category: [ctext] corresponding to category id
@image: path to .png file
+ @dnd: path to optional dnd-specific-override .png file
@background: colour spec
@foreground: colour spec
(general html goes here?) Variables substituted with ${ref}
@k: key
@v: value
icon: see above
+ @file="map_features/roads.xml": external file to drop into place here. Include files behave exactly as if written out in full.
<!-- Categories -->
- <category name="Roads" id="roads">
- </category>
- <category name="Paths" id="paths">
- </category>
- <category name="Shopping" id="shopping">
- </category>
- <category name="Food and Drink" id="foodanddrink">
- </category>
- <category name="Amenity" id="amenity">
- </category>
- <category name="Tourism" id="tourism">
- </category>
- <category name="Accommodation" id="accommodation">
- </category>
- <category name="Transport" id="transport">
- </category>
- <category name="Water" id="water">
- </category>
- <category name="Natural" id="natural">
- </category>
- <category name="Barrier" id="barrier">
- </category>
- <category name="Power" id="power">
- </category>
- <category name="Admin" id="admin">
- </category>
- <category name="Buildings" id="buildings">
- </category>
- <category name="Landuse" id="landuse">
- </category>
- <category name="Agriculture" id="agriculture">
- </category>
- <category name="Advanced" id="advanced">
- </category>
- <category name="Misc" id="misc">
- </category>
+ <category name="Roads" id="roads"/>
+ <category name="Paths" id="paths"/>
+ <category name="Shopping" id="shopping"/>
+ <category name="Food and Drink" id="foodanddrink"/>
+ <category name="Amenity" id="amenity"/>
+ <category name="Tourism" id="tourism"/>
+ <category name="Accommodation" id="accommodation"/>
+ <category name="Transport" id="transport"/>
+ <category name="Water" id="water"/>
+ <category name="Natural" id="natural"/>
+ <category name="Barrier" id="barrier"/>
+ <category name="Power" id="power"/>
+ <category name="Admin" id="admin"/>
+ <category name="Buildings" id="buildings"/>
+ <category name="Landuse" id="landuse"/>
+ <category name="Agriculture" id="agriculture"/>
+ <category name="Advanced" id="advanced"/>
+ <category name="Places" id="places"/>
+ <category name="Sport and Leisure" id="sport"/>
+ <category name="Man-made" id="manmade"/>
<!-- Common input sets -->
<input type="freetext" presence="always" name="Name" key="name" description="The name" priority="highest"/>
+ <inputSet id="nameAndRef">
+ <inputSet ref="simpleName" />
+ <input type="freetext" presence="always" name="Reference number" key="ref" description="A reference number or code used to identify this thing." />
+ </inputSet>
+ <inputSet id="simpleBrand">
+ <input type="freetext" category="Naming" presence="always" name="Brand" key="brand" description="Brand, i.e. Acme"/>
+ </inputSet>
+ <inputSet id="simpleOperator">
+ <input type="freetext" category="Naming" presence="always" name="Operator" key="operator" description="Operator, i.e. Acme Springfield Ltd"/>
+ </inputSet>
<inputSet id="source">
- <!-- Can you do a combined freetext/dropdown? -->
- <!-- Also need to make sure every object gets this -->
- <input type="freetext" category="Misc" presence="always" name="Source" key="source" description="The primary source of information for this object (GPS, survey, Yahoo, nearmap...)" priority="high"/>
+ <input type="freetext" category="Misc" presence="onTagMatch" name="Source" key="source" description="The primary source of information for this object (GPS, survey, Yahoo, ...)" priority="lowest"/>
+ </inputSet>
+ <inputSet id="designation">
+ <input type="freetext" category="Misc" presence="onTagMatch" description="Official designation or classification" name="Designation" key="designation"/>
<inputSet id="common">
<inputSet ref="source"/>
+ <inputSet ref="designation"/>
<inputSet id="names">
<input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch"
name="Historical Name" category="Naming" priority="low"
key="old_name" description="The historic or previous name"/>
+ <input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch"
+ name="Alternative Name" category="Naming" priority="low"
+ key="alt_name" description="An alternative, currently used, name"/>
<inputSet id="wifi">
<inputSet id="cuisine">
<input type="choice" presence="always" name="Cuisine" category="Eating" description="The type of food that they serve" key="cuisine">
+ <!-- The 30 most popular values according to taginfo 23/12/2010 -->
<choice value="burger" text="Burger"/>
<choice value="chicken" text="Chicken"/>
<choice value="chinese" text="Chinese"/>
<choice value="greek" text="Greek"/>
<choice value="pizza" text="Pizza"/>
<choice value="sandwich" text="Sandwich"/>
- <choice value="sea_food" text="Sea Food"/>
+ <choice value="seafood" text="Sea Food"/>
+ <choice value="regional" text="Regional"/>
+ <choice value="italian" text="Italian"/>
+ <choice value="german" text="German"/>
+ <choice value="kebab" text="Kebab/souvlaki/gyro"/>
+ <choice value="indian" text="Indian"/>
+ <choice value="asian" text="Asian"/>
+ <choice value="mexican" text="Mexican"/>
+ <choice value="thai" text="Thai"/>
+ <choice value="japanese" text="Japanese"/>
+ <choice value="ice_cream" text="Ice-cream"/>
+ <choice value="fish_and_chips" text="Fish & Chips"/>
+ <choice value="turkish" text="Turkish"/>
+ <choice value="french" text="French"/>
+ <choice value="sushi" text="Sushi"/>
+ <choice value="american" text="American"/>
+ <choice value="steak_house" text="Steak House"/>
+ <choice value="international" text="International"/>
+ <choice value="spanish" text="Spanish"/>
+ <choice value="vietnamese" text="Vietnamese"/>
+ <choice value="fish" text="Fish"/>
+ <choice value="bavarian" text="Bavarian"/>
+ <choice value="vegetarian" text="Vegetarian"/>
<inputSet ref="roadRoundabout"/>
<inputSet ref="permissions"/>
<inputSet id="minorRoad">
<inputSet ref="names"/>
<inputSet ref="bridge"/>
<inputSet ref="tunnel"/>
<inputSet ref="embankment-cutting"/>
+ <!-- not sure which category best suits put area=yes -->
+ <input type="checkbox" presence="onTagMatch" category="Restrictions" key="area" name="Open area" description="The way is a large open space, like at a dock, where vehicles can move anywhere within the space, rather than just along the edge." />
<inputSet id="roadLanes">
<input type="route" name="Bus Route" description="Bus route" category="Transport" priority="low" presence="onTagMatch">
<match k="type" v="route"/>
<match k="route" v="bus"/>
- <icon image="features/transport__bus.png">
+ <icon image="features/route__bus.png">
<font size="12pt">${operator} <b>${ref}</b></font>
<match k="type" v="route"/>
<match k="route" v="bicycle"/>
<match k="network" v="ncn"/>
- <icon image="features/cycle__ncn.png" background="#ff6f7a" foreground="white">
+ <icon image="features/route__ncn.png" background="#ff6f7a" foreground="white">
<font size="14pt"><b>${ref}</b></font><br/>
<font size="12pt">${name}</font>
<match k="type" v="route"/>
<match k="route" v="bicycle"/>
<match k="network" v="rcn"/>
- <icon image="features/cycle__rcn.png" background="#6ff7ff" foreground="white">
+ <icon image="features/route__rcn.png" background="#6ff7ff" foreground="white">
<font size="14pt"><b>${ref}</b></font><br/>
<font size="12pt">${name}</font>
<match k="type" v="route"/>
<match k="route" v="bicycle"/>
<match k="network" v="lcn"/>
- <icon image="features/cycle__lcn.png" background="#7d6fff" foreground="white">
+ <icon image="features/route__lcn.png" background="#7d6fff" foreground="white">
<font size="14pt"><b>${ref}</b></font><br/>
<font size="12pt">${name}</font>
<input type="choice"
name="Bicycles permitted" category="Cycle" description="Are bicyles allowed to use this road (regardless of physical suitability)?"
