<div class="clearfix diary-comment">
<%= user_thumbnail diary_comment.user %>
- <p class="deemphasize comment-heading" id="comment<%= diary_comment.id %>"><%= raw(t('diary_entry.diary_comment.comment_from', :link_user => (link_to h(diary_comment.user.display_name), :controller => 'user', :action => 'view', :display_name => diary_comment.user.display_name), :comment_created_at => link_to(l(diary_comment.created_at, :format => :friendly), :anchor => "comment#{diary_comment.id}"))) %>
- <% if @user and diary_comment.user.id != @user.id %>
- <%= link_to new_issue_url(reportable_id: diary_comment.id, reportable_type: diary_comment.class.name, reported_user_id: diary_comment.user.id), :title => t('diary_entry.diary_comment.report') do %>
- ⚐
- <% end %>
+ <p class="deemphasize comment-heading" id="comment<%= diary_comment.id %>"><%= raw(t('.comment_from', :link_user => (link_to h(diary_comment.user.display_name), user_path(diary_comment.user)), :comment_created_at => link_to(l(diary_comment.created_at, :format => :friendly), :anchor => "comment#{diary_comment.id}"))) %>
+ <% if current_user and diary_comment.user.id != current_user.id %>
+ | <%= report_link(t(".report"), diary_comment) %>
<% end %>
<div class="richtext"><%= diary_comment.body.to_html %></div>
- <%= if_administrator(:span) do %>
- <%= link_to t('diary_entry.diary_comment.hide_link'), hide_diary_comment_path(:display_name => diary_comment.diary_entry.user.display_name, :id => diary_comment.diary_entry.id, :comment => diary_comment.id), :method => :post, :data=> { :confirm => t('diary_entry.diary_comment.confirm') } %>
+ <% if current_user && current_user.administrator? %>
+ <span>
+ <%= link_to t('.hide_link'), hide_diary_comment_path(:display_name => diary_comment.diary_entry.user.display_name, :id => diary_comment.diary_entry.id, :comment => diary_comment.id), :method => :post, :data=> { :confirm => t('.confirm') } %>
+ </span>
<% end %>