- ##
- # update a user's details
- def update_user(user, params)
- user.display_name = params[:user][:display_name]
- user.new_email = params[:user][:new_email]
- unless params[:user][:pass_crypt].empty? && params[:user][:pass_crypt_confirmation].empty?
- user.pass_crypt = params[:user][:pass_crypt]
- user.pass_crypt_confirmation = params[:user][:pass_crypt_confirmation]
- end
- if params[:user][:auth_provider].nil? || params[:user][:auth_provider].blank?
- user.auth_provider = nil
- user.auth_uid = nil
- end
- if user.save
- session[:fingerprint] = user.fingerprint
- if user.new_email.blank? || user.new_email == user.email
- flash[:notice] = t "users.account.flash update success"
- else
- user.email = user.new_email
- if user.valid?
- flash[:notice] = t "users.account.flash update success confirm needed"
- begin
- UserMailer.email_confirm(user, user.tokens.create).deliver_later
- rescue StandardError
- # Ignore errors sending email
- end
- else
- current_user.errors.add(:new_email, current_user.errors[:email])
- current_user.errors.add(:email, [])
- end
- user.restore_email!
- end
- end
- end
- ##
- # require that the user in the URL is the logged in user
- def require_self
- head :forbidden if params[:display_name] != current_user.display_name
- end