- <choice value="no" text="Prohibited"/>
<choice value="yes" text="Allowed"/>
- <choice value="designated" text="Designated"/>
+ <choice value="no" text="Prohibited" desciption="Cycling is not allowed. Pushing your bicycle is not allowed either."/>
<choice value="private" text="Private"/>
+ <choice value="dismount" text="Cyclists dismount" description="Signage states that cyclists should dismount and push their bike for the selected path or road."/>
+ <choice value="designated" text="Designated"/>
name="Bike lanes" category="Cycle" description="Road has bike lanes within the road surface"
key="cycleway" layout="horizontal">
<choice value="no" text="No bike lanes"/>
- <choice value="opposite" text="No, but two-way bicycle traffic permitted" description="The route may be cycled in the direction opposite of other traffic, but does not have a dedicated lane. Common in Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark."/>
- <choice value="lane" text="Standard bike lane" description="Separated by painted line"/>
- <choice value="track" text="Copenhagen-style bike lane" description="Separated by kerb or parked cars"/>
- <choice value="opposite_lane" text="Two-way bike lane" description="Separated by painted line, and allowing bicycles in both directions in an otherwise one-way street."/>
- <choice value="opposite_track" text="Two-way Copenhagen-style bike lane" description="Separated by kerb or parked cars, and allowing bicycles in both directions in an otherwise one-way street."/>
+ <choice value="lane" text="On-road bike lane" description="Separated by painted line on the road from cars"/>
+ <choice value="track" text="Parallel track" description="Separated by kerb or parked cars"/>
+ <choice value="opposite_lane" text="Contraflow lane" description="Separated by painted line, and allowing bicycles in both directions in an otherwise one-way street."/>
+ <choice value="opposite_track" text="Contraflow track" description="Separated by kerb or parked cars, and allowing bicycles in both directions in an otherwise one-way street."/>
+ <choice value="opposite" text="Contraflow unmarked" description="The route may be cycled in the direction opposite of other traffic, but does not have a dedicated lane."/>
<inputSet id="ldp">
<input type="route" name="National Walking Route" description="National walking route" category="Walking" priority="normal">
<match k="type" v="route"/>
+ <match k="route" v="hiking|foot"/>
<match k="network" v="nwn"/>
- <icon background="red" foreground="white">
+ <icon image="features/route__nwn.png" background="red" foreground="white">
<font size="14pt"><b>${ref}</b></font><br/>
<font size="12pt">${name}</font>
<input type="route" name="Regional Walking Route" description="Regional walking route" category="Walking" priority="low">
<match k="type" v="route"/>
+ <match k="route" v="hiking|foot"/>
<match k="network" v="rwn"/>
- <icon background="cyan" foreground="white">
+ <icon image="features/route__rwn.png" background="cyan" foreground="white">
<font size="14pt"><b>${ref}</b></font><br/>
<font size="12pt">${name}</font>
<input type="route" name="Local Walking Route" description="Local walking route" category="Walking" priority="lowest">
<match k="type" v="route"/>
+ <match k="route" v="hiking|foot"/>
<match k="network" v="lwn"/>
- <icon background="blue" foreground="white">
+ <icon image="features/route__lwn.png" background="blue" foreground="white">
<font size="14pt"><b>${ref}</b></font><br/>
<font size="12pt">${name}</font>
<inputSet id="waterways">
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" name="Name" category="Naming" key="name" description="The name"/>
+ <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
<input type="freetext" presence="always" name="Width" category="Properties" key="width" description="The width in metres"/>
<inputSet ref="boatPermissions"/>
<!-- all the description fields are identical at the moment for ease of maintenance, should be tailored in future. -->
<inputSet id="boatPermissions">
<input type="choice" name="Boat permission" category="Permission" key="boat" description="Are boats allowed to use this waterway?">
- <choice value="designated" text="Designated" description="Permitted, according to signs or specific local laws."/>
<choice value="yes" text="Allowed" description="General right of way."/>
+ <choice value="no" text="Prohibited" description="No access to the public."/>
<choice value="permissive" text="Permissive" description="Access permitted through private land."/>
<choice value="private" text="Private" description="No access to the public, except individual exceptions."/>
- <choice value="no" text="Prohibited" description="No access to the public."/>
+ <choice value="designated" text="Designated" description="Permitted, according to signs or specific local laws."/>
<inputSet id="permissions">
<input type="choice" name="General access" category="Permission" key="access" description="Is there a general right of access, regardless of mode of transport?">
- <choice value="designated" text="Designated" description="Permitted, according to signs or specific local laws."/>
<choice value="yes" text="Allowed" description="General right of way."/>
+ <choice value="no" text="Prohibited" description="No access to the public."/>
<choice value="permissive" text="Permissive" description="Access permitted through private land."/>
<choice value="private" text="Private" description="No access to the public, except individual exceptions."/>
- <choice value="no" text="Prohibited" description="No access to the public."/>
+ <choice value="designated" text="Designated" description="Permitted, according to signs or specific local laws."/>
<input type="choice" name="Motor vehicles" category="Permission" key="motor_vehicle" description="Are cars and other private vehicles allowed?">
- <choice value="designated" text="Designated" description="Permitted, according to signs or specific local laws."/>
<choice value="yes" text="Allowed" description="General right of way."/>
+ <choice value="no" text="Prohibited" description="No access to the public."/>
<choice value="permissive" text="Permissive" description="Access permitted through private land."/>
<choice value="private" text="Private" description="No access to the public, except individual exceptions."/>
- <choice value="no" text="Prohibited" description="No access to the public."/>
+ <choice value="designated" text="Designated" description="Permitted, according to signs or specific local laws."/>
<input type="choice" name="Horses" category="Permission" key="horse" description="Are cars and other private vehicles allowed?">
- <choice value="designated" text="Designated" description="Permitted, according to signs or specific local laws."/>
<choice value="yes" text="Allowed" description="General right of way."/>
+ <choice value="no" text="Prohibited" description="No access to the public."/>
<choice value="permissive" text="Permissive" description="Access permitted through private land."/>
<choice value="private" text="Private" description="No access to the public, except individual exceptions."/>
- <choice value="no" text="Prohibited" description="No access to the public."/>
+ <choice value="designated" text="Designated" description="Permitted, according to signs or specific local laws."/>
- <!-- ************************************************************************
- Roads
- ************************************************************************ -->
- <feature name="Motorway">
- <category>roads</category>
- <icon image="features/highway__motorway.png">
- <font size="16pt"><b>${ref}</b></font><br/>
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <line/>
- <tag k="highway" v="motorway"/>
- <inputSet ref="majorRoad"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Motorway link" icon="features/motorway_link.png">
- <category>roads</category>
- <icon image="features/highway__motorway.png"/>
- <line/>
- <tag k="highway" v="motorway_link"/>
- <inputSet ref="majorRoad"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Trunk road">
- <category>roads</category>
- <icon image="features/highway__trunk.png">
- <font size="16pt"><b>${ref}</b></font><br/>
- <font size="10pt">${name}</font>
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <line/>
- <tag k="highway" v="trunk"/>
- <inputSet ref="majorRoad"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Trunk link" icon="features/motorway_link.png">
- <category>roads</category>
- <icon image="features/highway__trunk.png"/>
- <line/>
- <tag k="highway" v="trunk_link"/>
- <inputSet ref="majorRoad"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Primary road">
- <category>roads</category>
- <icon image="features/highway__unclassified.png">
- <font size="16pt"><b>${ref}</b></font><br/>
- <font size="10pt">${name}</font>
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <line/>
- <tag k="highway" v="primary"/>
- <inputSet ref="majorRoad"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Primary road link">
- <category>roads</category>
- <icon image="features/highway__unclassified.png">
- <font size="16pt"><b>${ref}</b></font><br/>
- <font size="10pt">${name}</font>
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <line/>
- <tag k="highway" v="primary_link"/>
- <inputSet ref="majorRoad"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Secondary road">
- <category>roads</category>
- <icon image="features/highway__unclassified.png">
- <font size="16pt"><b>${ref}</b></font><br/>
- <font size="10pt">${name}</font>
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <line/>
- <tag k="highway" v="secondary"/>
- <inputSet ref="majorRoad"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Secondary road link">
- <category>roads</category>
- <icon image="features/highway__unclassified.png">
- <font size="16pt">
- <b>${ref}</b>
- </font>
- <br/>
- <font size="10pt">${name}</font>
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <line/>
- <tag k="highway" v="secondary_link"/>
- <inputSet ref="majorRoad"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Tertiary road">
- <category>roads</category>
- <icon image="features/highway__unclassified.png">
- <font size="14pt"><b>${name}</b></font><br/>
- <font size="10pt">${ref}</font>
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <line/>
- <tag k="highway" v="tertiary"/>
- <inputSet ref="majorRoad"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Tertiary road link">
- <category>roads</category>
- <icon image="features/highway__unclassified.png">
- <font size="14pt"><b>${name}</b></font><br/>
- <font size="10pt">${ref}</font>
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <line/>
- <tag k="highway" v="tertiary_link"/>
- <inputSet ref="majorRoad"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Minor road">
- <category>roads</category>
- <icon image="features/highway__unclassified.png">
- <font size="14pt"><b>${name}</b></font>
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <line/>
- <tag k="highway" v="unclassified"/>
- <inputSet ref="minorRoad"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Residential road">
- <category>roads</category>
- <icon image="features/highway__residential.png">
- <font size="14pt">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </font>
- <br/>
- <font size="8pt">${postal_code}</font>
- <br/>
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <line/>
- <tag k="highway" v="residential"/>
- <inputSet ref="minorRoad"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Service road">
- <category>roads</category>
- <icon image="features/highway__service.png">
