potlatch_unsaved_changes: You have unsaved changes. (To save in Potlatch, you should deselect the current way or point, if editing in list mode, or click save if you have a save button.)
user_page_link: user page
- js_1: You are either using a browser that doesn't support javascript, or you have disabled javascript.
- js_2: OpenStreetMap uses javascript for its slippy map.
- js_3: You may want to try the <a href="http://tah.openstreetmap.org/Browse/">Tiles@Home static tile browser</a> if you are unable to enable javascript.
+ js_1: You are either using a browser that doesn't support JavaScript, or you have disabled JavaScript.
+ js_2: OpenStreetMap uses JavaScript for its slippy map.
+ js_3: You may want to try the <a href="http://tah.openstreetmap.org/Browse/">Tiles@Home static tile browser</a> if you are unable to enable JavaScript.
license_name: क्रिएटिव कामन्स एट्रीब्यूशन-शेयर एलाइक 2.0
project_name: ओपन स्ट्रीट मेप परियोजना