class IssuesController < ApplicationController
+ include PaginationMethods
layout "site"
before_action :authorize_web
- before_action :require_user
- before_action :check_permission, only: [:index, :show, :resolve,:open,:ignore,:comment]
- before_action :find_issue, only: [:show, :resolve, :reopen, :ignore]
+ before_action :set_locale
+ before_action :check_database_readable
- def index
- # Get user role
- if @user.administrator?
- @user_role = "administrator"
- else
- @user_role = "moderator"
- end
+ authorize_resource
- # If search
- if params[:search_by_user]
- @find_user = User.find_by_display_name(params[:search_by_user])
- if @find_user
- @issues = Issue.where(reported_user_id:, issue_type: @user_role).order(:status)
- else
- @issues = Issue.where(issue_type: @user_role).order(:status)
- notice = t('')
- end
- if @find_user !=nil and @issues.first == nil
- @issues = Issue.where(issue_type: @user_role).order(:status)
- notice = t('')
- end
- if notice
- redirect_to issues_path, notice: notice
- end
- else
- @issues = Issue.where(issue_type: @user_role).order(:status)
- end
- end
+ before_action :find_issue, :only => [:show, :resolve, :reopen, :ignore]
+ before_action :check_database_writable, :only => [:resolve, :ignore, :reopen]
- def show
- @read_reports = @issue.read_reports
- @unread_reports = @issue.unread_reports
- @comments = @issue.comments
- @related_issues = @issue.user.issues
- if @issue.updated_by
- @updated_by_admin = User.find(@issue.updated_by)
- end
- end
- def new
- unless create_new_issue_params.blank?
- @issue = Issue.find_or_initialize_by(create_new_issue_params)
- path = 'issues.report_strings.' +
- @report_strings_yaml = t(path)
- end
- end
+ def index
+ @params = params.permit(:before, :after, :limit, :status, :search_by_user, :issue_type, :last_updated_by)
+ @params[:limit] ||= 50
+ @title = t ".title"
- def create
+ @issue_types = []
+ @issue_types |= %w[Note User] if current_user.moderator?
+ @issue_types |= %w[DiaryEntry DiaryComment User] if current_user.administrator?
- # TODO: Find better place to add these
- admin_issues = [ 'DiaryEntry', 'DiaryComment', 'User']
- moderator_issues = [ 'Changeset' ]
+ @users = User.joins(:roles).where(:user_roles => { :role => }).distinct
+ @issues = Issue.visible_to(current_user)
- @issue = Issue.find_by_reportable_id_and_reportable_type(params[:reportable_id],params[:reportable_type])
- # Check if Issue alrwady exists
- if !@issue
- @issue = Issue.find_or_initialize_by(issue_params)
- @issue.updated_by = nil
+ # If search
+ if params[:search_by_user].present?
+ @find_user = User.find_by(:display_name => params[:search_by_user])
+ @issues = if @find_user
+ @issues.where(:reported_user => @find_user)
+ else
+ @issues.none
+ end
+ end
- # Reassign to moderators if it is a moderator issue
- @issue.issue_type = "administrator"
- if moderator_issues.include?
- reassign_issue
- end
+ @issues = @issues.where(:status => params[:status]) if params[:status].present?
- @admins_or_mods = UserRole.where(role: @issue.issue_type)
- @admins_or_mods.each do |user|
- Notifier.new_issue_notification(User.find(user.user_id)).deliver_now
- end
+ @issues = @issues.where(:reportable_type => params[:issue_type]) if params[:issue_type].present?
+ if params[:last_updated_by].present?
+ last_updated_by = params[:last_updated_by].to_s == "nil" ? nil : params[:last_updated_by].to_i
+ @issues = @issues.where(:updated_by => last_updated_by)
- # Check if details provided are sufficient
- if check_report_params
- @report =
- details = get_report_details
- @report.reporter_user_id =
- @report.details = details
- # Checking if instance has been updated since last report
- @last_report = @issue.reports.order(updated_at: :desc).last
- if check_if_updated
- if @issue.reopen
- end
- end
- if!