- <font size="14pt"><b>${name}</b></font>
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <description>
- Access roads
- </description>
- <line/>
- <tag k="highway" v="service"/>
- <inputSet ref="minorRoad"/>
- <input type="choice" presence="always" name="Type of service road" key="service" category="">
- <choice value="alley" text="Alleyway/laneway"/>
- <choice value="parking_aisle" text="Parking aisle" description="The path that cars drive on through a parking lot."/>
- <choice value="driveway" text="Driveway"/>
- <choice value="drive-through" text="Drive-through" description="For drive-through restaurants, bottle shops etc."/>
- <choice value="emergency_access" text="Emergency access" description="For firefighters and other emergency services."/>
+ <inputSet id="places">
+ <input type="choice" name="Type of Place" presence="always" key="place">
+ <choice value="locality" text="Locality"/>
+ <choice value="hamlet" text="Hamlet"/>
+ <choice value="village" text="Village"/>
+ <choice value="suburb" text="Suburb"/>
+ <choice value="town" text="Town"/>
+ <choice value="city" text="City"/>
+ <choice value="county" text="County"/>
+ <choice value="region" text="Region"/>
+ <choice value="state" text="State"/>
+ <choice value="country" text="Country"/>
+ <choice value="continent" text="Continent"/>
+ <choice value="island" text="Island"/>
+ <choice value="islet" text="Islet"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Unknown road">
- <category>roads</category>
- <icon image="features/highway__service.png">
- <font size="10pt">This road has not been given a specific type. It's a road, and that's all that's known.</font>
- </icon>
- <line/>
- <tag k="highway" v="road"/>
- <inputSet ref="minorRoad"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Living Street">
- <category>roads</category>
- <icon image="features/highway__residential.png">
- <font size="14pt"><b>${name}</b></font>
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <line/>
- <tag k="highway" v="living_street"/>
- <inputSet ref="minorRoad"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Track">
- <category>roads</category>
- <icon image="features/highway__unclassified.png">
- <font size="14pt"><b>${name}</b></font>
- </icon>
- <line/>
- <tag k="highway" v="track"/>
- <inputSet ref="path"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <!-- ************************************************************************
- Paths
- ************************************************************************ -->
- <feature name="Footpath">
- <category>paths</category>
- <icon image="features/paths__footway.png">
- ${name} <i>${ref}</i>
- </icon>
- <line/>
- <tag k="highway" v="footway"/>
- <inputSet ref="path"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Cycle path">
- <category>paths</category>
- <icon image="features/paths__bike.png">
- ${name} <i>${ncn_ref} ${rcn_ref} ${lcn_ref} ${ref}</i>
- </icon>
- <line/>
- <tag k="highway" v="cycleway"/>
- <inputSet ref="path"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Pedestrian Street">
- <category>paths</category>
- <icon image="features/paths__pedestrian.png">
- <font size="14pt">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </font>
- </icon>
- <tag k="highway" v="pedestrian"/>
- <!-- pedestrian roads can be lines or areas, with different tags -->
- <!-- TODO - implement this! -->
- <line>
- <tag k="highway" v="pedestrian"/>
- </line>
- <area>
- <tag k="highway" v="pedestrian"/>
- <tag k="area" v="yes"/>
- </area>
- <inputSet ref="minorRoad"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Bridleway">
- <category>paths</category>
- <icon image="features/paths__bridleway.png">
- </icon>
- <line/>
- <tag k="highway" v="bridleway"/>
- <inputSet ref="path"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Steps">
- <category>paths</category>
- <icon image="features/paths__steps.png">
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <line/>
- <tag k="highway" v="steps"/>
- <inputSet ref="path"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="Naming" name="Number of steps" key="step_count" description="The number of steps in the way" priority="low"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <!-- ************************************************************************
- Natural
- ************************************************************************ -->
- <feature name="Park">
- <category>natural</category>
- <icon image="icons/natural_blank.png">
- <b>${name}</b>
- <br/>
- </icon>
- <area/>
- <tag k="leisure" v="park"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Forest">
- <category>natural</category>
- <icon image="icons/natural_blank.png"/>
- <area/>
- <tag k="landuse" v="forest"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Meadow">
- <category>natural</category>
- <icon image="icons/natural_blank.png"/>
- <area/>
- <tag k="landuse" v="meadow"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <!-- ************************************************************************
- Barrier
- ************************************************************************ -->
- <feature name="Wall">
- <category>barrier</category>
- <icon image="features/barrier_generic.png"/>
- <icon>
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <line/>
- <tag k="barrier" v="wall"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Ditch">
- <category>barrier</category>
- <icon image="features/barrier_generic.png"/>
- <icon>
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <line/>
- <tag k="barrier" v="ditch"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Retaining wall">
- <category>barrier</category>
- <icon image="features/barrier_generic.png"/>
- <icon>
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <line/>
- <tag k="barrier" v="retaining_wall"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="City wall">
- <category>barrier</category>
- <icon image="features/barrier_generic.png"/>
- <icon>
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <line/>
- <tag k="barrier" v="city_wall"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Fence">
- <category>barrier</category>
- <icon image="features/barrier_generic.png"/>
- <icon>
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <line/>
- <tag k="barrier" v="fence"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Hedge">
- <category>barrier</category>
- <icon image="features/barrier_generic.png"/>
- <icon>
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <line/>
- <tag k="barrier" v="hedge"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <!-- ************************************************************************
- Waterways
- ************************************************************************ -->
- <feature name="Stream">
- <category>water</category>
- <description>A very narrow river.</description>
- <icon image="features/waterway__stream.png">
- <font size="14pt">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </font>
- </icon>
- <line/>
- <tag k="waterway" v="stream"/>
- <inputSet ref="waterways"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="River">
- <category>water</category>
- <icon image="features/waterway__river.png">
- <font size="14pt"><b>${name}</b></font>
- </icon>
- <line/>
- <tag k="waterway" v="river"/>
- <inputSet ref="waterways"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Canal">
- <category>water</category>
- <icon image="features/waterway__canal.png">
- <font size="14pt">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </font>
- </icon>
+ </inputSet>
- <line/>
- <tag k="waterway" v="canal"/>
- <inputSet ref="waterways"/>
- <inputSet ref="tunnel"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
+ <inputSet id="isBuilding">
+ <input type="checkbox" presence="onTagMatch" category="Misc" description="Does this thing also represent one, solid building?" name="Building" key="building"/>
+ </inputSet>
+ <inputSet id="powerCables">
+ <input type="choice" name="Cables" key="cables" presence="always" category="Power">
+ <choice value="2" text="2"/>
+ <choice value="3" text="3"/>
+ <choice value="4" text="4"/>
+ <choice value="6" text="6"/>
+ <choice value="8" text="8"/>
+ <choice value="10" text="10"/>
+ <choice value="12" text="12"/>
+ </input>
+ <input type="choice" name="Voltage" key="voltage" presence="always" category="Power">
+ <!-- choices based on>
+ <choice value="400" text="400 V"/>
+ <choice value="600" text="600 V"/>
+ <choice value="750" text="750 V"/>
+ <choice value="1500" text="1500 V"/>
+ <choice value="3000" text="3000 V"/>
+ <choice value="15000" text="15 kV"/>
+ <choice value="20000" text="20 kV"/>
+ <choice value="35000" text="35 kV"/>
+ <choice value="110000" text="110 kV"/>
+ <choice value="132000" text="132 kV"/>
+ <choice value="138000" text="238 kV"/>
+ <choice value="220000" text="220 kV"/>
+ <choice value="380000" text="380 kV"/>
+ </input>
+ </inputSet>
- <feature name="Drain">
- <category>water</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/water_generic.24.png">
- <font size="14pt"><b>${name}</b></font>
- </icon>
- <line/>
- <tag k="waterway" v="drain"/>
- <inputSet ref="tunnel"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
+<!-- Features -->
+ <include file="map_features/roads.xml" /> <!-- includes traffic calming, roundabouts, race track -->
+ <include file="map_features/paths.xml" /> <!-- includes steps, highway=pedestrian, bike/hike routes -->
+ <include file="map_features/water.xml" /> <!-- includes coastline -->
+ <include file="map_features/transport.xml" /> <!-- includes rail, trams, bus, airports, car rental, bike parking... -->
+ <include file="map_features/power.xml" /> <!-- includes power lines, pylons, stations -->
+ <include file="map_features/places.xml" /> <!-- includes boundaries (inc. NP) -->
+ <include file="map_features/tourism.xml" /> <!-- includes accommodation -->
+ <include file="map_features/barriers.xml" />
+ <include file="map_features/shopping.xml" /> <!-- no clear distinction between this, amenities and buildings -->
+ <include file="map_features/amenities.xml" /> <!-- includes cafe, bar... -->
+ <include file="map_features/landuse.xml" /> <!-- includes outdoor leisure/sporting stuff, agriculture, natural. -->
+ <include file="map_features/buildings.xml" /> <!-- a bit of a dumping ground, includes sports centre, shopping centre, hospital... -->
+ <include file="map_features/man_made.xml" />
- <feature name="Dam">
- <!-- Moved to "barrier" because this describes the dam wall, not the water. -->
- <category>barrier</category>
- <icon image="features/waterway__dam.png">
- <font size="14pt">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </font>
- </icon>
- <line/>
- <area/>
- <tag k="waterway" v="dam"/>
+ <!-- Relations -->
+ <feature name="Multipolygon">
+ <category>advanced</category>
+ <relation/>
+ <tag k="type" v="multipolygon"/>
<inputSet ref="common"/>
- <feature name="Riverbank">
- <category>water</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/water_generic.24.png">
- <font size="14pt"><b>${name}</b></font>
- </icon>
- <area/>
- <tag k="waterway" v="riverbank"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Reservoir">
- <category>water</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/water_generic.24.png">
- <font size="14pt">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </font>
- </icon>
- <area/>
- <tag k="landuse" v="reservoir"/>
- <inputSet ref="boatPermissions"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Lake">
- <category>water</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/water_generic.24.png">
