-//= require prototype
-//= require prototype_ujs
-//= require effects
-//= require dragdrop
-//= require controls
+//= require jquery
+//= require jquery_ujs
* Called as the user scrolls/zooms around to aniplate hrefs of the
maxlat = Math.round(maxlat * decimals) / decimals;
- $$(".geolink").each(function (link) {
+ $(".geolink").each(function (index, link) {
var args = getArgs(link.href);
- if (link.hasClassName("llz")) {
+ if ($(link).hasClass("llz")) {
args.lat = lat;
args.lon = lon;
args.zoom = zoom;
- } else if (minlon && link.hasClassName("bbox")) {
+ } else if (minlon && $(link).hasClass("bbox")) {
args.bbox = minlon + "," + minlat + "," + maxlon + "," + maxlat;
- if (layers && link.hasClassName("layers")) {
+ if (layers && $(link).hasClass("layers")) {
args.layers = layers;
- if (objtype && link.hasClassName("object")) {
+ if (objtype && $(link).hasClass("object")) {
args[objtype] = objid;
- if (link.hasClassName("minzoom[0-9]+")) {
- $w(link.className).each(function (classname) {
- if (match = classname.match(/^minzoom([0-9]+)$/)) {
- var minzoom = match[1];
- var name = link.id.replace(/anchor$/, "");
- if (zoom >= minzoom) {
- link.onclick = null;
- link.title = i18n("javascripts.site." + name + "_tooltip");
- link.removeClassName("disabled");
- } else {
- link.onclick = function () { alert(i18n("javascripts.site." + name + "_zoom_alert")); return false; };
- link.title = i18n("javascripts.site." + name + "_disabled_tooltip");
- link.addClassName("disabled");
- }
+ var classes = $(link).attr("class").split(" ");
+ $(classes).each(function (index, classname) {
+ if (match = classname.match(/^minzoom([0-9]+)$/)) {
+ var minzoom = match[1];
+ var name = link.id.replace(/anchor$/, "");
+ if (zoom >= minzoom) {
+ $(link).off("click");
+ $(link).attr("title", i18n("javascripts.site." + name + "_tooltip"));
+ $(link).removeClass("disabled");
+ } else {
+ $(link).click(function () { alert(i18n("javascripts.site." + name + "_zoom_alert")); return false; });
+ $(link).attr("title", i18n("javascripts.site." + name + "_disabled_tooltip"));
+ $(link).addClass("disabled");
- });
- }
+ }
+ });
link.href = setArgs(link.href, args);
- node = $("shortlinkanchor");
- if (node) {
- var args = getArgs(node.href);
+ $("#shortlinkanchor").each(function () {
+ var args = getArgs(this.href);
var code = makeShortCode(lat, lon, zoom);
var prefix = shortlinkPrefix();
// which encodes lat/lon/zoom. If new URL parameters are added to
// the main slippy map this needs to be changed.
if (args["layers"] || args[objtype]) {
- node.href = setArgs(prefix + "/go/" + code, args);
+ this.href = setArgs(prefix + "/go/" + code, args);
} else {
- node.href = prefix + "/go/" + code;
+ this.href = prefix + "/go/" + code;
- }
+ });
* Called to create a short code for the short link.
function makeShortCode(lat, lon, zoom) {
- char_array = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_@";
+ char_array = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_~";
var x = Math.round((lon + 180.0) * ((1 << 30) / 90.0));
var y = Math.round((lat + 90.0) * ((1 << 30) / 45.0));
// JavaScript only has to keep 32 bits of bitwise operators, so this has to be