if trace.user == current_user
trace.visible = false
- TraceDestroyerJob.perform_later(trace) if Settings.trace_use_job_queue
+ TraceDestroyerJob.perform_later(trace)
head :ok
trace = do_create(params[:file], tags, description, visibility)
if trace.id
- TraceImporterJob.perform_later(trace) if Settings.trace_use_job_queue
+ TraceImporterJob.perform_later(trace)
render :plain => trace.id.to_s
elsif trace.valid?
head :internal_server_error
filename = "/tmp/#{rand}"
# ...and save the uploaded file to that location
- File.open(filename, "wb") { |f| f.write(file.read) }
+ File.binwrite(filename, file.read)
# Create the trace object, falsely marked as already
# inserted to stop the import daemon trying to load it