nodes: "Nodes:"
part_of: "Part of:"
- one: "also part of way %{related_ways}"
- other: "also part of ways %{related_ways}"
+ one: "part of way %{related_ways}"
+ other: "part of ways %{related_ways}"
way_history: "Way History"
way_history_title: "Way History: %{way_name}"
airfield: "Military Airfield"
barracks: "Barracks"
bunker: "Bunker"
+ mountain_pass:
+ "yes" : "Mountain Pass"
bay: "Bay"
beach: "Beach"
wrong_user: "You are logged in as `%{user}' but the message you have asked to reply to was not sent to that user. Please login as the correct user in order to reply."
title: "Read message"
- reading_your_messages: "Reading your messages"
from: "From"
subject: "Subject"
date: "Date"
reply_button: "Reply"
unread_button: "Mark as unread"
back_to_inbox: "Back to inbox"
- reading_your_sent_messages: "Reading your sent messages"
to: "To"
back_to_outbox: "Back to outbox"
wrong_user: "You are logged in as `%{user}' but the message you have asked to read was not sent by or to that user. Please login as the correct user in order to read it."
url: "Request Token URL:"
access_url: "Access Token URL:"
authorize_url: "Authorise URL:"
- support_notice: "We support HMAC-SHA1 (recommended) as well as plain text in SSL mode."
+ support_notice: "We support HMAC-SHA1 (recommended) and RSA-SHA1 signatures."
edit: "Edit Details"
delete: "Delete Client"
confirm: "Are you sure?"