def content(c)
- @request.env["RAW_POST_DATA"] = c
+ @request.env["RAW_POST_DATA"] = c.to_s
# -------------------------------------
get :ways_for_node, :id => current_nodes(:used_node_1).id
assert_response :success
# FIXME check whether this contains the stuff we want!
- print @response.body
+ #print @response.body
+ # Needs to be updated when changing fixtures
+ # The generator should probably be defined in the environment.rb file
+ # in the same place as the api version
+ assert_select "osm[version=#{API_VERSION}][generator=\"OpenStreetMap server\"]", 1
+ assert_select "osm way", 3
+ assert_select "osm way nd", 3
+ assert_select "osm way tag", 3
# check the "full" mode
get :full, :id => current_ways(:visible_way).id
assert_response :success
# FIXME check whether this contains the stuff we want!
- print @response.body
+ #print @response.body
+ # Check the way is correctly returned
+ way = current_ways(:visible_way)
+ assert_select "osm way[id=#{way.id}][version=#{way.version}][visible=#{way.visible}]", 1
+ assert_select "osm way nd[ref=#{way.way_nodes[0].node_id}]", 1
+ # Check that the node is correctly returned
+ nd = current_ways(:visible_way).nodes
+ assert_equal 1, nd.count
+ nda = nd[0]
+ assert_select "osm node[id=#{nda.id}][version=#{nda.version}][lat=#{nda.lat}][lon=#{nda.lon}]", 1
# -------------------------------------
nid2 = current_nodes(:used_node_2).id
basic_authorization "test@openstreetmap.org", "test"
+ # use the first user's open changeset
+ changeset_id = changesets(:normal_user_first_change).id
# create a way with pre-existing nodes
- content "<osm><way><nd ref='#{nid1}'/><nd ref='#{nid2}'/><tag k='test' v='yes' /></way></osm>"
+ content "<osm><way changeset='#{changeset_id}'>" +
+ "<nd ref='#{nid1}'/><nd ref='#{nid2}'/>" +
+ "<tag k='test' v='yes' /></way></osm>"
put :create
# hope for success
assert_response :success,
"saved way does not contain the right node on pos 0"
assert_equal checkway.nds[1], nid2,
"saved way does not contain the right node on pos 1"
- assert_equal users(:normal_user).id, checkway.user_id,
+ assert_equal checkway.changeset_id, changeset_id,
+ "saved way does not belong to the correct changeset"
+ assert_equal users(:normal_user).id, checkway.changeset.user_id,
"saved way does not belong to user that created it"
assert_equal true, checkway.visible,
"saved way is not visible"
def test_create_invalid
basic_authorization "test@openstreetmap.org", "test"
+ # use the first user's open changeset
+ open_changeset_id = changesets(:normal_user_first_change).id
+ closed_changeset_id = changesets(:normal_user_closed_change).id
+ nid1 = current_nodes(:used_node_1).id
# create a way with non-existing node
- content "<osm><way><nd ref='0'/><tag k='test' v='yes' /></way></osm>"
+ content "<osm><way changeset='#{open_changeset_id}'>" +
+ "<nd ref='0'/><tag k='test' v='yes' /></way></osm>"
put :create
# expect failure
assert_response :precondition_failed,
"way upload with invalid node did not return 'precondition failed'"
# create a way with no nodes
- content "<osm><way><tag k='test' v='yes' /></way></osm>"
+ content "<osm><way changeset='#{open_changeset_id}'>" +
+ "<tag k='test' v='yes' /></way></osm>"
put :create
# expect failure
assert_response :precondition_failed,
"way upload with no node did not return 'precondition failed'"
+ # create a way inside a closed changeset
+ content "<osm><way changeset='#{closed_changeset_id}'>" +
+ "<nd ref='#{nid1}'/></way></osm>"
+ put :create
+ # expect failure
+ assert_response :conflict,
+ "way upload to closed changeset did not return 'conflict'"
# -------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------
def test_delete
# first try to delete way without auth
delete :delete, :id => current_ways(:visible_way).id
assert_response :unauthorized
# now set auth
basic_authorization("test@openstreetmap.org", "test");
- # this should work
+ # this shouldn't work as with the 0.6 api we need pay load to delete
+ delete :delete, :id => current_ways(:visible_way).id
+ assert_response :bad_request
+ # Now try without having a changeset
+ content "<osm><way id='#{current_ways(:visible_way).id}'></osm>"
+ delete :delete, :id => current_ways(:visible_way).id
+ assert_response :bad_request
+ # try to delete with an invalid (closed) changeset
+ content update_changeset(current_ways(:visible_way).to_xml,
+ changesets(:normal_user_closed_change).id)
+ delete :delete, :id => current_ways(:visible_way).id
+ assert_response :conflict
+ # try to delete with an invalid (non-existent) changeset
+ content update_changeset(current_ways(:visible_way).to_xml,0)
+ delete :delete, :id => current_ways(:visible_way).id
+ assert_response :conflict
+ # Now try with a valid changeset
+ content current_ways(:visible_way).to_xml
delete :delete, :id => current_ways(:visible_way).id
assert_response :success
+ # check the returned value - should be the new version number
+ # valid delete should return the new version number, which should
+ # be greater than the old version number
+ assert @response.body.to_i > current_ways(:visible_way).version,
+ "delete request should return a new version number for way"
# this won't work since the way is already deleted
+ content current_ways(:invisible_way).to_xml
delete :delete, :id => current_ways(:invisible_way).id
assert_response :gone
+ # this shouldn't work as the way is used in a relation
+ content current_ways(:used_way).to_xml
+ delete :delete, :id => current_ways(:used_way).id
+ assert_response :precondition_failed,
+ "shouldn't be able to delete a way used in a relation (#{@response.body})"
# this won't work since the way never existed
delete :delete, :id => 0
assert_response :not_found
+ ##
+ # update the changeset_id of a node element
+ def update_changeset(xml, changeset_id)
+ xml_attr_rewrite(xml, 'changeset', changeset_id)
+ end
+ ##
+ # update an attribute in the node element
+ def xml_attr_rewrite(xml, name, value)
+ xml.find("//osm/way").first[name] = value.to_s
+ return xml
+ end