test "note permissions for a guest" do
ability = ApiAbility.new nil
- [:index, :create, :comment, :feed, :show, :search].each do |action|
+ [:index, :create, :feed, :show, :search].each do |action|
assert ability.can?(action, Note), "should be able to #{action} Notes"
- [:close, :reopen, :destroy].each do |action|
+ [:comment, :close, :reopen, :destroy].each do |action|
assert ability.cannot?(action, Note), "should not be able to #{action} Notes"
class UserApiAbilityTest < ApiAbilityTest
test "Note permissions" do
- ability = ApiAbility.new create(:user)
+ token = create(:oauth_access_token, :scopes => %w[write_notes])
+ ability = ApiAbility.new token
[:index, :create, :comment, :feed, :show, :search, :close, :reopen].each do |action|
assert ability.can?(action, Note), "should be able to #{action} Notes"
class ModeratorApiAbilityTest < ApiAbilityTest
test "Note permissions" do
- ability = ApiAbility.new create(:moderator_user)
+ token = create(:oauth_access_token, :scopes => %w[write_notes], :resource_owner_id => create(:moderator_user).id)
+ ability = ApiAbility.new token
[:index, :create, :comment, :feed, :show, :search, :close, :reopen, :destroy].each do |action|
assert ability.can?(action, Note), "should be able to #{action} Notes"