hint_saving: saving data
hint_saving_loading: loading/saving data
inspector: Inspector
- inspector_latlon: "Lat $1\nLon $2\n"
+ inspector_in_ways: In ways
+ inspector_latlon: "Lat $1\nLon $2\n" # FIXME: twn does not like leading whitespace.
+ inspector_locked: Locked
+ inspector_not_in_any_ways: Not in any ways (POI)
inspector_unsaved: Unsaved
inspector_uploading: (uploading)
- inspector_not_in_any_ways: Not in any ways (POI)
- inspector_in_ways: In ways
inspector_way: $1
+ inspector_way_connects_to: Connects to $1 ways
+ inspector_way_connects_to_principal: Connects to $1 $2 and $3 other $4
inspector_way_name: $1 ($2)
- inspector_locked: Locked
inspector_way_nodes: $1 nodes
inspector_way_nodes_closed: $1 nodes (closed)
- inspector_way_connects_to: Connects to $1 ways
- inspector_way_connects_to_principal: Connects to $1 $2 and $3 other $4
login_pwd: "Password:"
login_retry: Your site login was not recognised. Please try again.
login_title: Couldn't log in
option_custompointers: Use pen and hand pointers
option_external: "External launch:"
option_fadebackground: Fade background
+ option_layer_cycle_map: OSM - cycle map
+ option_layer_maplint: OSM - Maplint (errors)
option_layer_mapnik: OSM - Mapnik
+ option_layer_ooc_25k: "UK historic: 1:25k"
+ option_layer_ooc_7th: "UK historic: 7th"
+ option_layer_ooc_npe: "UK historic: NPE"
option_layer_osmarender: OSM - Osmarender
- option_layer_maplint: OSM - Maplint (errors)
- option_layer_cycle_map: OSM - cycle map
- option_layer_ooc_npe: Out-of-copyright (NPE)
- option_layer_ooc_7th: Out-of-copyright (7th)
- option_layer_ooc_25k: Out-of-copyright (25k)
- option_layer_yahoo: Yahoo!
option_layer_tip: Choose the background to display
+ option_layer_yahoo: Yahoo!
option_noname: Highlight unnamed roads
option_photo: "Photo KML:"
option_thinareas: Use thinner lines for areas
option_tiger: Highlight unchanged TIGER
option_warnings: Show floating warnings
point: Point
+ preset_icon_airport: Airport
+ preset_icon_bar: Bar
+ preset_icon_bus_stop: Bus stop
+ preset_icon_cafe: Cafe
+ preset_icon_cinema: Cinema
+ preset_icon_convenience: Convenience shop
+ preset_icon_fast_food: Fast food
+ preset_icon_ferry_terminal: Ferry
+ preset_icon_fire_station: Fire station
+ preset_icon_hospital: Hospital
+ preset_icon_hotel: Hotel
+ preset_icon_museum: Museum
+ preset_icon_parking: Parking
+ preset_icon_pharmacy: Pharmacy
+ preset_icon_place_of_worship: Place of worship
+ preset_icon_police: Police station
+ preset_icon_post_box: Postbox
+ preset_icon_pub: Pub
+ preset_icon_recycling: Recycling
+ preset_icon_restaurant: Restaurant
+ preset_icon_school: School
+ preset_icon_station: Rail station
+ preset_icon_supermarket: Supermarket
+ preset_icon_taxi: Taxi rank
+ preset_icon_telephone: Telephone
+ preset_icon_theatre: Theatre
+ preset_tip: Choose from a menu of preset tags describing the $1
prompt_addtorelation: Add $1 to a relation
prompt_changesetcomment: "Enter a description of your changes:"
prompt_closechangeset: Close changeset $1
tip_tidy: Tidy points in way (T)
tip_undo: Undo $1 (Z)
uploading: Uploading...
+ uploading_deleting_pois: Deleting POIs
+ uploading_deleting_ways: Deleting ways
uploading_poi: Uploading POI $1
uploading_poi_name: Uploading POI $1, $2
- uploading_way: Uploading way $1
- uploading_way_name: Uploading way $1, $2
uploading_relation: Uploading relation $1
uploading_relation_name: Uploading relation $1, $2
- uploading_deleting_pois: Deleting POIs
- uploading_deleting_ways: Deleting ways
+ uploading_way: Uploading way $1
+ uploading_way_name: Uploading way $1, $2
way: Way
- preset_tip: Choose from a menu of preset tags describing the $1
- preset_icon_school: School
- preset_icon_restaurant: Restaurant
- preset_icon_station: Rail station
- preset_icon_airport: Airport
- preset_icon_police: Police station
- preset_icon_pharmacy: Pharmacy
- preset_icon_fast_food: Fast food
- preset_icon_fire_station: Fire station
- preset_icon_hotel: Hotel
- preset_icon_supermarket: Supermarket
- preset_icon_post_box: Postbox
- preset_icon_theatre: Theatre
- preset_icon_ferry_terminal: Ferry
- preset_icon_bus_stop: Bus stop
- preset_icon_hospital: Hospital
- preset_icon_convenience: Convenience shop
- preset_icon_parking: Parking
- preset_icon_recycling: Recycling
- preset_icon_pub: Pub
- preset_icon_cafe: Cafe
- preset_icon_telephone: Telephone
- preset_icon_cinema: Cinema
- preset_icon_bar: Bar
- preset_icon_museum: Museum
- preset_icon_place_of_worship: Place of worship
- preset_icon_taxi: Taxi rank