# from display name, pick up user id if one user's traces only
display_name = params[:display_name]
if !display_name.blank?
# from display name, pick up user id if one user's traces only
display_name = params[:display_name]
if !display_name.blank?
# 4 - user's traces, not logged in as that user = all user's public traces
if target_user.nil? # all traces
if @user
# 4 - user's traces, not logged in as that user = all user's public traces
if target_user.nil? # all traces
if @user
@traces = @traces.order("timestamp DESC")
@traces = @traces.offset((@page - 1) * @page_size)
@traces = @traces.limit(@page_size)
@traces = @traces.order("timestamp DESC")
@traces = @traces.offset((@page - 1) * @page_size)
@traces = @traces.limit(@page_size)