no_bounding_box: "No bounding box has been stored for this changeset."
show_area_box: "显示区域窗口"
box: "box"
- has_nodes: "有如下{{node_count}}个点:"
- has_ways: "有如下路径 {{way_count}} :"
- has_relations: "有如下{{relation_count}}种关系:"
+ has_nodes: "有如下{{count}}个点:"
+ has_ways: "有如下路径 {{count}} :"
+ has_relations: "有如下{{count}}种关系:"
edited_at: "Edited at:"
edited_by: "Edited by:"
no_results: "No results found"
welcome_user: "Welcome, {{user_link}}"
- inbox: "inbox ({{size}})"
+ home: "home"
+ inbox: "inbox ({{count}})"
logout: logout
log_in: log in
sign_up: sign up
back_to_outbox: "Back to outbox"
- home: "home"
js_1: "You are either using a browser that doesn't support javascript, or you have disabled javascript."
js_2: "OpenStreetMap uses javascript for its slippy map."
js_3: 'You may want to try the <a href="">Tiles@Home static tile browser</a> if you are unable to enable javascript.'
settings_link_text: settings
your friends: Your friends
no friends: You have not added any friends yet.
- km away: "{{distance}}km away"
+ km away: "{{count}}km away"
nearby users: "Nearby users: "
no nearby users: "There are no users who admit to mapping nearby yet."
change your settings: change your settings