friendly: "%e %B %Y at %H:%M"
blog: "%e %B %Y"
+ count:
+ at_least_pattern: "%{count}+"
prompt: Choose file
invalid_email_address: does not appear to be a valid e-mail address
email_address_not_routable: is not routable
+ models:
+ user_mute:
+ attributes:
+ subject:
+ format: "%{message}"
+ is_already_muted: "is already muted"
# Translates all the model names, which is used in error handling on the website
acl: "Access Control List"
openid: OpenID
google: Google
facebook: Facebook
- windowslive: Microsoft
+ microsoft: Microsoft
github: GitHub
wikipedia: Wikipedia
reopened_at_by_html: "Reactivated %{when} by %{user}"
title: "OpenStreetMap Notes"
+ description_all: "A list of reported, commented on or closed notes"
description_area: "A list of notes, reported, commented on or closed in your area [(%{min_lat}|%{min_lon}) -- (%{max_lat}|%{max_lon})]"
description_item: "An rss feed for note %{id}"
opened: "new note (near %{place})"
retain_notes: Your map notes and note comments, if any, will be retained but hidden from view.
retain_changeset_discussions: Your changeset discussions, if any, will be retained.
retain_email: Your email address will be retained.
+ recent_editing_html: "As you have edited recently your account cannot currently be deleted. Deletion will be possible in %{time}."
confirm_delete: Are you sure?
cancel: Cancel
km away: "%{count}km away"
m away: "%{count}m away"
+ latest_edit_html: "Latest edit (%{ago}):"
your location: "Your location"
nearby mapper: "Nearby mapper"
newer_comments: "Newer Comments"
older_comments: "Older Comments"
+ errors:
+ messages:
+ account_selection_required: "The authorization server requires end-user account selection"
+ consent_required: "The authorization server requires end-user consent"
+ interaction_required: "The authorization server requires end-user interaction"
+ login_required: "The authorization server requires end-user authentication"
notice: Application Registered.
+ openid_connect:
+ errors:
+ messages:
+ # Configuration error messages
+ auth_time_from_resource_owner_not_configured: "Failure due to Doorkeeper::OpenidConnect.configure.auth_time_from_resource_owner missing configuration."
+ reauthenticate_resource_owner_not_configured: "Failure due to Doorkeeper::OpenidConnect.configure.reauthenticate_resource_owner missing configuration."
+ resource_owner_from_access_token_not_configured: "Failure due to Doorkeeper::OpenidConnect.configure.resource_owner_from_access_token missing configuration."
+ select_account_for_resource_owner_not_configured: "Failure due to Doorkeeper::OpenidConnect.configure.select_account_for_resource_owner missing configuration."
+ subject_not_configured: "ID Token generation failed due to Doorkeeper::OpenidConnect.configure.subject missing configuration."
+ scopes:
+ address: "View your physical address"
+ email: "View your email address"
+ openid: "Authenticate your account"
+ phone: "View your phone number"
+ profile: "View your profile information"
one: "%{count} report"
other: "%{count} reports"
no_reports: No reports
- report_created_at: "First reported at %{datetime}"
- last_resolved_at: "Last resolved at %{datetime}"
- last_updated_at: "Last updated at %{datetime} by %{displayname}"
+ report_created_at_html: "First reported at %{datetime}"
+ last_resolved_at_html: "Last resolved at %{datetime}"
+ last_updated_at_html: "Last updated at %{datetime} by %{displayname}"
resolve: Resolve
ignore: Ignore
reopen: Reopen
title: "Inbox"
- my_inbox: "My Inbox"
- my_outbox: "My Outbox"
messages: "You have %{new_messages} and %{old_messages}"
one: "%{count} new message"
one: "%{count} old message"
other: "%{count} old messages"
+ no_messages_yet_html: "You have no messages yet. Why not get in touch with some of the %{people_mapping_nearby_link}?"
