-require "coveralls"
+require "simplecov"
+require "simplecov-lcov"
+# Fix incompatibility of simplecov-lcov with older versions of simplecov that are not expresses in its gemspec.
+# https://github.com/fortissimo1997/simplecov-lcov/pull/25
+unless SimpleCov.respond_to?(:branch_coverage)
+ module SimpleCov
+ def self.branch_coverage?
+ false
+ end
+ end
+SimpleCov::Formatter::LcovFormatter.config do |config|
+ config.report_with_single_file = true
+ config.single_report_path = "coverage/lcov.info"
+SimpleCov.formatters = SimpleCov::Formatter::MultiFormatter.new(
+ [
+ SimpleCov::Formatter::HTMLFormatter,
+ SimpleCov::Formatter::LcovFormatter
+ ]
+require "securerandom"
+require "digest/sha1"
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test"
-require File.expand_path("../config/environment", __dir__)
+require_relative "../config/environment"
require "rails/test_help"
require "webmock/minitest"
+require "minitest/focus" unless ENV["CI"]
+WebMock.disable_net_connect!(:allow_localhost => true)
module ActiveSupport
class TestCase
include FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods
+ include ActiveJob::TestHelper
+ # Run tests in parallel with specified workers
+ parallelize(:workers => :number_of_processors)
+ parallelize_setup do |worker|
+ SimpleCov.command_name "#{SimpleCov.command_name}-#{worker}"
+ end
+ parallelize_teardown do
+ SimpleCov.result
+ end
# takes a block which is executed in the context of a different
+ ##
+ # execute a block with missing translation exceptions suppressed
+ def without_i18n_exceptions
+ exception_handler = I18n.exception_handler
+ begin
+ I18n.exception_handler = nil
+ yield
+ ensure
+ I18n.exception_handler = exception_handler
+ end
+ end
# work round minitest insanity that causes it to tell you
# to use assert_nil to test for nil, which is fine if you're
- # set request headers for HTTP basic authentication
- def basic_authorization(user, pass)
- @request.env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] = format("Basic %{auth}", :auth => Base64.encode64("#{user}:#{pass}"))
+ # return request header for HTTP Basic Authorization
+ def basic_authorization_header(user, pass)
+ { "Authorization" => format("Basic %<auth>s", :auth => Base64.encode64("#{user}:#{pass}")) }
- # set oauth token permissions
- def grant_oauth_token(*tokens)
- request.env["oauth.token"] = AccessToken.new do |token|
- tokens.each do |t|
- token.public_send("#{t}=", true)
- end
- end
+ # return request header for HTTP Bearer Authorization
+ def bearer_authorization_header(token)
+ { "Authorization" => "Bearer #{token}" }
- # set request readers to ask for a particular error format
- def error_format(format)
- @request.env["HTTP_X_ERROR_FORMAT"] = format
+ # return request header for HTTP Accept
+ def accept_format_header(format)
+ { "Accept" => format }
- # set the raw body to be sent with a POST request
- def content(c)
- @request.env["RAW_POST_DATA"] = c.to_s
+ # return request header to ask for a particular error format
+ def error_format_header(f)
+ { "X-Error-Format" => f }
# Used to check that the error header and the forbidden responses are given
- # when the owner of the changset has their data not marked as public
+ # when the owner of the changeset has their data not marked as public
def assert_require_public_data(msg = "Shouldn't be able to use API when the user's data is not public")
assert_response :forbidden, msg
- assert_equal @response.headers["Error"], "You must make your edits public to upload new data", "Wrong error message"
+ assert_equal("You must make your edits public to upload new data", @response.headers["Error"], "Wrong error message")
def stub_gravatar_request(email, status = 200, body = nil)
- hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(email.downcase)
+ hash = ::Digest::MD5.hexdigest(email.downcase)
url = "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/#{hash}?d=404"
stub_request(:get, url).and_return(:status => status, :body => body)
- def stub_hostip_requests
- # Controller tests and integration tests use different IPs
- stub_request(:get, "http://api.hostip.info/country.php?ip=")
- stub_request(:get, "http://api.hostip.info/country.php?ip=")
- end
def email_text_parts(message)
message.parts.each_with_object([]) do |part, text_parts|
if part.content_type.start_with?("text/")
- def sign_in_as(user)
- stub_hostip_requests
- visit login_path
- fill_in "username", :with => user.email
- fill_in "password", :with => "test"
- click_on "Login", :match => :first
+ def session_for(user)
+ get login_path
+ post login_path, :params => { :username => user.display_name, :password => "test" }
+ follow_redirect!