- <font size="14pt">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </font>
- </icon>
- <area/>
- <tag k="natural" v="water"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="boatPermissions"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Basin">
- <category>water</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/water_generic.24.png">
- <font size="14pt">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </font>
- </icon>
- <area/>
- <tag k="landuse" v="basin"/>
- <inputSet ref="boatPermissions"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Weir">
- <category>water</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/water_generic.24.png">
- <font size="14pt">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </font>
- </icon>
- <line/>
- <point/>
- <tag k="waterway" v="weir"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Dock">
- <category>water</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/water_generic.24.png">
- <font size="14pt">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </font>
- </icon>
- <area/>
- <tag k="waterway" v="dock"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Marina">
- <category>water</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/transport_marina.n.24.png">
- <font size="14pt">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </font>
- </icon>
- <area/>
- <point/>
- <tag k="leisure" v="marina"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Slipway">
- <category>water</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/water_generic.24.png"/>
- <line/>
- <tag k="leisure" v="slipway"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <area/>
- <!-- ************************************************************************
- Transport
- ************************************************************************ -->
- <feature name="Railway line">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="features/transport__railway.png">
- <font size="14pt">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </font>
- </icon>
- <line/>
- <tag k="railway" v="rail"/>
- <inputSet ref="bridge"/>
- <inputSet ref="tunnel"/>
- <inputSet ref="embankment-cutting"/>
- <inputSet ref="rail-electrification"/>
- <inputSet ref="rail-usage"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Railway spur">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="features/transport__railway.png">
- <font size="14pt">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </font>
- </icon>
- <line/>
- <tag k="railway" v="rail"/>
- <tag k="service" v="spur"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Railway siding">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="features/transport__railway.png">
- <font size="14pt">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </font>
- </icon>
- <line/>
- <tag k="railway" v="rail"/>
- <tag k="service" v="siding"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Preserved line">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="features/transport__railway.png">
- <font size="14pt"><b>${name}</b></font>
- </icon>
- <line/>
- <tag k="railway" v="preserved"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Disused tracks">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="features/transport__railway_disused.png">
- <font size="14pt">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </font>
- </icon>
- <line/>
- <tag k="railway" v="disused"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Old trackbed">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="features/transport__railway_abandoned.png">
- <font size="14pt"><b>${name}</b></font>
- </icon>
- <line/>
- <tag k="railway" v="abandoned"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Light rail line">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="features/transport__tram.png">
- <font size="14pt">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </font>
- </icon>
- <line/>
- <tag k="railway" v="light_rail"/>
- <inputSet ref="bridge"/>
- <inputSet ref="tunnel"/>
- <inputset ref="embankment-cutting"/>
- <inputSet ref="rail-electrification"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Tram line">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="features/transport__tram.png">
- <font size="14pt"><b>${name}</b></font>
- </icon>
- <line/>
- <tag k="railway" v="tram"/>
- <input ref="tram-route"/>
- <inputSet ref="bridge"/>
- <inputSet ref="tunnel"/>
- <inputset ref="embankment-cutting"/>
- <inputSet ref="rail-electrification"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Subway line">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="features/transport__subway.png">
- <font size="14pt">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </font>
- </icon>
- <line/>
- <tag k="railway" v="subway"/>
- <inputSet ref="bridge"/>
- <inputSet ref="tunnel"/>
- <inputset ref="embankment-cutting"/>
- <inputSet ref="rail-electrification"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Railway platform">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="features/transport__railway_platform.png"/>
- <line/>
- <area/>
- <tag k="railway" v="platform"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch" category="Naming" name="Reference" key="ref" description="The number of the platform" priority="low"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Bus station">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="icons/transport_blank.png">
- <b>${name} ${addr:housename}</b><br/>
- ${addr:housenumber} ${addr:street} ${addr:postcode}
- </icon>
- <area/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="bus_station"/>
- <tag k="building" v="yes"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Airport">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="icons/transport_airport_48.png"/>
- <tag k="aeroway" v="aerodrome"/>
- <area/>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="Naming" name="International Air Transport Association (IATA) airport code" key="ref"/>
- <help></help>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Airport terminal">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/transport_airport_terminal.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="aeroway" v="terminal"/>
- <area/>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <help></help>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Helipad">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="icons/transport_helipad_48.png"/>
- <tag k="aeroway" v="helipad"/>
- <area/>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <help></help>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Airport runway">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="icons/transport_blank.png"/>
- <tag k="aeroway" v="runway"/>
- <line/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="Naming" name="Runway number (01-36)" key="ref"/>
- <help></help>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Airport taxiway">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="icons/transport_blank.png"/>
- <tag k="aeroway" v="taxiway"/>
- <line/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="Naming" name="Taxiway number" key="ref" />
- <help></help>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Airport apron">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="icons/transport_blank.png"/>
- <tag k="aeroway" v="apron"/>
- <area/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <help></help>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Airport gate">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/transport_airport_gate.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="aeroway" v="gate"/>
- <point/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="Naming" name="Gate number" key="ref"/>
- <help></help>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <!-- ************************************************************************
- Buildings
- ************************************************************************ -->
- <feature name="School">
- <category>buildings</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/education_school.n.24.png">
- <b>${name} ${addr:housename}</b><br/>
- ${addr:housenumber} ${addr:street} ${addr:postcode}
- </icon>
- <area/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="school"/>
- <tag k="building" v="yes"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="College">
- <category>buildings</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/education_university.n.24.png">
- <b>${name} ${addr:housename}</b><br/>
- ${addr:housenumber} ${addr:street} ${addr:postcode}
- </icon>
- <area/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="college"/>
- <tag k="building" v="yes"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Supermarket">
- <category>buildings</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/shopping_supermarket.n.24.png">
- <b>${name} ${addr:housename}</b><br/>
- ${addr:housenumber} ${addr:street} ${addr:postcode}
- </icon>
- <area/>
- <tag k="shop" v="supermarket"/>
- <tag k="building" v="yes"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Place of worship">
- <category>buildings</category>
- <icon image="icons/place_of_worship.png">
- <b>${name} ${addr:housename}</b><br/>
- ${addr:housenumber} ${addr:street} ${addr:postcode}
- </icon>
- <area/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="place_of_worship"/>
- <tag k="building" v="yes"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <input type="choice" category="Religion" name="Religion" key="religion" description="The religion to which this place of worship belongs.">
- <choice value="christian" text="Christianity (church)"/>
- <choice value="jewish" text="Judaism (synagogue)"/>
- </input>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Public building">
- <category>buildings</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/building_generic.png">
- <b>${name} ${addr:housename}</b><br/>
- ${addr:housenumber} ${addr:street} ${addr:postcode}
- </icon>
- <area/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="public_building"/>
- <tag k="building" v="yes"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Hospital">
- <category>buildings</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/health_hospital.n.24.png">
- <b>${name} ${addr:housename}</b><br/>
- ${addr:housenumber} ${addr:street} ${addr:postcode}
- </icon>
- <area/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="hospital"/>
- <tag k="building" v="yes"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="University">
- <category>buildings</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/education_university.n.24.png">
- <b>${name} ${addr:housename}</b><br/>
- ${addr:housenumber} ${addr:street} ${addr:postcode}
- </icon>
- <area/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="university"/>
- <tag k="building" v="yes"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Attraction">
- <category>buildings</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/tourist_attraction.n.24.png">
- <b>${name} ${addr:housename}</b><br/>
- ${addr:housenumber} ${addr:street} ${addr:postcode}
- </icon>
- <area/>
- <tag k="tourism" v="attraction"/>
- <tag k="building" v="yes"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Museum">
- <category>buildings</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/tourist_museum.n.24.png">
- <b>${name} ${addr:housename}</b><br/>
- ${addr:housenumber} ${addr:street} ${addr:postcode}
- </icon>
- <area/>
- <tag k="tourism" v="museum"/>
- <tag k="building" v="yes"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Zoo">
