- hint_pointselected: point selected\n(shift-click point to\nstart new line)
- hint_toolong: "too long to unlock:\nplease split into\nshorter ways"
- option_background: "Background:"
- option_custompointers: Use pen and hand pointers
- option_fadebackground: Fade background
- option_thinlines: Use thin lines at all scales
- play: Play
- point: Point
- practicemode: Practice mode
- prompt_accuracy: Accuracy is important - only map places you've been
- prompt_addtorelation: Add $1 to a relation
- prompt_dontcopy: Don't copy from other maps
- prompt_enjoy: And have fun!
- prompt_help: Find out how to use Potlatch, this map editor.
- prompt_introduction: "Choose a button below to get editing. If you click 'Start', you'll be editing the main map directly - changes usually show up every Thursday. If you click 'Play', your changes won't be saved, so you can practise editing.\n\nRemember the golden rules of OpenStreetMap:\n\n"
- prompt_practise: Practice mapping - your changes won't be saved.
- prompt_revertversion: "Revert to an earlier saved version:"
- prompt_selectrelation: Select an existing relation to add to, or create a new relation.
- prompt_start: Start mapping with OpenStreetMap.
- prompt_taggedpoints: Some of the points on this way are tagged. Really delete?