+ def get_picture(min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon, num_points)
+ #puts "getting picfor bbox #{min_lat},#{min_lon} - #{max_lat},#{max_lon}"
+ frames = 10
+ width = 250
+ height = 250
+ proj = OSM::Mercator.new(min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon, width, height)
+ linegc = Magick::Draw.new
+ linegc.stroke_linejoin('miter')
+ linegc.stroke_width(1)
+ linegc.stroke('#BBBBBB')
+ linegc.fill('#BBBBBB')
+ highlightgc = Magick::Draw.new
+ highlightgc.stroke_linejoin('miter')
+ highlightgc.stroke_width(3)
+ highlightgc.stroke('#000000')
+ highlightgc.fill('#000000')
+ images = []
+ frames.times do
+ image = Magick::Image.new(width, height) do |image|
+ image.background_color = 'white'
+ image.format = 'GIF'
+ end
+ images << image
+ end
+ oldpx = 0.0
+ oldpy = 0.0
+ first = true
+ m = 0
+ mm = 0
+ points do |p|
+ px = proj.x(p['longitude'])
+ py = proj.y(p['latitude'])
+ if m > 0
+ frames.times do |n|
+ if n == mm
+ gc = highlightgc.dup
+ else
+ gc = linegc.dup
+ end
+ gc.line(px, py, oldpx, oldpy)
+ gc.draw(images[n])
+ end
+ end
+ m += 1
+ if m > num_points.to_f / frames.to_f * (mm+1)
+ mm += 1
+ end
+ oldpy = py
+ oldpx = px
+ end
+ il = Magick::ImageList.new
+ images.each do |f|
+ il << f
+ end
+ il.delay = 50
+ il.format = 'GIF'
+ return il.to_blob
+ end
+ def get_icon(min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon)
+ #puts "getting icon for bbox #{min_lat},#{min_lon} - #{max_lat},#{max_lon}"
+ width = 50
+ height = 50
+ proj = OSM::Mercator.new(min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon, width, height)
+ gc = Magick::Draw.new
+ gc.stroke_linejoin('miter')
+ gc.stroke_width(1)
+ gc.stroke('#000000')
+ gc.fill('#000000')
+ image = Magick::Image.new(width, height) do |image|
+ image.background_color = 'white'
+ image.format = 'GIF'
+ end
+ oldpx = 0.0
+ oldpy = 0.0
+ first = true
+ points do |p|
+ px = proj.x(p['longitude'])
+ py = proj.y(p['latitude'])
+ gc.dup.line(px, py, oldpx, oldpy).draw(image) unless first
+ first = false
+ oldpy = py
+ oldpx = px
+ end
+ return image.to_blob
+ end
+ end
+ class GreatCircle
+ include Math
+ # initialise with a base position
+ def initialize(lat, lon)
+ @lat = lat * PI / 180
+ @lon = lon * PI / 180
+ end
+ # get the distance from the base position to a given position
+ def distance(lat, lon)
+ lat = lat * PI / 180
+ lon = lon * PI / 180
+ return 6372.795 * 2 * asin(sqrt(sin((lat - @lat) / 2) ** 2 + cos(@lat) * cos(lat) * sin((lon - @lon)/2) ** 2))
+ end
+ # get the worst case bounds for a given radius from the base position
+ def bounds(radius)
+ latradius = 2 * asin(sqrt(sin(radius / 6372.795 / 2) ** 2))
+ lonradius = 2 * asin(sqrt(sin(radius / 6372.795 / 2) ** 2 / cos(@lat) ** 2))
+ minlat = (@lat - latradius) * 180 / PI
+ maxlat = (@lat + latradius) * 180 / PI
+ minlon = (@lon - lonradius) * 180 / PI
+ maxlon = (@lon + lonradius) * 180 / PI
+ return { :minlat => minlat, :maxlat => maxlat, :minlon => minlon, :maxlon => maxlon }
+ end
+ end
+ class GeoRSS
+ def initialize(feed_title='OpenStreetMap GPS Traces', feed_description='OpenStreetMap GPS Traces', feed_url='http://www.openstreetmap.org/traces/')
+ @doc = XML::Document.new
+ @doc.encoding = 'UTF-8'
+ rss = XML::Node.new 'rss'
+ @doc.root = rss
+ rss['version'] = "2.0"
+ rss['xmlns:geo'] = "http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#"
+ @channel = XML::Node.new 'channel'
+ rss << @channel
+ title = XML::Node.new 'title'
+ title << feed_title
+ @channel << title
+ description_el = XML::Node.new 'description'
+ @channel << description_el
+ description_el << feed_description
+ link = XML::Node.new 'link'
+ link << feed_url
+ @channel << link
+ image = XML::Node.new 'image'
+ @channel << image
+ url = XML::Node.new 'url'
+ url << 'http://www.openstreetmap.org/images/mag_map-rss2.0.png'
+ image << url
+ title = XML::Node.new 'title'
+ title << "OpenStreetMap"
+ image << title
+ width = XML::Node.new 'width'
+ width << '100'
+ image << width
+ height = XML::Node.new 'height'
+ height << '100'
+ image << height
+ link = XML::Node.new 'link'
+ link << feed_url
+ image << link
+ end
+ def add(latitude=0, longitude=0, title_text='dummy title', author_text='anonymous', url='http://www.example.com/', description_text='dummy description', timestamp=DateTime.now)
+ item = XML::Node.new 'item'
+ title = XML::Node.new 'title'
+ item << title
+ title << title_text
+ link = XML::Node.new 'link'
+ link << url
+ item << link
+ guid = XML::Node.new 'guid'
+ guid << url
+ item << guid
+ description = XML::Node.new 'description'
+ description << description_text
+ item << description
+ author = XML::Node.new 'author'
+ author << author_text
+ item << author
+ pubDate = XML::Node.new 'pubDate'
+ pubDate << timestamp.to_s(:rfc822)
+ item << pubDate
+ if latitude
+ lat_el = XML::Node.new 'geo:lat'
+ lat_el << latitude.to_s
+ item << lat_el
+ end
+ if longitude
+ lon_el = XML::Node.new 'geo:long'
+ lon_el << longitude.to_s
+ item << lon_el
+ end
+ @channel << item
+ end
+ def to_s
+ return @doc.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ class API
+ def get_xml_doc
+ doc = XML::Document.new
+ doc.encoding = 'UTF-8'
+ root = XML::Node.new 'osm'
+ root['version'] = API_VERSION
+ root['generator'] = 'OpenStreetMap server'
+ doc.root = root
+ return doc
+ end
+ end
+ def self.IPLocation(ip_address)
+ Timeout::timeout(4) do
+ Net::HTTP.start('api.hostip.info') do |http|
+ country = http.get("/country.php?ip=#{ip_address}").body
+ country = "GB" if country == "UK"
+ Net::HTTP.start('ws.geonames.org') do |http|
+ xml = REXML::Document.new(http.get("/countryInfo?country=#{country}").body)
+ xml.elements.each("geonames/country") do |ele|
+ minlon = ele.get_text("bBoxWest").to_s
+ minlat = ele.get_text("bBoxSouth").to_s
+ maxlon = ele.get_text("bBoxEast").to_s
+ maxlat = ele.get_text("bBoxNorth").to_s
+ return { :minlon => minlon, :minlat => minlat, :maxlon => maxlon, :maxlat => maxlat }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+ rescue Exception
+ return nil
+ end
+ # Construct a random token of a given length
+ def self.make_token(length = 30)
+ chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrtuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'
+ token = ''
+ length.times do
+ token += chars[(rand * chars.length).to_i].chr
+ end
+ return token