var dragging; // true if the user is dragging a start/end point
var chosenEngine;
- var popup = L.popup();
+ var popup = L.popup({autoPanPadding: [100, 100]});
var polyline = L.polyline([], {
color: '#03f',
function Endpoint(input, iconUrl) {
var endpoint = {};
- endpoint.input = input;
endpoint.marker = L.marker([0, 0], {
icon: L.icon({
iconUrl: iconUrl,
- endpoint.setValue = function(value) {
+ endpoint.setValue = function(value, latlng) {
endpoint.value = value;
delete endpoint.latlng;
- endpoint.getGeocode();
+ if (latlng) {
+ endpoint.setLatLng(latlng);
+ } else {
+ endpoint.getGeocode();
+ }
endpoint.getGeocode = function() {
$(".directions_form .reverse_directions").on("click", function() {
- var input_from = endpoints[0].input.val();
- var input_to = endpoints[1].input.val();
- var latlng_from = endpoints[0].latlng;
- var latlng_to = endpoints[1].latlng;
- endpoints[0].setLatLng(latlng_to);
- endpoints[1].setLatLng(latlng_from);
- endpoints[0].input.val(input_to);
- endpoints[1].input.val(input_from);
+ var from = endpoints[0].latlng,
+ to = endpoints[1].latlng;
- getRoute();
+ OSM.router.route("/directions?" + querystring.stringify({
+ from: $("#route_to").val(),
+ to: $("#route_from").val(),
+ route: + "," + from.lng + ";" + + "," + to.lng
+ }));
$(".directions_form .close").on("click", function(e) {
var params = querystring.parse(,
- route = (params.route || '').split(';');
+ route = (params.route || '').split(';'),
+ from = route[0] && L.latLng(route[0].split(',')),
+ to = route[1] && L.latLng(route[1].split(','));
if (params.engine) {
- endpoints[0].setValue(params.from || "");
- endpoints[1].setValue( || "");
- var o = route[0] && L.latLng(route[0].split(',')),
- d = route[1] && L.latLng(route[1].split(','));
- if (o) endpoints[0].setLatLng(o);
- if (d) endpoints[1].setLatLng(d);
+ endpoints[0].setValue(params.from || "", from);
+ endpoints[1].setValue( || "", to);
- map.setSidebarOverlaid(!o || !d);
+ map.setSidebarOverlaid(!from || !to);