+ people_mapping_nearby: "people mapping nearby"
+ messages_table:
from: "From"
+ to: "To"
subject: "Subject"
date: "Date"
- no_messages_yet_html: "You have no messages yet. Why not get in touch with some of the %{people_mapping_nearby_link}?"
- people_mapping_nearby: "people mapping nearby"
+ actions: "Actions"
unread_button: "Mark as unread"
read_button: "Mark as read"
reply_button: "Reply"
destroy_button: "Delete"
+ unmute_button: "Move to Inbox"
title: "Send message"
send_message_to_html: "Send a new message to %{name}"
body: "Sorry there is no message with that id."
title: "Outbox"
- my_inbox: "My Inbox"
- my_outbox: "My Outbox"
+ actions: "Actions"
one: "You have %{count} sent message"
other: "You have %{count} sent messages"
- to: "To"
- subject: "Subject"
- date: "Date"
no_sent_messages_html: "You have no sent messages yet. Why not get in touch with some of the %{people_mapping_nearby_link}?"
people_mapping_nearby: "people mapping nearby"
+ muted:
+ title: "Muted Messages"
+ messages:
+ one: "%{count} muted message"
+ other: "You have %{count} muted messages"
wrong_user: "You are logged in as `%{user}' but the message you have asked to reply to was not sent to that user. Please login as the correct user in order to reply."
wrong_user: "You are logged in as `%{user}' but the message you have asked to read was not sent by or to that user. Please login as the correct user in order to read it."
destroy_button: "Delete"
+ heading:
+ my_inbox: "My Inbox"
+ my_outbox: "My Outbox"
+ muted_messages: "Muted messages"
as_read: "Message marked as read"
as_unread: "Message marked as unread"
+ unmute:
+ notice: "Message has been moved to Inbox"
+ error: "The message could not be moved to the Inbox."
destroyed: "Message deleted"
- lost_password:
+ new:
title: "Lost password"
heading: "Forgotten Password?"
email address: "Email Address:"
new password button: "Reset password"
help_text: "Enter the email address you used to sign up, we will send a link to it that you can use to reset your password."
+ create:
notice email on way: "Sorry you lost it :-( but an email is on its way so you can reset it soon."
notice email cannot find: "Could not find that email address, sorry."
- reset_password:
+ edit:
title: "Reset password"
heading: "Reset Password for %{user}"
reset: "Reset Password"
+ flash token bad: "Did not find that token, check the URL maybe?"
+ update:
flash changed: "Your password has been changed."
flash token bad: "Did not find that token, check the URL maybe?"
home location: "Home Location"
no home location: "You have not entered your home location."
update home location on click: "Update home location when I click on the map?"
+ show: "Show"
+ delete: "Delete"
+ undelete: "Undo delete"
success: Profile updated.
failure: Couldn't update profile.
title: Login with Facebook
alt: Login with a Facebook Account
- windowslive:
+ microsoft:
title: Login with Microsoft
alt: Login with a Microsoft Account
image: Image
alt: Alt text
url: URL
+ codeblock: Code block
edit: Edit
preview: Preview
Resources Canada), and StatCan (Geography Division,
Statistics Canada).
