* Called as the user scrolls/zooms around to maniplate hrefs of the
* view tab and various other links
* Called as the user scrolls/zooms around to maniplate hrefs of the
* view tab and various other links
-function updateLinks(loc, zoom, layers, object) {
+window.updateLinks = function (loc, zoom, layers, object) {
$(".geolink").each(function(index, link) {
var href = link.href.split(/[?#]/)[0],
args = querystring.parse(link.search.substring(1)),
$(".geolink").each(function(index, link) {
var href = link.href.split(/[?#]/)[0],
args = querystring.parse(link.search.substring(1)),
.toggleClass('disabled', editDisabled)
.attr('data-original-title', editDisabled ?
I18n.t('javascripts.site.edit_disabled_tooltip') : '');
.toggleClass('disabled', editDisabled)
.attr('data-original-title', editDisabled ?
I18n.t('javascripts.site.edit_disabled_tooltip') : '');
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#menu-icon").on("click", function(e) {
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#menu-icon").on("click", function(e) {