description_user: "Changesets by {{user}}"
description_bbox: "Changesets within {{bbox}}"
description_user_bbox: "Changesets by {{user}} within {{bbox}}"
description_user: "Changesets by {{user}}"
description_bbox: "Changesets within {{bbox}}"
description_user_bbox: "Changesets by {{user}} within {{bbox}}"
suffix_parent: "{{suffix}} ({{parentdistance}} {{parentdirection}} of {{parentname}})"
suffix_suburb: "{{suffix}}, {{parentname}}"
suffix_parent: "{{suffix}} ({{parentdistance}} {{parentdirection}} of {{parentname}})"
suffix_suburb: "{{suffix}}, {{parentname}}"
shop: Shop
shop_tooltip: Shop with branded OpenStreetMap merchandise
shop: Shop
shop_tooltip: Shop with branded OpenStreetMap merchandise
Statistics Canada).</li>
<li><strong>New Zealand</strong>: Contains data sourced from
Land Information New Zealand. Crown Copyright reserved.</li>
Statistics Canada).</li>
<li><strong>New Zealand</strong>: Contains data sourced from
Land Information New Zealand. Crown Copyright reserved.</li>
<li><strong>United Kingdom</strong>: Contains Ordnance
Survey data © Crown copyright and database right
<li><strong>United Kingdom</strong>: Contains Ordnance
Survey data © Crown copyright and database right
lost password link: "Lost your password?"
login_button: "Login"
account not active: "Sorry, your account is not active yet.<br />Please click on the link in the account confirmation email to activate your account."
lost password link: "Lost your password?"
login_button: "Login"
account not active: "Sorry, your account is not active yet.<br />Please click on the link in the account confirmation email to activate your account."
auth failure: "Sorry, could not log in with those details."
openid missing provider: "Sorry, could not contact your OpenID provider"
openid invalid: "Sorry, your OpenID seems to be malformed"
auth failure: "Sorry, could not log in with those details."
openid missing provider: "Sorry, could not contact your OpenID provider"
openid invalid: "Sorry, your OpenID seems to be malformed"
declined: ""
decline: "Decline"
legale_select: "Please select your country of residence:"
declined: ""
decline: "Decline"
legale_select: "Please select your country of residence:"