@import "bootstrap";
@import "rails_bootstrap_forms";
+/* Bootstrap + r2 fixes */
+:root[dir=rtl] {
+ .bs-tooltip-auto[data-popper-placement^="right"] .tooltip-arrow {
+ /* no-r2 */
+ right: unset !important;
+ left: calc(-1 * var(--bs-tooltip-arrow-height)) !important;
+ &::before {
+ /* no-r2 */
+ left: unset !important;
+ right: -1px !important;
+ }
+ }
+ .bs-tooltip-auto[data-popper-placement^="left"] .tooltip-arrow {
+ /* no-r2 */
+ left: unset !important;
+ right: calc(-1 * var(--bs-tooltip-arrow-height)) !important;
+ &::before {
+ /* no-r2 */
+ right: unset !important;
+ left: -1px !important;
+ }
+ }
/* Styles common to large and small screens */
/* Default rules for the body of every page */
-/* Rules for the user list */
-#user_list {
- width: 100%;
/* Rules for the diary entry page */
.diary_entries {
background: $offwhite;
- .inbox-row-unread {
+ .inbox-row-unread td {
background: #CBEEA7;