# updates the relation (XML) +rel+ and
# yields the new version of that relation into the block.
- # the parsed XML doc is retured.
+ # the parsed XML doc is returned.
def with_update(rel, headers)
rel_id = rel.find("//osm/relation").first["id"].to_i
put api_relation_path(:id => rel_id), :params => rel.to_s, :headers => headers
# updates the relation (XML) +rel+ via the diff-upload API and
# yields the new version of that relation into the block.
- # the parsed XML doc is retured.
+ # the parsed XML doc is returned.
def with_update_diff(rel, headers)
rel_id = rel.find("//osm/relation").first["id"].to_i
cs_id = rel.find("//osm/relation").first["changeset"].to_i