- <category>buildings</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/tourist_zoo.n.24.png">
- <b>${name} ${addr:housename}</b><br/>
- ${addr:housenumber} ${addr:street} ${addr:postcode}
- </icon>
- <area/>
- <tag k="tourism" v="zoo"/>
- <tag k="building" v="yes"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Stadium">
- <category>buildings</category>
- <icon image="icons/tourist_blank.png">
- <b>${name} ${addr:housename}</b><br/>
- ${addr:housenumber} ${addr:street} ${addr:postcode}
- </icon>
- <area/>
- <tag k="leisure" v="stadium"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Building">
- <category>buildings</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/building_generic.png">
- <b>${name} ${addr:housename}</b><br/>
- ${addr:housenumber} ${addr:street} ${addr:postcode}
- </icon>
- <area/>
- <tag k="building" v="*"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Sports centre">
- <category>buildings</category>
- <icon >
- <b>${name} ${addr:housename}</b><br/>
- ${addr:housenumber} ${addr:street} ${addr:postcode}
- </icon>
- <area/>
- <point/>
- <tag k="leisure" v="sports_centre"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <inputSet ref="pitchSport"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <!-- ************************************************************************
- Landuse
- ************************************************************************ -->
- <feature name="Industry">
- <category>landuse</category>
- <area/>
- <icon image="features/pois/building_generic.png">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </icon>
- <tag k="landuse" v="industrial"/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Offices">
- <category>landuse</category>
- <area/>
- <icon image="features/pois/building_generic.png">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </icon>
- <tag k="landuse" v="commercial"/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Residential">
- <category>landuse</category>
- <area/>
- <icon image="features/pois/building_generic.png">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </icon>
- <tag k="landuse" v="residential"/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Retail">
- <category>landuse</category>
- <area/>
- <icon image="features/pois/building_generic.png">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </icon>
- <tag k="landuse" v="retail"/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Marketplace">
- <category>landuse</category>
- <area/>
- <icon image="features/pois/shopping_greengrocer.n.24.png">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </icon>
- <tag k="amenity" v="marketplace"/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Cemetery">
- <category>landuse</category>
- <area/>
- <icon image="features/pois/place_of_worship_unknown3.n.24.png">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </icon>
- <tag k="landuse" v="cemetery"/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Quarry">
- <category>landuse</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/poi_mine.n.24.png"/>
- <area/>
- <tag k="landuse" v="quarry"/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Military">
- <category>landuse</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/poi_military_bunker.n.24.png"/>
- <area/>
- <tag k="landuse" v="military"/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Conservation">
- <category>natural</category>
- <icon image="icons/natural_blank.png"/>
- <area/>
- <tag k="landuse" v="conservation"/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Playground">
- <category>landuse</category>
- <area/>
- <icon image="features/pois/sport_leisure_centre.n.24.png">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </icon>
- <tag k="leisure" v="playground"/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Golf course">
- <category>landuse</category>
- <area/>
- <icon image="features/pois/sport_golf.n.24.png">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </icon>
- <tag k="leisure" v="golf_course"/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Recreation ground">
- <category>landuse</category>
- <area/>
- <icon image="features/pois/sport_leisure_centre.n.24.png">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </icon>
- <tag k="leisure" v="recreation_ground"/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Sports pitch">
- <category>landuse</category>
- <area/>
- <icon image="features/pois/sport_leisure_centre.n.24.png">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </icon>
- <tag k="leisure" v="pitch"/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="pitchSport"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <inputSet id="pitchSport">
- <input name="Sport" presence="always" category="Sport" key="sport" type="choice" description="The sport that is predominantly played here.">
- <choice value="9pin" text="9 pin bowling"/>
- <choice value="10pin" text="10 pin bowling"/>
- <choice value="american_football" text="American football"/>
- <choice value="archery" text="Archery"/>
- <choice value="athletics" text="Athletics"/>
- <choice value="australian_football" text="Australian Rules Football"/>
- <choice value="baseball" text="Baseball"/>
- <choice value="basketball" text="Basketball"/>
- <choice value="beachvolleyball" text="Beach volleyball"/>
- <choice value="boules" text="Boules/petanque/bocci"/>
- <choice value="bowls" text="Lawn bowls"/>
- <choice value="canadian_football" text="Canadian football"/>
- <choice value="chess" text="Chess"/>
- <choice value="cricket" text="Cricket"/>
- <choice value="cricket_nets" text="Cricket nets"/>
- <choice value="croquet" text="Croquet"/>
- <choice value="equestrian" text="Equestrian"/>
- <choice value="gaelic_football" text="Gaelic football"/>
- <choice value="gymnastics" text="Gymnastics"/>
- <choice value="team_handball" text="(Team) handball"/>
- <choice value="hockey" text="(Field) hockey"/>
- <choice value="korfball" text="Korball"/>
- <choice value="pelota" text="Pelota"/>
- <choice value="rugby_league" text="Rugby league"/>
- <choice value="rugby_union" text="Rugby union"/>
- <choice value="shooting" text="Shooting"/>
- <choice value="skating" text="Ice skating"/>
- <choice value="skateboard" text="Skateboarding"/>
- <choice value="soccer" text="Soccer/football"/>
- <choice value="swimming" text="Swimming"/>
- <choice value="table_tennis" text="Table tennis"/>
- <choice value="tennis" text="Tennis"/>
- <choice value="volleyball" text="Volleyball"/>
- </input>
- </inputSet>
- <feature name="Sports track">
- <category>landuse</category>
- <area/>
- <icon image="features/pois/sport_leisure_centre.n.24.png">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </icon>
- <tag k="leisure" v="track"/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <!-- ************************************************************************
- Power
- ************************************************************************ -->
- <feature name="High-voltage line">
- <category>power</category>
- <icon image="features/power_high.png"/>
- <line/>
- <tag k="power" v="line"/>
- <inputSet ref="powerCables"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Low-voltage line">
- <category>power</category>
- <icon image="features/power_low.png"/>
- <line/>
- <tag k="power" v="minor_line"/>
- <inputSet ref="powerCables"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="High-voltage pylon">
- <category>power</category>
- <icon image="icons/power_tower_24.png"/>
- <point/>
- <tag k="power" v="tower"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Power pole">
- <category>power</category>
- <icon image="icons/power_pole_24.png"/>
- <point/>
- <tag k="power" v="pole"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Plant (station)">
- <category>power</category>
- <icon image="icons/power_blank.png"/>
- <area/>
- <point/>
- <tag k="power" v="generator"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <input type="choice" presence="always" name="Energy source" key="power_source" category="Power">
- <choice value="coal" text="Coal"/>
- <choice value="gas" text="Gas"/>
- <choice value="oil" text="Oil"/>
- <choice value="fossil" text="Unspecified fossil fuel"/>
- <choice value="hydro" text="Hydroelectric"/>
- <choice value="geothermal" text="Geothermal"/>
- <choice value="nuclear" text="Nuclear"/>
- <choice value="wind" text="Wind"/>
- <choice value="photovoltaic" text="Solar PV"/>
- <choice value="solar_thermal" text="Solar thermal"/>
- <choice value="biofuel" text="Biofuel"/>
- </input>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Substation">
- <category>power</category>
- <icon image="icons/power_blank.png"/>"
- <area/>
- <point/>
- <tag k="power" v="station"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Transformer">
- <category>power</category>
- <icon image="icons/power_blank.png"/>
- <area/>
- <point/>
- <tag k="power" v="sub_station"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <inputSet id="powerCables">
- <input type="choice" name="Cables" key="cables" presence="always" category="Power">
- <choice value="2" text="2"/>
- <choice value="3" text="3"/>
- <choice value="4" text="4"/>
- <choice value="6" text="6"/>
- <choice value="8" text="8"/>
- <choice value="10" text="10"/>
- <choice value="12" text="12"/>
- </input>
- <input type="choice" name="Voltage" key="voltage" presence="always" category="Power">
- <!-- choices based on>
- <choice value="400" text="400 V"/>
- <choice value="600" text="600 V"/>
- <choice value="750" text="750 V"/>
- <choice value="1500" text="1500 V"/>
- <choice value="3000" text="3000 V"/>
- <choice value="15000" text="15 kV"/>
- <choice value="20000" text="20 kV"/>
- <choice value="35000" text="35 kV"/>
- <choice value="110000" text="110 kV"/>
- <choice value="132000" text="132 kV"/>
- <choice value="138000" text="238 kV"/>
- <choice value="220000" text="220 kV"/>
- <choice value="380000" text="380 kV"/>
- </input>
- </inputSet>
- <!-- Places -->
- <feature name="Place">
- <category>misc</category>
- <icon image="icons/place.png"/>
- <point/>
- <area/>
- <!-- TODO: make this work -->
- <tag k="place" v="*"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <input type="choice" name="Type of place name" presence="always" key="place">
- <choice value="locality" text="Locality"/>
- <choice value="hamlet" text="Hamlet"/>
- <choice value="village" text="Village"/>
- <choice value="suburb" text="Suburb"/>
- <choice value="county" text="County"/>
- <choice value="city" text="City"/>
- <choice value="region" text="Region"/>
- <choice value="state" text="State"/>
- <choice value="country" text="Country"/>
- <choice value="continent" text="Continent"/>
- <choice value="island" text="Island"/>
- <choice value="islet" text="Islet"/>
- </input>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <!-- ************************************************************************
- POIs
- ************************************************************************ -->
- <!-- =========== Amenity ============ -->
- <feature name="Fire station">
- <category>amenity</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/amenity_firestation2.n.24.png"/>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="fire_station"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="" name="name" key="name" description="The Name of it." priority="low"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Police Station">
- <category>amenity</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/amenity_police2.n.24.png"/>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="police"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="" name="name" key="name" description="The Name of it." priority="low"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Hospital">