contributors_ca_canada: Canada
+ contributors_cz_credit_html: |
+ %{czechia}: Contains data from the State Administration of Land Surveying
+ and Cadastre licensed under %{cc_licence_link}
+ contributors_cz_czechia: Czechia
+ contributors_cz_cc_licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0)
+ contributors_cz_cc_licence_url:
contributors_fi_credit_html: |
%{finland}: Contains data from the
National Land Survey of Finland's Topographic Database
primary: "Primary road"
secondary: "Secondary road"
unclassified: "Unclassified road"
+ pedestrian: "Pedestrian way"
track: "Track"
bridleway: "Bridleway"
cycleway: "Cycleway"
cycleway_national: "National cycleway"
cycleway_regional: "Regional cycleway"
cycleway_local: "Local cycleway"
+ cycleway_mtb: "Mountain bike route"
footway: "Footway"
rail: "Railway"
+ train: "Train"
subway: "Subway"
- tram:
- - Light rail
- - tram
- cable:
- - Cable car
- - chair lift
- runway:
- - Airport Runway
- - taxiway
- apron:
- - Airport apron
- - terminal
+ ferry: "Ferry"
+ light_rail: "Light rail"
+ tram_only: "Tram"
+ trolleybus: "Trolleybus"
+ bus: "Bus"
+ cable_car: "Cable car"
+ chair_lift: "Chair lift"
+ runway_only: "Airport Runway"
+ taxiway: "Taxiway"
+ apron_only: "Airport apron"
admin: "Administrative boundary"
- forest: "Forest"
+ capital: "Capital"
+ city: "City"
+ orchard_only: "Orchard"
+ vineyard: "Vineyard"
+ forest_only: "Forest"
wood: "Wood"
+ farmland: "Farmland"
+ grass_only: "Grass"
+ meadow: "Meadow"
+ bare_rock: "Bare rock"
+ sand: "Sand"
golf: "Golf course"
park: "Park"
+ common_only: "Common"
+ built_up: "Built-up area"
resident: "Residential area"
- common:
- - Common
- - meadow
- - garden
retail: "Retail area"
industrial: "Industrial area"
commercial: "Commercial area"
heathland: "Heathland"
- lake:
- - Lake
- - reservoir
+ scrubland: "Scrubland"
+ lake_only: "Lake"
+ reservoir: "Reservoir"
+ intermittent_water: "Intermittent waterbody"
+ glacier: "Glacier"
+ reef: "Reef"
+ wetland: "Wetland"
farm: "Farm"
brownfield: "Brownfield site"
cemetery: "Cemetery"
centre: "Sports centre"
reserve: "Nature reserve"
military: "Military area"
- school:
- - School
- - university
+ school_only: "School"
+ university: "University"
+ hospital: "Hospital"
building: "Significant building"
station: "Railway station"
- summit:
- - Summit
- - peak
+ summit_only: "Summit"
+ peak: "Peak"
tunnel: "Dashed casing = tunnel"
bridge: "Black casing = bridge"
private: "Private access"
destination: "Destination access"
construction: "Roads under construction"
+ bus_stop: "Bus stop"
+ stop: "Stop"
bicycle_shop: "Bicycle shop"
bicycle_parking: "Bicycle parking"
toilets: "Toilets"
automated_edits: Automated Edits
start_mapping: Start Mapping
+ continue_authorization: Continue Authorization
title: No Time To Edit? Add a Note!
para_1: |
oauth1_settings: OAuth 1 settings
oauth2_applications: OAuth 2 applications
oauth2_authorizations: OAuth 2 authorizations
+ muted_users: Muted Users
title: "Authorize access to your account"
missing: "You have not permitted the application access to this facility"
+ openid: Sign-in using OpenStreetMap
read_prefs: Read user preferences
write_prefs: Modify user preferences
write_diary: Create diary entries, comments and make friends
read_gpx: Read private GPS traces
write_gpx: Upload GPS traces
write_notes: Modify notes
+ write_redactions: Redact map data
read_email: Read user email address
skip_authorization: Auto approve application
application: "Application"
permissions: "Permissions"
no_applications_html: "You have not yet authorized any %{oauth2} applications."
+ oauth_2: "OAuth 2"
revoke: "Revoke Access"
confirm_revoke: "Revoke access for this application?"
