class Trace < ActiveRecord::Base
set_table_name 'gpx_files'
- validates_presence_of :user_id, :name, :public, :description, :timestamp
+ validates_presence_of :user_id, :name, :timestamp
+ validates_presence_of :description, :on => :create
# validates_numericality_of :latitude, :longitude
- validates_inclusion_of :inserted, :in => [ true, false]
+ validates_inclusion_of :public, :inserted, :in => [ true, false]
belongs_to :user
has_many :tags, :class_name => 'Tracetag', :foreign_key => 'gpx_id', :dependent => :delete_all
def destroy
- FileUtils.rm_f(trace_name, icon_picture_name, large_picture_name)
+ FileUtils.rm_f(trace_name)
+ FileUtils.rm_f(icon_picture_name)
+ FileUtils.rm_f(large_picture_name)
+ end
+ def tagstring
+ return tags.collect {|tt| tt.tag}.join(" ")
def tagstring=(s)
# TODO *nix specific, could do to work on windows... would be functionally inferior though - check for '.gz'
filetype = `file -b #{trace_name}`.chomp
gzipped = filetype =~ /^gzip/
+ bzipped = filetype =~ /^bzip2/
zipped = filetype =~ /^Zip/
if gzipped
filename = tempfile = "/tmp/#{rand}"
system("gunzip -c #{trace_name} > #{filename}")
+ elsif bzipped
+ filename = tempfile = "/tmp/#{rand}"
+ system("bunzip2 -c #{trace_name} > #{filename}")
elsif zipped
filename = tempfile = "/tmp/#{rand}"
system("unzip -p #{trace_name} > #{filename}")