- redirect_to root_path, notice: t('issues.create.successful_report')
- end
- else
- redirect_to new_issue_path(reportable_type: @issue.reportable_type,reportable_id: @issue.reportable_id, reported_user_id: @issue.reported_user_id), notice: t('issues.create.provide_details')
+ @issues, @newer_issues_id, @older_issues_id = get_page_items(@issues, :limit => @params[:limit])
+ @unique_reporters_limit = 3
+ @unique_reporters = @issues.each_with_object({}) do |issue, reporters|
+ user_ids = issue.reports.order(:created_at => :desc).pluck(:user_id).uniq
+ reporters[] = {
+ :count => user_ids.size,
+ :users => User.in_order_of(:id, user_ids.first(@unique_reporters_limit))
+ }
- end
- def update
- @issue = Issue.find_by(issue_params)
- # Check if details provided are sufficient
- if check_report_params
- @report = @issue.reports.where(reporter_user_id:
- if @report == nil
- @report =
- @report.reporter_user_id =
- notice = t('issues.update.new_report')
- end
- details = get_report_details
- @report.details = details
- # Checking if instance has been updated since last report
- @last_report = @issue.reports.order(updated_at: :desc).last
- if check_if_updated
- @issue.reopen
- end
- if notice == nil
- notice = t('issues.update.successful_update')
- end
- if!
- redirect_to root_path, notice: notice
- end
- else
- redirect_to new_issue_path(reportable_type: @issue.reportable_type,reportable_id: @issue.reportable_id, reported_user_id: @issue.reported_user_id), notice: t('issues.update.provide_details')
- end
+ render :partial => "page" if turbo_frame_request_id == "pagination"
- def comment
- @issue = Issue.find(params[:id])
- if issue_comment_params.blank?
- notice = t('issues.comment.provide_details')
- else
- @issue_comment =
- @issue_comment.commenter_user_id =
- if params[:reassign]
- reassign_issue
- @issue_comment.reassign = true
- end
- @issue.updated_by =
- notice = t('issues.comment.comment_created')
- end
- redirect_to @issue, notice: notice
+ def show
+ @title = t ".title.#{@issue.status}", :issue_id =>
+ @read_reports = @issue.read_reports
+ @unread_reports = @issue.unread_reports
+ @comments = @issue.comments
+ @related_issues = @issue.reported_user.issues.where(:assigned_role => if @issue.reported_user
+ @new_comment = => @issue)
- # Status Transistions
+ # Status Transitions
def resolve
if @issue.resolve
+ @issue.updated_by =!
- redirect_to @issue, notice: t('issues.resolved')
+ redirect_to @issue, :notice => t(".resolved")
render :show
def ignore
if @issue.ignore
- @issue.updated_by =
+ @issue.updated_by =!
- redirect_to @issue, notice: t('issues.ignored')
+ redirect_to @issue, :notice => t(".ignored")
render :show
def reopen
if @issue.reopen
- @issue.updated_by =
+ @issue.updated_by =!
- redirect_to @issue, notice: t('issues.reopened')
+ redirect_to @issue, :notice => t(".reopened")
render :show
- # Reassign Issues between Administrators and Moderators
- def reassign_issue
- if @issue.issue_type == "moderator"
- @issue.issue_type = "administrator"
- else
- @issue.issue_type = "moderator"
- end
- end
- def check_if_updated
- if @issue.reportable and (@issue.ignored? or @issue.resolved?) and @issue.reportable.updated_at > @last_report.updated_at
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- def get_report_details
- details = params[:report][:details] + "--||--"
- details = details + params[:report_type].to_s + "--||--"
- return details
- end
- def check_report_params
- if params[:report] and params[:report][:details] and params[:report_type]
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- def find_issue
- @issue = Issue.find(params[:id])
- end
- def check_permission
- unless @user.administrator? or @user.moderator?
- flash[:error] = t('application.require_admin.not_an_admin')
- redirect_to root_path
- end
- end
- def create_new_issue_params
- params.permit(:reportable_id, :reportable_type, :reported_user_id)
- end
- def issue_params
- params[:issue].permit(:reportable_id, :reportable_type,:reported_user_id)
- end
- def report_params
- params[:report].permit(:details)
- end
- def issue_comment_params
- params.require(:issue_comment).permit(:body)
- end
+ def find_issue
+ @issue = Issue.visible_to(current_user).find(params[:id])
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ redirect_to :controller => "errors", :action => "not_found"
+ end