- <category>amenity</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/health_hospital.n.24.png"/>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="hospital"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="" name="name" key="name" description="The Name of it." priority="low"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Place of Worship">
- <category>amenity</category>
- <icon image="icons/place_of_worship.png"/>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="place_of_worship"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="" name="name" key="name" description="The name of it." priority="low"/>
- <input type="choice" presence="always" category="" name="Religion" key="religion" description="The religion worshipped here.">
- <choice value="christian" text="Christianity (church)"/>
- <choice value="jewish" text="Judaism (synagogue)"/>
- <choice value="muslim" text="Islam (mosque)"/>
- <choice value="hindu" text="Hinduism (temple)"/>
- <choice value="buddhist" text="Buddhism (temple)"/>
- <choice value="sikh" text="Sikhism (gurdwara)"/>
- <choice value="shinto" text="Shinto (shrine)"/>
- </input>
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="" name="denomination" key="denomination" description="The denomination of the religion worshiped here." priority="low"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="ATM">
- <category>amenity</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/money_atm.n.24.png"/>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="atm"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="Banking" name="Operator" key="operator" description="The organisation that provides this ATM" priority="low"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="Banking" name="Fee" key="fee" description="Is there a charge for using this ATM? If so how much?"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Bank">
- <category>amenity</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/money_bank2.n.24.png">
- ${name}
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="bank"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <input type="choice" presence="always" category="Bank" name="Public ATM available" key="atm" description="Is there a public ATM available?">
- <choice value="yes" text="Yes"/>
- <choice value="no" text="No"/>
- </input>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Recycling">
- <category>amenity</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/amenity_recycling.n.24.png"/>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="recycling"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="School">
- <category>amenity</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/education_school.n.24.png">
- ${name}
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="school"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Post Box">
- <category>amenity</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/amenity_post_box.n.24.png">
- ${ref}
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="post_box"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="Naming" name="Ref" key="ref" description="Reference number of the post box"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="Naming" name="Operator" key="operator" description="The provider of the postal service" priority="low"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <!-- ========= Accommodation ========= -->
- <!-- Split off from tourism by Steve Bennett, can be remerged if it doesn't work out. -->
- <feature name="Hotel">
- <category>accommodation</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/accommodation_hotel.n.24.png"/>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <area/>
- <tag k="tourism" v="hotel"/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Motel">
- <category>accommodation</category>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <area/>
- <icon image="features/pois/accommodation_motel.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="tourism" v="motel"/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Hostel">
- <category>accommodation</category>
- <point/>
- <area/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/accommodation_youth_hostel.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="tourism" v="hostel"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <!-- Note that tourism=bed_and_breakfast also gets some use. -->
- <feature name="Guesthouse (B&B)">
- <category>accommodation</category>
- <point/>
- <area/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/accommodation_bed_and_breakfast.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="tourism" v="guest_house"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Campsite">
- <category>accommodation</category>
- <point/>
- <area/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/accommodation_camping.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="tourism" v="camp_site"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Caravan park">
- <category>accommodation</category>
- <point/>
- <area/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/accommodation_caravan_park.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="tourism" v="caravan_site"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Alpine hut">
- <category>accommodation</category>
- <point/>
- <area/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/accommodation_alpinehut.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="tourism" v="alpine_hut"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Chalet">
- <category>accommodation</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/accommodation_chalet.n.24.png"/>
- <point/>
- <area/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <tag k="tourism" v="chalet"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <!-- ========= Tourism ========= -->
- <!-- This is a very popular tag, can't be left out -->
- <feature name="Attraction">
- <category>tourism</category>
- <icon image="icons/tourist_blank.png"/>
- <point/>
- <area/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <tag k="tourism" v="attraction"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Museum">
- <category>tourism</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/tourist_museum.n.24.png"/>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <area/>
- <tag k="tourism" v="museum"/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Archaeological">
- <category>tourism</category>
- <point/>
- <area/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/tourist_archaeological.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="historic" v="archaeological_site"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Battlefield">
- <category>tourism</category>
- <point/>
- <area/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/tourist_battlefield.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="historic" v="battlefield"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Castle">
- <category>tourism</category>
- <point/>
- <area/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/tourist_castle.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="historic" v="castle"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Memorial">
- <category>tourism</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/tourist_memorial.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="historic" v="memorial"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Monument">
- <category>tourism</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/tourist_monument.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="historic" v="monument"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Picnic site">
- <category>tourism</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/tourist_picnic.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="tourism" v="picnic_site"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Ruin">
- <category>tourism</category>
- <point/>
- <area/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/tourist_ruin.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="historic" v="ruin"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Cinema">
- <category>tourism</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/tourist_cinema.n.24.png"/>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <area/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="cinema"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="" name="name" key="name" description="The name of the cinema" priority="low"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Theatre">
- <category>tourism</category>
- <point/>
- <area/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/tourist_theatre.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="theatre"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Viewpoint">
- <category>tourism</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/tourist_view_point.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="tourism" v="viewpoint"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Zoo">
- <category>tourism</category>
- <point/>
- <area/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/tourist_zoo.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="tourism" v="zoo"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <!-- icons needed-->
- <feature name="Information">
- <category>tourism</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/amenity_information.n.24.png"/>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <tag k="tourism" v="information"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Artwork">
- <category>tourism</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/tourist_art_gallery2.n.24.png"/>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <tag k="tourism" v="artwork"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Theme park">
- <category>tourism</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/tourist_theme_park.n.24.png"/>
- <point/>
- <area/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <tag k="tourism" v="theme_park"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <!-- ========= Transport ========= -->
- <feature name="Aerodrome">
- <category>aeroway</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/transport_aerodrome.n.24.png"/>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="aeroway" v="aerodrome"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="" name="name" key="name" description="The name of the aerodrome/airport" priority="low"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Bus Stop">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/transport_bus_stop2.n.24.png">
- ${name} ${local_ref}
- </icon>
- <point/>
- <tag k="highway" v="bus_stop"/>
- <inputSet ref="buses"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Car Parking">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/transport_parking_car.n.24.png">
- ${name}
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <area/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="parking"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch" category="Naming" name="Operator" key="operator" description="The provider of the postal service" priority="low"/>
- <input type="number" minimum="0" maximum="99999" stepSize="1" presence="always" category="Parking" name="Capacity" key="capacity" description="The number of cars that can be parked in the car park"/>
