+ # If we are passed an email address verification token, create
+ # the confirumation URL for account activation.
+ #
+ # Otherwise the email has already been verified e.g. through
+ # a trusted openID provider and the account is active and a
+ # confirmation URL is not needed.
+ if token
+ @url = url_for(:host => SERVER_URL,
+ :controller => "user", :action => "confirm",
+ :display_name => user.display_name,
+ :confirm_string => token.token)
+ end
+ mail :to => user.email,
+ :subject => I18n.t('notifier.signup_confirm.subject', :locale => @locale)
+ end
+ def email_confirm(user, token)
+ @locale = user.preferred_language_from(I18n.available_locales)
+ @address = user.new_email
+ @url = url_for(:host => SERVER_URL,
+ :controller => "user", :action => "confirm_email",
+ :confirm_string => token.token)
+ mail :to => user.new_email,
+ :subject => I18n.t('notifier.email_confirm.subject', :locale => @locale)
+ end
+ def lost_password(user, token)
+ @locale = user.preferred_language_from(I18n.available_locales)
+ @url = url_for(:host => SERVER_URL,
+ :controller => "user", :action => "reset_password",
+ :token => token.token)
+ mail :to => user.email,
+ :subject => I18n.t('notifier.lost_password.subject', :locale => @locale)
+ end
+ def gpx_success(trace, possible_points)
+ @locale = trace.user.preferred_language_from(I18n.available_locales)
+ @trace_name = trace.name
+ @trace_points = trace.size
+ @trace_description = trace.description
+ @trace_tags = trace.tags
+ @possible_points = possible_points
+ mail :to => trace.user.email,
+ :subject => I18n.t('notifier.gpx_notification.success.subject', :locale => @locale)
+ end
+ def gpx_failure(trace, error)
+ @locale = trace.user.preferred_language_from(I18n.available_locales)
+ @trace_name = trace.name
+ @trace_description = trace.description
+ @trace_tags = trace.tags
+ @error = error
+ mail :to => trace.user.email,
+ :subject => I18n.t('notifier.gpx_notification.failure.subject', :locale => @locale)
+ end
+ def message_notification(message)
+ @locale = message.recipient.preferred_language_from(I18n.available_locales)
+ @to_user = message.recipient.display_name
+ @from_user = message.sender.display_name
+ @text = message.body
+ @title = message.title
+ @readurl = url_for(:host => SERVER_URL,
+ :controller => "message", :action => "read",
+ :message_id => message.id)
+ @replyurl = url_for(:host => SERVER_URL,
+ :controller => "message", :action => "reply",
+ :message_id => message.id)
+ mail :from => from_address(message.sender.display_name, "m", message.id, message.digest),
+ :to => message.recipient.email,
+ :subject => I18n.t('notifier.message_notification.subject_header', :subject => message.title, :locale => @locale)
+ end
+ def diary_comment_notification(comment)
+ @locale = comment.diary_entry.user.preferred_language_from(I18n.available_locales)
+ @to_user = comment.diary_entry.user.display_name
+ @from_user = comment.user.display_name
+ @text = comment.body
+ @title = comment.diary_entry.title
+ @readurl = url_for(:host => SERVER_URL,
+ :controller => "diary_entry",
+ :action => "view",
+ :display_name => comment.diary_entry.user.display_name,
+ :id => comment.diary_entry.id,
+ :anchor => "comment#{comment.id}")
+ @commenturl = url_for(:host => SERVER_URL,
+ :controller => "diary_entry",
+ :action => "view",
+ :display_name => comment.diary_entry.user.display_name,
+ :id => comment.diary_entry.id,
+ :anchor => "newcomment")
+ @replyurl = url_for(:host => SERVER_URL,
+ :controller => "message",
+ :action => "new",
+ :display_name => comment.user.display_name,
+ :title => "Re: #{comment.diary_entry.title}")
+ mail :from => from_address(comment.user.display_name, "c", comment.id, comment.digest),
+ :to => comment.diary_entry.user.email,
+ :subject => I18n.t('notifier.diary_comment_notification.subject', :user => comment.user.display_name, :locale => @locale)
+ end
+ def friend_notification(friend)
+ @locale = friend.befriendee.preferred_language_from(I18n.available_locales)
+ @friend = friend
+ mail :to => friend.befriendee.email,
+ :subject => I18n.t('notifier.friend_notification.subject', :user => friend.befriender.display_name, :locale => @locale)
+ end
+ def note_comment_notification(comment, recipient)
+ @locale = recipient.preferred_language_from(I18n.available_locales)
+ @noteurl = browse_note_url(comment.note, :host => SERVER_URL)
+ @place = Nominatim.describe_location(comment.note.lat, comment.note.lon, 14, @locale)
+ @comment = comment.body
+ @owner = recipient == comment.note.author
+ if comment.author
+ @commenter = comment.author.display_name
+ else
+ @commenter = I18n.t("notifier.note_comment_notification.anonymous")
+ end
+ if @owner
+ subject = I18n.t('notifier.note_comment_notification.subject_own', :commenter => @commenter)
+ else
+ subject = I18n.t('notifier.note_comment_notification.subject_other', :commenter => @commenter)
+ end
+ mail :to => recipient.email, :subject => subject
+ end
+ def from_address(name, type, id, digest)
+ if Object.const_defined?(:MESSAGES_DOMAIN) and domain = MESSAGES_DOMAIN
+ "#{name} <#{type}-#{id}-#{digest[0,6]}@#{domain}>"
+ else
+ end