+ end
+ def xml_for_node(node)
+ doc = OSM::API.new.xml_doc
+ doc.root << xml_node_for_node(node)
+ doc
+ end
+ def xml_node_for_node(node)
+ el = XML::Node.new "node"
+ el["id"] = node.id.to_s
+ add_metadata_to_xml_node(el, node, {}, {})
+ if node.visible?
+ el["lat"] = node.lat.to_s
+ el["lon"] = node.lon.to_s
+ end
+ add_tags_to_xml_node(el, node.node_tags)
+ el
+ end
+ def xml_for_way(way)
+ doc = OSM::API.new.xml_doc
+ doc.root << xml_node_for_way(way)
+ doc
+ end
+ def xml_node_for_way(way)
+ el = XML::Node.new "way"
+ el["id"] = way.id.to_s
+ add_metadata_to_xml_node(el, way, {}, {})
+ # make sure nodes are output in sequence_id order
+ ordered_nodes = []
+ way.way_nodes.each do |nd|
+ ordered_nodes[nd.sequence_id] = nd.node_id.to_s if nd.node&.visible?
+ end
+ ordered_nodes.each do |nd_id|
+ next unless nd_id && nd_id != "0"
+ node_el = XML::Node.new "nd"
+ node_el["ref"] = nd_id
+ el << node_el
+ end
+ add_tags_to_xml_node(el, way.way_tags)
+ el
+ end
+ def xml_for_relation(relation)
+ doc = OSM::API.new.xml_doc
+ doc.root << xml_node_for_relation(relation)
+ doc
+ end
+ def xml_node_for_relation(relation)
+ el = XML::Node.new "relation"
+ el["id"] = relation.id.to_s
+ add_metadata_to_xml_node(el, relation, {}, {})
+ relation.relation_members.each do |member|
+ member_el = XML::Node.new "member"
+ member_el["type"] = member.member_type.downcase
+ member_el["ref"] = member.member_id.to_s
+ member_el["role"] = member.member_role
+ el << member_el
+ end
+ add_tags_to_xml_node(el, relation.relation_tags)
+ el
+ end
+ def add_metadata_to_xml_node(el, osm, changeset_cache, user_display_name_cache)
+ el["changeset"] = osm.changeset_id.to_s
+ el["redacted"] = osm.redaction.id.to_s if osm.redacted?
+ el["timestamp"] = osm.timestamp.xmlschema
+ el["version"] = osm.version.to_s
+ el["visible"] = osm.visible.to_s
+ if changeset_cache.key?(osm.changeset_id)
+ # use the cache if available
+ else
+ changeset_cache[osm.changeset_id] = osm.changeset.user_id
+ end
+ user_id = changeset_cache[osm.changeset_id]
+ if user_display_name_cache.key?(user_id)
+ # use the cache if available
+ elsif osm.changeset.user.data_public?
+ user_display_name_cache[user_id] = osm.changeset.user.display_name
+ else
+ user_display_name_cache[user_id] = nil
+ end
+ unless user_display_name_cache[user_id].nil?
+ el["user"] = user_display_name_cache[user_id]
+ el["uid"] = user_id.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ def add_tags_to_xml_node(el, tags)
+ tags.each do |tag|
+ tag_el = XML::Node.new("tag")
+ tag_el["k"] = tag.k
+ tag_el["v"] = tag.v
+ el << tag_el
+ end
+ end
+ def with_settings(settings)
+ saved_settings = Settings.to_hash.slice(*settings.keys)
+ Settings.merge!(settings)
+ yield
+ ensure
+ Settings.merge!(saved_settings)
+ end
+ def with_user_account_deletion_delay(value, &block)
+ freeze_time
+ with_settings(:user_account_deletion_delay => value, &block)
+ ensure
+ unfreeze_time
+ end
+ # This is a convenience method for checks of resources rendered in a map view sidebar
+ # First we check that when we don't have an id, it will correctly return a 404
+ # then we check that we get the correct 404 when a non-existant id is passed
+ # then we check that it will get a successful response, when we do pass an id
+ def sidebar_browse_check(path, id, template)
+ path_method = method(path)
+ assert_raise ActionController::UrlGenerationError do
+ get path_method.call
+ end
+ assert_raise ActionController::UrlGenerationError do
+ get path_method.call(:id => -10) # we won't have an id that's negative
+ end
+ get path_method.call(:id => 0)
+ assert_response :not_found
+ assert_template "browse/not_found"
+ assert_template :layout => "map"
+ get path_method.call(:id => 0), :xhr => true
+ assert_response :not_found
+ assert_template "browse/not_found"
+ assert_template :layout => "xhr"
+ get path_method.call(:id => id)
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template template
+ assert_template :layout => "map"
+ get path_method.call(:id => id), :xhr => true
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template template
+ assert_template :layout => "xhr"