//= require_self
//= require_tree ./directions
+//= require qs/dist/qs
OSM.Directions = function (map) {
var awaitingGeocode; // true if the user has requested a route, but we're waiting on a geocode result
endpoint.awaitingGeocode = true;
- $.getJSON(OSM.NOMINATIM_URL + "search?q=" + encodeURIComponent(endpoint.value) + "&format=json", function (json) {
+ var viewbox = map.getBounds().toBBoxString(); // <sw lon>,<sw lat>,<ne lon>,<ne lat>
+ $.getJSON(OSM.NOMINATIM_URL + "search?q=" + encodeURIComponent(endpoint.value) + "&format=json&viewbox=" + viewbox, function (json) {
endpoint.awaitingGeocode = false;
endpoint.hasGeocode = true;
if (json.length === 0) {
$(".directions_form .reverse_directions").on("click", function () {
- var from = endpoints[0].latlng,
- to = endpoints[1].latlng;
+ var coordFrom = endpoints[0].latlng,
+ coordTo = endpoints[1].latlng,
+ routeFrom = "",
+ routeTo = "";
+ if (coordFrom) {
+ routeFrom = coordFrom.lat + "," + coordFrom.lng;
+ }
+ if (coordTo) {
+ routeTo = coordTo.lat + "," + coordTo.lng;
+ }
- OSM.router.route("/directions?" + qs.stringify({
+ OSM.router.route("/directions?" + Qs.stringify({
from: $("#route_to").val(),
to: $("#route_from").val(),
- route: to.lat + "," + to.lng + ";" + from.lat + "," + from.lng
+ route: routeTo + ";" + routeFrom
- $(".directions_form .close").on("click", function (e) {
+ $(".directions_form .btn-close").on("click", function (e) {
var route_from = endpoints[0].value;
if (route_from) {
var precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(map.getZoom());
- OSM.router.replace("/directions?" + qs.stringify({
+ OSM.router.replace("/directions?" + Qs.stringify({
engine: chosenEngine.id,
route: o.lat.toFixed(precision) + "," + o.lng.toFixed(precision) + ";" +
d.lat.toFixed(precision) + "," + d.lng.toFixed(precision)
- var html = "<h2><a class=\"geolink\" href=\"#\">" +
- "<span class=\"icon close\"></span></a>" + I18n.t("javascripts.directions.directions") +
- "</h2><p id=\"routing_summary\">" +
+ var html = "<a class=\"geolink\" href=\"#\"><button type='button' class='btn-close float-end mt-1'></button></a>" +
+ "<h2>" + I18n.t("javascripts.directions.directions") + "</h2>" +
+ "<p>" +
I18n.t("javascripts.directions.distance") + ": " + formatDistance(route.distance) + ". " +
I18n.t("javascripts.directions.time") + ": " + formatTime(route.time) + ".";
if (typeof route.ascend !== "undefined" && typeof route.descend !== "undefined") {
I18n.t("javascripts.directions.ascend") + ": " + Math.round(route.ascend) + "m. " +
I18n.t("javascripts.directions.descend") + ": " + Math.round(route.descend) + "m.";
- html += "</p><table id=\"turnbyturn\" />";
+ html += "</p><table id=\"turnbyturn\" class=\"mb-3\"/>";
- $("#sidebar_content").append("<p id=\"routing_credit\">" +
+ $("#sidebar_content").append("<p class=\"text-center\">" +
I18n.t("javascripts.directions.instructions.courtesy", { link: chosenEngine.creditline }) +
var chosenEngineIndex = findEngine("fossgis_osrm_car");
- if ($.cookie("_osm_directions_engine")) {
- chosenEngineIndex = findEngine($.cookie("_osm_directions_engine"));
+ if (Cookies.get("_osm_directions_engine")) {
+ chosenEngineIndex = findEngine(Cookies.get("_osm_directions_engine"));
select.on("change", function (e) {
chosenEngine = engines[e.target.selectedIndex];
- $.cookie("_osm_directions_engine", chosenEngine.id, { expires: expiry, path: "/" });
- if (map.hasLayer(polyline)) {
- getRoute(true, true);
- }
+ Cookies.set("_osm_directions_engine", chosenEngine.id, { secure: true, expires: expiry, path: "/", samesite: "lax" });
+ getRoute(true, true);
$(".directions_form").on("submit", function (e) {
getRoute(true, true);
- var params = qs.parse(location.search.substring(1)),
+ var params = Qs.parse(location.search.substring(1)),
route = (params.route || "").split(";"),
from = route[0] && L.latLng(route[0].split(",")),
to = route[1] && L.latLng(route[1].split(","));