reports: Reports
last_updated: Last Updated
last_updated_time_ago_user_html: "%{time_ago} by %{user}"
+ reporting_users: Reporting Users
one: "%{count} Report"
other: "%{count} Reports"
+ more_reporters: "and %{count} more"
reported_item: Reported Item
ignored: Ignored
reopened: Issue status has been set to 'Open'
comment_from_html: "Comment from %{user_link} on %{comment_created_at}"
- reassign_param: Reassign Issue?
+ reassign_to_moderators: Reassign Issue to Moderators
+ reassign_to_administrators: Reassign Issue to Administrators
reported_by_html: "Reported as %{category} by %{user} on %{updated_at}"
destroy_button: "Delete"
back: "Back"
wrong_user: "You are logged in as '%{user}' but the message you have asked to read was not sent by or to that user. Please log in as the correct user in order to read it."
- mark:
- as_read: "Message marked as read"
- as_unread: "Message marked as unread"
- unmute:
- notice: "Message has been moved to Inbox"
- error: "The message could not be moved to the Inbox."
destroyed: "Message deleted"
+ read_marks:
+ create:
+ notice: "Message marked as read"
+ destroy:
+ notice: "Message marked as unread"
+ mutes:
+ destroy:
+ notice: "Message has been moved to Inbox"
+ error: "The message could not be moved to the Inbox."
my_inbox: "My Inbox"
open_title: "Unresolved note #%{note_name}"
closed_title: "Resolved note #%{note_name}"
hidden_title: "Hidden note #%{note_name}"
+ description_when_author_is_deleted: "deleted"
event_opened_by_html: "Created by %{user} %{time_ago}"
event_opened_by_anonymous_html: "Created by anonymous %{time_ago}"
event_commented_by_html: "Comment from %{user} %{time_ago}"