- <inputSet ref="fee"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Bicycle Parking">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/transport_parking_bicycle.n.24.png">
- ${name} ${capacity}
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="bicycle_parking"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch" category="Naming" name="Operator" key="operator" description="The provider of the postal service" priority="low"/>
- <input type="number" minimum="0" maximum="99999" stepSize="1"
- presence="always" category="Cycle" name="Capacity" key="capacity"
- description="The number of bicycles that can be parked in the group of bicycle parking racks"/>
- <inputSet ref="fee"/>
- <input type="choice" presence="always" category="Cycle" name="Covered" key="covered" description="Is the cycle parking covered, so that the bikes are kept dry?">
- <choice value="yes" text="Yes"/>
- <choice value="no" text="No"/>
- </input>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Railway station">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/transport_train_station.n.24.png">
- <font size="14pt">
- <b>${name}</b>
- </font>
- </icon>
- <point/>
- <tag k="railway" v="station"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch" category="Naming" name="Reference" key="ref" description="The shortcode/reference for the station" priority="low"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch" category="Naming" name="Operator" key="operator" description="The provider of the service" priority="low"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Fuel">
- <category>transport</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/transport_fuel.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="fuel"/>
- <input type="freetext" category="Naming" name="Operator" key="operator" description="The provider of the service"/>
- <input type="choice" category="Fuels" name="Diesel" key="diesel" description="Is diesel fuel sold here?">
- <choice value="yes" text="Yes"/>
- <choice value="no" text="No"/>
- </input>
- <input type="choice" category="Fuels" name="Octane 91" key="diesel" description="Is octane 91 unleaded fuel sold here?">
- <choice value="yes" text="Yes"/>
- <choice value="no" text="No"/>
- </input>
- <input type="choice" category="Fuels" name="Octane 95" key="octane_95" description="Is octane 95 unleaded fuel sold here?">
- <choice value="yes" text="Yes"/>
- <choice value="no" text="No"/>
- </input>
- <input type="choice" category="Fuels" name="Octane 98" key="octane_98" description="Is octane 98 unleaded fuel sold here?">
- <choice value="yes" text="Yes"/>
- <choice value="no" text="No"/>
- </input>
- <input type="choice" category="Fuels" name="Octane 100" key="octane_100" description="Is octane 100 unleaded fuel sold here?">
- <choice value="yes" text="Yes"/>
- <choice value="no" text="No"/>
- </input>
- <input type="choice" category="Fuels" name="Ethanol" key="ethanol" description="Is ethanol sold here?">
- <choice value="yes" text="Yes"/>
- <choice value="no" text="No"/>
- </input>
- <input type="choice" category="Fuels" name="LPG" key="lpg" description="Is LPG (liquid petroleum gas) sold here?">
- <choice value="yes" text="Yes"/>
- <choice value="no" text="No"/>
- </input>
- <input type="choice" category="Fuels" name="Octane 91" key="diesel" description="Is octane 91 unleaded fuel sold here?">
- <choice value="yes" text="Yes"/>
- <choice value="no" text="No"/>
- </input>
- <input type="choice" category="Fuels" name="Bio-diesel" key="biodiesel" description="Is biodiesel unleaded fuel sold here?">
- <choice value="yes" text="Yes"/>
- <choice value="no" text="No"/>
- </input>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Bus station">
- <category>transport</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/transport_bus_station.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="bus_station"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Taxi rank">
- <category>transport</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/transport_taxi_rank.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="taxi"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Tram stop">
- <category>transport</category><point/><inputSet ref="simpleName" />
- <icon image="features/pois/transport_tram_stop.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="railway" v="tram_stop"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Bicycle rental">
- <category>transport</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/transport_rental_bicycle.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="bicycle_rental"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Car rental">
- <category>transport</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/transport_rental_car.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="car_rental"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Ferry Terminal">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/transport_port.n.24.png"/>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="ferry_terminal"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="" name="name" key="name" description="The name of the ferry terminal."/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="" name="Operator" key="operator" description="The operator of the ferry terminal." priority="low"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch" category="Cargo" name="Cargo" key="cargo" description="The cargo shipped from here." priority="low"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <!-- ========= Barriers ========= -->
- <feature name="Bollard">
- <category>barrier</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/barrier_bollard.n.24.png">
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="barrier" v="bollard"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Gate">
- <category>barrier</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/barrier_gate.n.24.png">
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="barrier" v="gate"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Lift Gate">
- <category>barrier</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/barrier_lift_gate.n.24.png"/>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="barrier" v="lift_gate"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Kissing Gate">
- <category>barrier</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/barrier_kissing_gate.24.png"/>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="barrier" v="kissing_gate"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Cycle Barrier">
- <category>barrier</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/barrier_cycle_barrier.24.png">
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="barrier" v="cycle_barrier"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Big Concrete Blocks">
- <category>barrier</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/barrier_blocks.24.png">
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="barrier" v="block"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Cattle Grid">
- <category>barrier</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/barrier_cattle_grid.24.png">
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="barrier" v="cattle_grid"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Toll Booth">
- <category>barrier</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/barrier_toll_booth.n.24.png">
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="barrier" v="toll_booth"/>
- <tagSet ref="fee"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch" category="Naming" name="Operator" key="operator" description="The provider of the toll" priority="low"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Stile">
- <category>barrier</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/barrier_stile.n.24.png"/>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="barrier" v="stile"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Turning circle">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/transport_turning_circle.n.24.png"/>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="highway" v="turning_circle"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Traffic calming">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="icons/speed_hump_16.png"/>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <!-- Warning: creates "traffic_calming=*" by default, but it's the best we can do. Steve Bennett-->
- <tag k="traffic_calming" v="*"/>
- <input type="choice" key="traffic_calming" name="Obstacle type" category="Traffic calming" presence="onTagMatch">
- <choice value="yes" text="Unspecified"/>
- <choice value="bump" text="Short bump" description="A sharp speed bump, typically slowing cars to 15 kph or less."/>
- <choice value="hump" text="Speed hump" description="A gentler, longer bump, typically slowing cars to 30 kph or less."/>
- <choice value="cushion" text="Speed cushion" description="A narrow speed bump allowing emergency vehicles and buses to pass without slowing."/>
- <choice value="table" text="Speed table" description="A very long speed hump allowing the whole wheelbase to rest on top."/>
- <choice value="chicane" text="Chicane" description="A set of obstacles causing vehicles to weave through."/>
- <choice value="rumble_strip" text="Rumble strip" description="A series of very small bumps causing vibration or noise."/>
- <choice value="choker" text="Choker" description="An artificial narrowing of the road."/>
- </input>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <!-- ========= Entertainment ========= -->
- <feature name="Pub">
- <category>foodanddrink</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/food_pub.n.24.png">
- ${name}
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="pub"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <inputSet ref="wifi"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Bar">
- <category>foodanddrink</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/food_bar.n.24.png">
- ${name}
- </icon>
- <point/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="bar"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <inputSet ref="wifi"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Restaurant">
- <category>foodanddrink</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/food_restaurant.n.24.png">
- ${name}
- </icon>
- <point/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="restaurant"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <inputSet ref="cuisine"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Cafe">
- <category>foodanddrink</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/food_cafe.n.24.png">
- ${name}
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="cafe"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <inputSet ref="cuisine"/>
- <inputSet ref="wifi"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Fast Food">
- <category>foodanddrink</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/food_fastfood.n.24.png">
- ${name}
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="fast_food"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <inputSet ref="cuisine"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <!-- ========= Shops ========= -->
- <feature name="Small Convenience Store">
- <category>shopping</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/shopping_convenience.n.24.png">
- ${name}
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="shop" v="convenience"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Supermarket">
