (interestingFeature(element)) {
- var $li = $("<li>")
- .addClass("query-result")
- .data("geometry", featureGeometry(element))
- .appendTo($ul);
- var $p = $("<p>")
- .text(featurePrefix(element) + " ")
- .appendTo($li);
- $("<a>")
- .attr("href", "/" + element.type + "/" + element.id)
- .text(featureName(element))
- .appendTo($p);
- }
+ for (const element of elements) {
+ if (!interestingFeature(element)) continue;
+ const $li = $("<li>")
+ .addClass("list-group-item list-group-item-action")
+ .text(featurePrefix(element) + " ")
+ .appendTo($ul);
+ $("<a>")
+ .addClass("stretched-link")
+ .attr("href", "/" + element.type + "/" + element.id)
+ .data("geometry", featureGeometry(element))
+ .text(featureName(element))
+ .appendTo($li);
+ }
+ if (results.remark) {
+ $("<li>")
+ .addClass("list-group-item")
+ .text(I18n.t("javascripts.query.error", { server: url, error: results.remark }))
+ .appendTo($ul);
if ($ul.find("li").length === 0) {
+ .addClass("list-group-item")
- },
- error: function(xhr, status, error) {
- $section.find(".loader").stopTime("loading").hide();
+ })
+ .catch(function (error) {
+ if (error.name === "AbortError") return;
+ $section.find(".loader").hide();
- .text(I18n.t("javascripts.query." + status, { server: url, error: error }))
+ .addClass("list-group-item")
+ .text(I18n.t("javascripts.query.error", { server: url, error: error.message }))
- }
- }));
+ });
function compareSize(feature1, feature2) {
- var width1 = feature1.bounds.maxlon - feature1.bounds.minlon,
- height1 = feature1.bounds.maxlat - feature1.bounds.minlat,
- area1 = width1 * height1,
- width2 = feature2.bounds.maxlat - feature2.bounds.minlat,
- height2 = feature2.bounds.maxlat - feature2.bounds.minlat,
- area2 = width2 * height2;
+ const width1 = feature1.bounds.maxlon - feature1.bounds.minlon,
+ height1 = feature1.bounds.maxlat - feature1.bounds.minlat,
+ area1 = width1 * height1,
+ width2 = feature2.bounds.maxlat - feature2.bounds.minlat,
+ height2 = feature2.bounds.maxlat - feature2.bounds.minlat,
+ area2 = width2 * height2;
return area1 - area2;
* To find nearby objects we ask overpass for the union of the
* following sets:
- * node(around:<radius>,<lat>,lng>)
- * way(around:<radius>,<lat>,lng>)
- * relation(around:<radius>,<lat>,lng>)
+ * node(around:<radius>,<lat>,<lng>)
+ * way(around:<radius>,<lat>,<lng>)
+ * relation(around:<radius>,<lat>,<lng>)
* to find enclosing objects we first find all the enclosing areas:
* for each object.
function queryOverpass(lat, lng) {
- var latlng = L.latLng(lat, lng).wrap(),
- bounds = map.getBounds().wrap(),
- bbox = bounds.getSouth() + "," + bounds.getWest() + "," + bounds.getNorth() + "," + bounds.getEast(),
- radius = 10 * Math.pow(1.5, 19 - map.getZoom()),
- around = "around:" + radius + "," + lat + "," + lng,
- nodes = "node(" + around + ")",
- ways = "way(" + around + ")",
- relations = "relation(" + around + ")",
- nearby = "(" + nodes + ";" + ways + ");out tags geom(" + bbox + ");" + relations + ";out geom(" + bbox + ");",
- isin = "is_in(" + lat + "," + lng + ")->.a;way(pivot.a);out tags bb;out ids geom(" + bbox + ");relation(pivot.a);out tags bb;";
+ const latlng = L.latLng(lat, lng).wrap(),
+ bounds = map.getBounds().wrap(),
+ zoom = map.getZoom(),
+ bbox = [bounds.getSouthWest(), bounds.getNorthEast()]
+ .map(c => OSM.cropLocation(c, zoom))
+ .join(),
+ geombbox = "geom(" + bbox + ");",
+ radius = 10 * Math.pow(1.5, 19 - zoom),
+ around = "(around:" + radius + "," + lat + "," + lng + ")",
+ nodes = "node" + around,
+ ways = "way" + around,
+ relations = "relation" + around,
+ nearby = "(" + nodes + ";" + ways + ";);out tags " + geombbox + relations + ";out " + geombbox,
+ isin = "is_in(" + lat + "," + lng + ")->.a;way(pivot.a);out tags bb;out ids " + geombbox + "relation(pivot.a);out tags bb;";
$("#sidebar_content .query-intro")
if (marker) map.removeLayer(marker);
- marker = L.circle(latlng, radius, featureStyle).addTo(map);
- $(document).everyTime(75, "fadeQueryMarker", function (i) {
- if (i === 10) {
- map.removeLayer(marker);
- } else {
- marker.setStyle({
- opacity: 1 - i * 0.1,
- fillOpacity: 0.5 - i * 0.05
- });
- }
- }, 10);
+ marker = L.circle(latlng, {
+ radius: radius,
+ className: "query-marker",
+ ...featureStyle
+ }).addTo(map);
runQuery(latlng, radius, nearby, $("#query-nearby"), false);
runQuery(latlng, radius, isin, $("#query-isin"), true, compareSize);
function clickHandler(e) {
- var precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(map.getZoom()),
- latlng = e.latlng.wrap(),
- lat = latlng.lat.toFixed(precision),
- lng = latlng.lng.toFixed(precision);
+ const [lat, lon] = OSM.cropLocation(e.latlng, map.getZoom());
- OSM.router.route("/query?lat=" + lat + "&lon=" + lng);
+ OSM.router.route("/query?" + new URLSearchParams({ lat, lon }));
function enableQueryMode() {
- var page = {};
+ const page = {};
- page.pushstate = page.popstate = function(path) {
+ page.pushstate = page.popstate = function (path) {
OSM.loadSidebarContent(path, function () {
page.load(path, true);
- page.load = function(path, noCentre) {
- var params = querystring.parse(path.substring(path.indexOf('?') + 1)),
- latlng = L.latLng(params.lat, params.lon);
+ page.load = function (path, noCentre) {
+ const params = new URLSearchParams(path.substring(path.indexOf("?"))),
+ latlng = L.latLng(params.get("lat"), params.get("lon"));
- if (!window.location.hash && !noCentre && !map.getBounds().contains(latlng)) {
+ if (!location.hash && !noCentre && !map.getBounds().contains(latlng)) {
OSM.router.withoutMoveListener(function () {
map.setView(latlng, 15);
- queryOverpass(params.lat, params.lon);
+ queryOverpass(params.get("lat"), params.get("lon"));
- page.unload = function(sameController) {
+ page.unload = function (sameController) {
if (!sameController) {
+ $("#sidebar_content .query-results a.selected").each(hideResultGeometry);