+ private
+ ICON_TAGS = %w(aeroway amenity barrier building highway historic landuse leisure man_made natural railway shop tourism waterway)
+ def icon_tags(object)
+ object.tags.find_all { |k, _v| ICON_TAGS.include? k }.sort
+ end
+ def wiki_link(type, lookup)
+ locale = I18n.locale.to_s
+ # update-wiki-pages does s/ /_/g on keys before saving them, we
+ # have to replace spaces with underscore so we'll link
+ # e.g. `source=Isle of Man Government aerial imagery (2001)' to
+ # the correct page.
+ lookup_us = lookup.tr(" ", "_")
+ if page = WIKI_PAGES[locale][type][lookup_us] rescue nil
+ url = "http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/#{page}?uselang=#{locale}"
+ elsif page = WIKI_PAGES["en"][type][lookup_us] rescue nil
+ url = "http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/#{page}?uselang=#{locale}"
+ end
+ url
+ end
+ def wikipedia_link(key, value)
+ # Some k/v's are wikipedia=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full%20URL
+ return nil if value =~ %r{^https?://}
+ if key == "wikipedia"
+ # This regex should match Wikipedia language codes, everything
+ # from de to zh-classical
+ if value =~ /^([a-z-]{2,12}):(.+)$/i
+ # Value is <lang>:<title> so split it up
+ # Note that value is always left as-is, see: https://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/4315
+ lang = $1
+ else
+ # Value is <title> so default to English Wikipedia
+ lang = "en"
+ end
+ elsif key =~ /^wikipedia:(\S+)$/
+ # Language is in the key, so assume value is the title
+ lang = $1
+ else
+ # Not a wikipedia key!
+ return nil
+ end
+ if value =~ /^([^#]*)#(.*)/
+ # Contains a reference to a section of the wikipedia article
+ # Must break it up to correctly build the url
+ value = $1
+ section = "#" + $2
+ encoded_section = "#" + URI.encode($2.gsub(/ +/, "_"), /[^A-Za-z0-9:_]/).tr("%", ".")
+ else
+ section = ""
+ encoded_section = ""
+ end
+ {
+ :url => "http://#{lang}.wikipedia.org/wiki/#{value}?uselang=#{I18n.locale}#{encoded_section}",
+ :title => value + section
+ }
+ end
+ def wikidata_link(key, value)
+ if key == "wikidata" && value =~ /^[Qq][1-9][0-9]*$/
+ return {
+ :url => "//www.wikidata.org/wiki/#{value}?uselang=#{I18n.locale}",
+ :title => value
+ }
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ def telephone_link(_key, value)
+ # does it look like a phone number? eg "+1 (234) 567-8901 " ?
+ return nil unless value =~ %r{^\s*\+[\d\s\(\)/\.-]{6,25}\s*$}
+ # remove all whitespace instead of encoding it http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3966#section-5.1.1
+ # "+1 (234) 567-8901 " -> "+1(234)567-8901"
+ value_no_whitespace = value.gsub(/\s+/, "")
+ "tel:#{value_no_whitespace}"
+ end