spur: "Railway Spur"
station: "Railway Station"
stop: "Railway Stop"
- subway: "Subway Station"
+ subway: "Subway"
subway_entrance: "Subway Entrance"
switch: "Railway Points"
tram: "Tramway"
no_results: "No results found"
more_results: "More results"
- distance:
- zero: "less than 1km"
- one: "about 1km"
- other: "about %{count}km"
- direction:
- south_west: "south-west"
- south: "south"
- south_east: "south-east"
- east: "east"
- north_east: "north-east"
- north: "north"
- north_west: "north-west"
- west: "west"
# in <title>
contributors_nz_html: |
<strong>New Zealand</strong>: Contains data sourced from
Land Information New Zealand. Crown Copyright reserved.
+ contributors_si_html: |
+ <strong>Slovenia</strong>: Contains data from the
+ <a href="http://www.gu.gov.si/en/">Surveying and Mapping Authority</a> and
+ <a href="http://www.mkgp.gov.si/en/">Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food</a>
+ (public information of Slovenia).
contributors_za_html: |
<strong>South Africa</strong>: Contains data sourced from
<a href="http://www.ngi.gov.za/">Chief Directorate:
search: Search
get_directions: "Get directions"
get_directions_title: "Find directions between two points"
- close_directions: "Close directions"
- close_directions_title: "Close the directions panel"
from: "From"
to: "To"
where_am_i: "Where am I?"
login_button: "Login"
register now: Register now
with username: "Already have an OpenStreetMap account? Please login with your username and password:"
- with openid: "Alternatively, use OpenID to login:"
+ with external: "Alternatively, use a third party to login:"
new to osm: New to OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: To make changes to the OpenStreetMap data, you must have an account.
create account minute: Create an account. It only takes a minute.
account not active: "Sorry, your account is not active yet.<br />Please use the link in the account confirmation email to activate your account, or <a href=\"%{reconfirm}\">request a new confirmation email</a>."
account is suspended: Sorry, your account has been suspended due to suspicious activity.<br />Please contact the <a href="%{webmaster}">webmaster</a> if you wish to discuss this.
auth failure: "Sorry, could not log in with those details."
- openid missing provider: "Sorry, could not contact your OpenID provider"
- openid invalid: "Sorry, your OpenID seems to be malformed"
openid_logo_alt: "Log in with an OpenID"
- openid_providers:
+ auth_providers:
title: Login with OpenID
alt: Login with an OpenID URL
not displayed publicly: 'Not displayed publicly (see <a href="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Privacy_Policy" title="wiki privacy policy including section on email addresses">privacy policy</a>)'
display name: "Display Name:"
display name description: "Your publicly displayed username. You can change this later in the preferences."
- openid: "%{logo} OpenID:"
+ external auth: "Third Party Authentication:"
password: "Password:"
confirm password: "Confirm Password:"
- use openid: "Alternatively, use %{logo} OpenID to login"
- openid no password: "With OpenID a password is not required, but some extra tools or server may still need one."
- openid association: |
- <p>Your OpenID is not associated with a OpenStreetMap account yet.</p>
+ use external auth: "Alternatively, use a third party to login"
+ auth no password: "With third party authentication a password is not required, but some extra tools or server may still need one."
+ auth association: |
+ <p>Your ID is not associated with a OpenStreetMap account yet.</p>
<li>If you are new to OpenStreetMap, please create a new account using the form below.</li>
If you already have an account, you can login to your account
using your username and password and then associate the account
- with your OpenID in your user settings.
+ with your ID in your user settings.
continue: Sign Up
current email address: "Current Email Address:"
new email address: "New Email Address:"
email never displayed publicly: "(never displayed publicly)"
+ external auth: "External Authentication:"
- openid: "OpenID:"
link: "http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenID"
link text: "what is this?"
public editing:
Confirm your account by clicking on the link in the email and you'll be able to start mapping.
press confirm button: "Press the confirm button below to activate your account."
button: Confirm
+ success: "Confirmed your account, thanks for signing up!"
already active: "This account has already been confirmed."
unknown token: "That confirmation code has expired or does not exist."
reconfirm_html: "If you need us to resend the confirmation email, <a href=\"%{reconfirm}\">click here</a>."
heading: Confirm a change of email address
press confirm button: "Press the confirm button below to confirm your new email address."
button: Confirm
- success: "Confirmed your email address, thanks for signing up!"
+ success: "Confirmed your change of email address!"
failure: "An email address has already been confirmed with this token."
+ unknown_token: "That confirmation code has expired or does not exist."
flash success: "Home location saved successfully"
This decision will be reviewed by an administrator shortly, or
you may contact the %{webmaster} if you wish to discuss this.
+ auth_failure:
+ connection_failed: Connection to authentication provider failed
+ invalid_credentials: Invalid authentication credentials
not_an_administrator: "Only administrators can perform user role management, and you are not an administrator."
no_route: "Couldn't find a route between those two places."
no_place: "Sorry - couldn't find that place."
- continue_on: "Continue on "
- slight_right: "Slight right onto "
- turn_right: "Turn right onto "
- sharp_right: "Sharp right onto "
- uturn: "U-turn along "
- sharp_left: "Sharp left onto "
- turn_left: "Turn left onto "
- slight_left: "Slight left onto "
- via_point: "(via point) "
- follow: "Follow "
- roundabout: "At roundabout take "
- leave_roundabout: "Leave roundabout - "
- stay_roundabout: "Stay on roundabout - "
- start: "Start at end of "
- destination: "Reach destination"
- against_oneway: "Go against one-way on "
- end_oneway: "End of one-way on "
+ continue_on: Continue on
+ slight_right: Slight right onto
+ turn_right: Turn right onto
+ sharp_right: Sharp right onto
+ uturn: U-turn along
+ sharp_left: Sharp left onto
+ turn_left: Turn left onto
+ slight_left: Slight left onto
+ via_point: (via point)
+ follow: Follow
+ roundabout: At roundabout take
+ leave_roundabout: Leave roundabout -
+ stay_roundabout: Stay on roundabout -
+ start: Start at end of
+ destination: Reach destination
+ against_oneway: Go against one-way on
+ end_oneway: End of one-way on
+ exit: exit %{exit}
unnamed: "(unnamed)"
courtesy: "Directions courtesy of %{link}"
time: "Time"