+require "securerandom"
+require "digest/sha1"
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test"
require_relative "../config/environment"
require "rails/test_help"
include FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods
include ActiveJob::TestHelper
+ # Run tests in parallel with specified workers
+ parallelize(:workers => :number_of_processors)
# takes a block which is executed in the context of a different
# ActionController instance. this is used so that code can call methods
- # set request header for HTTP Accept
- def http_accept_format(format)
- @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = format
+ # return request header for HTTP Basic Authorization
+ def basic_authorization_header(user, pass)
+ { "Authorization" => format("Basic %{auth}", :auth => Base64.encode64("#{user}:#{pass}")) }
+ end
+ ##
+ # make an OAuth signed request
+ def signed_request(method, uri, options = {})
+ uri = URI.parse(uri)
+ uri.scheme ||= "http"
+ ||= ""
+ oauth = options.delete(:oauth)
+ params = options.fetch(:params, {}).transform_keys(&:to_s)
+ oauth[:consumer] ||= oauth[:token].client_application
+ helper =, oauth)
+ request = OAuth::RequestProxy.proxy(
+ "method" => method.to_s.upcase,
+ "uri" => uri,
+ "parameters" => params.merge(helper.oauth_parameters)
+ )
+ request.sign!(oauth)
+ method(method).call(request.signed_uri, options)
+ end
+ ##
+ # make an OAuth signed GET request
+ def signed_get(uri, options = {})
+ signed_request(:get, uri, options)
+ end
+ ##
+ # make an OAuth signed POST request
+ def signed_post(uri, options = {})
+ signed_request(:post, uri, options)
- # set request readers to ask for a particular error format
- def error_format(format)
- @request.env["HTTP_X_ERROR_FORMAT"] = format
+ # return request header for HTTP Accept
+ def accept_format_header(format)
+ { "Accept" => format }
+ end
+ ##
+ # return request header to ask for a particular error format
+ def error_format_header(f)
+ { "X-Error-Format" => f }
click_on "Login", :match => :first
+ def session_for(user)
+ post login_path, :params => { :username => user.display_name, :password => "test" }
+ follow_redirect!
+ end
def xml_for_node(node)
doc =
doc.root << xml_node_for_node(node)