require 'oci8'
-# allow access to the real Oracle connection
-class ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::OracleAdapter
- attr_reader :connection
# OracleSession is a down to the bare metal session store
# implementation to be used with +SQLSessionStore+. It is much faster
# than the default ActiveRecord implementation.
# This table layout is compatible with ActiveRecordStore.
-class OracleSession
- # if you need Rails components, and you have a pages which create
- # new sessions, and embed components insides these pages that need
- # session access, then you *must* set +eager_session_creation+ to
- # true (as of Rails 1.0). Not needed for Rails 1.1 and up.
- cattr_accessor :eager_session_creation
- @@eager_session_creation = false
- attr_accessor :id, :session_id, :data
- def initialize(session_id, data)
- @session_id = session_id
- @data = data
- @id = nil
- end
+class OracleSession < AbstractSession
class << self
- # retrieve the session table connection and get the 'raw' Oracle connection from it
- def session_connection
- SqlSession.connection.connection
- end
# try to find a session with a given +session_id+. returns nil if
# no such session exists. note that we don't retrieve
# +created_at+ and +updated_at+ as they are not accessed anywhyere
# outside this class.
def find_session(session_id)
new_session = nil
- connection = session_connection
- result = connection.exec("SELECT id, data FROM sessions WHERE session_id = :a and rownum=1", session_id)
# Make sure to save the @id if we find an existing session
- while row = result.fetch
- new_session = new(session_id,row[1].read)
- = row[0]
+ cursor = session_connection.exec(find_session_sql, session_id)
+ if row = cursor.fetch_hash
+ new_session = new(session_id, unmarshalize(row['DATA'].read), row['ID'])
+ # Pull out native columns
+ native_columns.each do |col|
+[col] = row[col.to_s.upcase]
+[col] = row[col.to_s.upcase]
+ end
- result.close
+ cursor.close
# create a new session with given +session_id+ and +data+
# and save it immediately to the database
- def create_session(session_id, data)
+ def create_session(session_id, data={})
new_session = new(session_id, data)
- if @@eager_session_creation
- connection = session_connection
- connection.exec("INSERT INTO sessions (id, created_at, updated_at, session_id, data)"+
- " VALUES (sessions_seq.nextval, SYSDATE, SYSDATE, :a, :b)",
- session_id, data)
- result = connection.exec("SELECT sessions_seq.currval FROM dual")
- row = result.fetch
- = row[0].to_i
+ if eager_session_creation
+ = next_id
+ cursor = session_connection.parse(insert_session_sql)
+ # Now bind all variables
+ cursor.bind_param(':id',
+ cursor.bind_param(':session_id', session_id)
+ native_columns.each do |col|
+ cursor.bind_param(":#{col}", data.delete(col) || '')
+ end
+ cursor.bind_param(':data', marshalize(data))
+ cursor.exec
+ cursor.close
- # delete all sessions meeting a given +condition+. it is the
- # caller's responsibility to pass a valid sql condition
- def delete_all(condition=nil)
- if condition
- session_connection.exec("DELETE FROM sessions WHERE #{condition}")
- else
- session_connection.exec("DELETE FROM sessions")
- end
+ # Internal methods for generating SQL
+ # Get the next ID from the sequence
+ def next_id
+ cursor = session_connection.exec("SELECT #{table_name}_seq.nextval FROM dual")
+ id = cursor.fetch.first.to_i
+ cursor.close
+ id
+ end
+ # Dynamically generate finder SQL so we can include our special columns
+ def find_session_sql
+ @find_session_sql ||=
+ "SELECT " + ([:id, :data] + native_columns).join(', ') +
+ " FROM #{table_name} WHERE session_id = :session_id AND rownum = 1"
+ end
+ def insert_session_sql
+ @insert_session_sql ||=
+ "INSERT INTO #{table_name} (" + ([:id, :data, :session_id] + native_columns + [:created_at, :updated_at]).join(', ') + ")" +
+ " VALUES (" + ([:id, :data, :session_id] + native_columns).collect{|col| ":#{col}" }.join(', ') +
+ def update_session_sql
+ @update_session_sql ||=
+ "UPDATE #{table_name} SET "+
+ ([:data] + native_columns).collect{|col| "#{col} = :#{col}"}.join(', ') +
+ " , updated_at = SYSDATE WHERE ID = :id"
+ end
end # class methods
# update session with given +data+.
# column `updated_at` will be done by the database itself
def update_session(data)
connection = self.class.session_connection
+ cursor = nil
if @id
# if @id is not nil, this is a session already stored in the database
# update the relevant field using @id as key
- connection.exec("UPDATE sessions SET updated_at = SYSDATE, data = :a WHERE id = :b",
- data, @id)
+ cursor = connection.parse(self.class.update_session_sql)
# if @id is nil, we need to create a new session in the database
# and set @id to the primary key of the inserted record
- connection.exec("INSERT INTO sessions (id, created_at, updated_at, session_id, data)"+
- " VALUES (sessions_seq.nextval, SYSDATE, SYSDATE, :a, :b)",
- @session_id, data)
- result = connection.exec("SELECT sessions_seq.currval FROM dual")
- row = result.fetch
- @id = row[0].to_i
+ @id = self.class.next_id
+ cursor = connection.parse(self.class.insert_session_sql)
+ cursor.bind_param(':session_id', @session_id)
+ end
+ # These are always the same, as @id is set above!
+ cursor.bind_param(':id', @id, Fixnum)
+ native_columns.each do |col|
+ cursor.bind_param(":#{col}", data.delete(col) || '')
+ cursor.bind_param(':data', self.class.marshalize(data))
+ cursor.exec
+ cursor.close
# destroy the current session
def destroy
- self.class.delete_all("session_id='#{session_id}'")
+ self.class.delete_all(["session_id = ?", session_id])
# This software is released under the MIT license
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Stefan Kaes
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Tiago Macedo
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nate Wiger
+# Copyright (c) 2006 Stefan Kaes
+# Copyright (c) 2006 Tiago Macedo
+# Copyright (c) 2007 Nate Wiger
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the