- <category>shopping</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/shopping_supermarket.n.24.png">
- ${name}
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="shop" v="supermarket"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Alcohol shop">
- <category>shopping</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/shopping_alcohol.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="shop" v="alcohol"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Bakery">
- <category>shopping</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/shopping_bakery.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="shop" v="bakery"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Bike shop">
- <category>shopping</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/shopping_bicycle.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="shop" v="bicycle"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Bookshop">
- <category>shopping</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/shopping_book.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="shop" v="book"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Butcher">
- <category>shopping</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/shopping_butcher.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="shop" v="butcher"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Car repair">
- <category>shopping</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/shopping_car_repair.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="shop" v="car_repair"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Clothes shop">
- <category>shopping</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/shopping_clothes.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="shop" v="clothes"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Confectionery">
- <category>shopping</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/shopping_confectionery.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="shop" v="confectionery"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="DIY">
- <category>shopping</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/shopping_diy.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="shop" v="doityourself"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Fishmonger">
- <category>shopping</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/shopping_fish.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="shop" v="fishmonger"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Garden centre">
- <category>shopping</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/shopping_garden_centre.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="shop" v="garden_centre"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Gift shop">
- <category>shopping</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/shopping_gift.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="shop" v="gift"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Greengrocer">
- <category>shopping</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/shopping_greengrocer.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="shop" v="greengrocer"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Hairdresser">
- <category>shopping</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/shopping_hairdresser.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="shop" v="hairdresser"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Hifi shop">
- <category>shopping</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/shopping_hifi.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="shop" v="hifi"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Jewellery">
- <category>shopping</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/shopping_jewelry.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="shop" v="jewelry"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Laundrette">
- <category>shopping</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/shopping_laundrette.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="shop" v="laundry"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Motorbike shop">
- <category>shopping</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/shopping_motorcycle.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="shop" v="motorcycle"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Music shop">
- <category>shopping</category>
- <point/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <icon image="features/pois/shopping_music.n.24.png"/>
- <tag k="shop" v="music"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Pharmacy">
- <category>shopping</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/health_pharmacy.n.24.png">
- ${name}
- </icon>
- <help></help>
- <point/>
- <tag k="amenity" v="pharmacy"/>
- <inputSet ref="names"/>
- <inputSet ref="web"/>
- <inputSet ref="buildingAddress"/>
- <input type="checkbox" category="Amenity" presence="always" description="Does this pharmacy sell prescription drugs?" name="Dispensing" key="dispensing" layout="horizontal"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <!-- **************** Agriculture *************** -->
- <feature name="Farm">
- <category>agriculture</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/landuse_grass.n.24.png"/>
- <area/>
- <tag k="landuse" v="farm"/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Farmyard">
- <category>agriculture</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/landuse_grass.n.24.png"/>
- <area/>
- <tag k="landuse" v="farmyard"/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Farmland">
- <category>agriculture</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/landuse_grass.n.24.png"/>
- <area/>
- <tag k="landuse" v="farmland"/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Field">
- <category>agriculture</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/landuse_grass.n.24.png"/>
- <area/>
- <tag k="landuse" v="meadow"/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Orchard">
- <category>agriculture</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/landuse_grass.n.24.png"/>
- <area/>
- <tag k="landuse" v="orchard"/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Vineyard">
- <category>agriculture</category>
- <icon image="features/pois/landuse_grass.n.24.png"/>
- <area/>
- <tag k="landuse" v="vineyard"/>
- <inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <!-- ************************************************************************
- Relations
- ************************************************************************ -->
- <feature name="Turn restriction">
- <category>advanced</category>
- <help></help>
- <relation/>
- <tag k="type" v="restriction"/>
- <input type="choice" category="Restrictions" presence="always" name="Type" key="restriction" description="What's the restriction?" layout="horizontal" priority="high">
- <choice value="no_left_turn" text="No left turn"/>
- <choice value="no_right_turn" text="No right turn"/>
- <choice value="no_u_turn" text="No U turns"/>
- <choice value="no_straight_on" text="No straight on"/>
- <choice value="only_left_turn" text="Left turn only"/>
- <choice value="only_right_turn" text="Right turn only"/>
- <choice value="only_straight_on" text="Straight on only"/>
- </input>
- <input type="choice" category="Restrictions" presence="always" name="Except" key="except" description="Are any vehicles exempt?" layout="horizontal">
- <choice value="psv" text="Bus"/>
- <choice value="bicycle" text="Bicycle"/>
- <choice value="motorcar" text="Car"/>
- <choice value="hgv" text="HGV"/>
- </input>
- <input type="freetext" category="Restrictions" presence="always" name="Start day" key="day_on" description="What day of the week does it start?" layout="horizontal" priority="low"/>
- <input type="freetext" category="Restrictions" presence="always" name="Start time" key="hour_on" description="What time of day does it start?" layout="horizontal" priority="low"/>
- <input type="freetext" category="Restrictions" presence="always" name="End day" key="day_off" description="What day of the week does it end?" layout="horizontal" priority="lowest"/>
- <input type="freetext" category="Restrictions" presence="always" name="End time" key="hour_off" description="What time of day does it end?" layout="horizontal" priority="lowest"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Multipolygon">
- <category>advanced</category>
- <relation/>
- <tag k="type" v="multipolygon"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <!-- cycle stuff -->
- <feature name="National Cycle Network">
- <category>paths</category>
- <icon image="features/cycle__ncn.png" background="red" foreground="white">
- <font size="14pt">
- <b>${ref}</b>
- </font>
- <br/>
- <font size="12pt">${name}</font>
- </icon>
- <relation/>
- <tag k="type" v="route"/>
- <tag k="network" v="ncn"/>
- <inputSet ref="route"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Regional Cycle Network">
- <category>paths</category>
- <icon image="features/cycle__rcn.png" background="cyan" foreground="white">
- <font size="14pt"><b>${ref}</b></font><br/>
- <font size="12pt">${name}</font>
- </icon>
- <relation/>
- <tag k="type" v="route"/>
- <tag k="network" v="rcn"/>
- <inputSet ref="route"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Local Cycle Network">
- <category>paths</category>
- <icon image="features/cycle__lcn.png" background="blue" foreground="white">
- <font size="14pt">
- <b>${ref}</b>
- </font>
- <br/>
- <font size="12pt">${name}</font>
- </icon>
- <relation/>
- <tag k="type" v="route"/>
- <tag k="network" v="lcn"/>
- <inputSet ref="route"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <!-- paths -->
- <feature name="Long Distance Path">
- <category>paths</category>
- <icon image="features/paths__footway.png" background="green" foreground="white">
- <font size="14pt">
- <b>${ref}</b>
- </font>
- <br/>
- <font size="12pt">${name}</font>
- </icon>
- <relation/>
- <tag k="type" v="route"/>
- <tag k="route" v="foot"/>
- <inputSet ref="route"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <!-- public transit routes -->
- <feature name="Bus Route">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="features/transport__bus.png">
- <font size="12pt">
- ${operator} <b>${ref}</b>
- </font>
- </icon>
- <relation/>
- <tag k="type" v="route"/>
- <tag k="route" v="bus"/>
- <inputSet ref="route"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="Naming" name="Operator" key="operator" description="The provider of the bus service" priority="low"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="Naming" name="Network" key="network" description="The network of the bus service" priority="low"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <feature name="Tram Route">
- <category>transport</category>
- <icon image="features/transport__tram.png">
- <font size="12pt">
- ${operator} <b>${reg}</b>
- </font>
- </icon>
- <relation/>
- <tag k="type" v="route"/>
- <tag k="route" v="tram"/>
- <inputSet ref="route"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="Naming" name="Operator" key="operator" description="The provider of the tram service" priority="low"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="Naming" name="Network" key="network" description="The network of the tram service" priority="low"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>
- <!-- Junction nodes (for turn restrictions) -->
- <feature>
- <point/>
- <within entity="way" k="highway" minimum="2"/>
- <inputSet ref="junctionNode"/>
- <inputSet ref="common"/>
- </feature>