my_dashboard: My Dashboard
blocks on me: Blocks on Me
blocks by me: Blocks by Me
+ create_mute: Mute this User
+ destroy_mute: Unmute this User
edit_profile: Edit Profile
send message: Send Message
diary: Diary
remove as friend: Unfriend
add as friend: Add Friend
mapper since: "Mapper since:"
+ uid: "User id:"
ct status: "Contributor terms:"
ct undecided: Undecided
ct declined: Declined
- latest edit: "Latest edit (%{ago}):"
email address: "Email address:"
created from: "Created from:"
status: "Status:"
administrator: "This user is an administrator"
moderator: "This user is a moderator"
+ importer: "This user is a importer"
administrator: "Grant administrator access"
moderator: "Grant moderator access"
+ importer: "Grant importer access"
administrator: "Revoke administrator access"
moderator: "Revoke moderator access"
+ importer: "Revoke importer access"
block_history: "Active Blocks"
moderator_history: "Blocks Given"
+ revoke_all_blocks: "Revoke all blocks"
comments: "Comments"
create_block: "Block this User"
activate_user: "Activate this User"
title: "Revoking block on %{block_on}"
heading_html: "Revoking block on %{block_on} by %{block_by}"
- time_future: "This block will end in %{time}."
- past: "This block ended %{time} and cannot be revoked now."
+ time_future_html: "This block will end in %{time}."
+ past_html: "This block ended %{time} and cannot be revoked now."
confirm: "Are you sure you wish to revoke this block?"
revoke: "Revoke!"
flash: "This block has been revoked."
+ revoke_all:
+ title: "Revoking all blocks on %{block_on}"
+ heading_html: "Revoking all blocks on %{block_on}"
+ empty: "%{name} has no active blocks."
+ confirm: "Are you sure you wish to revoke %{active_blocks}?"
+ active_blocks:
+ one: "%{count} active block"
+ other: "%{count} active blocks"
+ revoke: "Revoke!"
+ flash: "All active blocks have been revoked."
time_future_html: "Ends in %{time}."
until_login: "Active until the user logs in."
showing_page: "Page %{page}"
next: "Next »"
previous: "« Previous"
+ user_mutes:
+ index:
+ title: "Muted Users"
+ my_muted_users: "My muted users"
+ you_have_muted_n_users:
+ one: "You have muted %{count} User"
+ other: "You have muted %{count} users"
+ user_mute_explainer: "Messages of muted users are moved into a separate Inbox and you won't receive email notifications."
+ user_mute_admins_and_moderators: "You can mute Admins and Moderators but their messages will not be muted."
+ table:
+ thead:
+ muted_user: "Muted User"
+ actions: "Actions"
+ tbody:
+ unmute: "Unmute"
+ send_message: "Send message"
+ create:
+ notice: "You muted %{name}."
+ error: "%{name} could not be muted. %{full_message}."
+ destroy:
+ notice: "You unmuted %{name}."
+ error: "User could not be unmuted. Please try again."
title: "Notes submitted or commented on by %{user}"
heading: "%{user}'s Notes"
- subheading_html: "Notes submitted or commented on by %{user}"
+ subheading_html: "Notes %{submitted} or %{commented} by %{user}"
+ subheading_submitted: "submitted"
+ subheading_commented: "commented on"
no_notes: No notes
id: "Id"
creator: "Creator"
reactivate: Reactivate
comment_and_resolve: Comment & Resolve
comment: Comment
+ log_in_to_comment: "Log in to comment on this note"
report_link_html: "If this note contains sensitive information that needs to be removed, you can %{link}."
other_problems_resolve: "For all other problems with the note, please resolve it yourself with a comment."
other_problems_resolved: "For all other problems, resolving is sufficient."
cyclosm: CyclOSM
cycle_map: Cycle Map
transport_map: Transport Map
+ tracestracktop_topo: Tracestrack Topo
hot: Humanitarian
opnvkarte: ÖPNVKarte
andy_allan: Andy Allan
opnvkarte_credit: "Tiles courtesy of %{memomaps_link}"
memomaps: MeMoMaps
+ tracestrack_credit: "Tiles courtesy of %{tracestrack_link}"
+ tracestrack: Tracestrack
hotosm_credit: "Tiles style by %{hotosm_link} hosted by %{osm_france_link}"
hotosm_name: Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: Zoom in to see map data
queryfeature_tooltip: Query features
queryfeature_disabled_tooltip: Zoom in to query features
+ embed_html_disabled: HTML embedding is not available for this map layer
comment: "Comment"