- # This test does the same as above, but with basic auth, to similarly test that the
- # abilities take into account terms agreement too.
- def test_api_write_and_terms_agreed_via_basic_auth
- user = create(:user, :terms_agreed => nil)
- changeset = create(:changeset, :closed)
- auth_header = basic_authorization_header user.email, "test"
- assert_difference "ChangesetComment.count", 0 do
- post changeset_comment_path(changeset, :text => "This is a comment"), :headers => auth_header
- end
- assert_response :forbidden
- # Try again, after agreement with the terms
- user.terms_agreed = Time.now.utc
- user.save!
- assert_difference "ChangesetComment.count", 1 do
- post changeset_comment_path(changeset, :text => "This is a comment"), :headers => auth_header
- end
- assert_response :success
- end