class ApiController < ApplicationController
- session :off
before_filter :check_api_readable, :except => [:capabilities]
after_filter :compress_output
+ around_filter :api_call_handle_error, :api_call_timeout
# Help methods for checking boundary sanity and area size
include MapBoundary
# this "uniq" may be slightly inefficient; it may be better to first collect and output
# all node-related relations, then find the *not yet covered* way-related ones etc.
relations.uniq.each do |relation|
- doc.root << relation.to_xml_node(changeset_cache, user_display_name_cache)
+ doc.root << relation.to_xml_node(nil, changeset_cache, user_display_name_cache)
response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=\"map.osm\""
changesets = 'changesets'
changesets['maximum_elements'] = Changeset::MAX_ELEMENTS.to_s
api << changesets
+ timeout = 'timeout'
+ timeout['seconds'] = APP_CONFIG['api_timeout'].to_s
+ api << timeout
doc.root << api