- if user.blocked_on_view
- redirect_to user.blocked_on_view, :referer => params[:referer]
- elsif session[:referer]
- redirect_to session[:referer]
+ target = params[:referer] || url_for(:controller => :site, :action => :index)
+ # The user is logged in, so decide where to send them:
+ #
+ # - If they haven't seen the contributor terms, send them there.
+ # - If they have a block on them, show them that.
+ # - If they were referred to the login, send them back there.
+ # - Otherwise, send them to the home page.
+ if REQUIRE_TERMS_SEEN and not user.terms_seen
+ redirect_to :controller => :user, :action => :terms, :referer => target
+ elsif user.blocked_on_view
+ redirect_to user.blocked_on_view, :referer => target