$(".describe_location").on("click", function(e) {
- var precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(map.getZoom());
- OSM.router.route("/search?query=" + encodeURIComponent(
- map.getCenter().lat.toFixed(precision) + "," +
- map.getCenter().lng.toFixed(precision)));
+ var center = map.getCenter().wrap(),
+ precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(map.getZoom());
+ OSM.router.route("/search?whereami=1&query=" + encodeURIComponent(
+ center.lat.toFixed(precision) + "," + center.lng.toFixed(precision)
+ ));
- function clickSearchResult(e) {
- var data = $(this).data(),
- center = L.latLng(data.lat, data.lon);
+ function panToSearchResult(data) {
if (data.minLon && data.minLat && data.maxLon && data.maxLat) {
map.fitBounds([[data.minLat, data.minLon], [data.maxLat, data.maxLon]]);
} else {
- map.setView(center, data.zoom);
+ map.setView([data.lat, data.lon], data.zoom);
+ }
+ function clickSearchResult(e) {
+ var data = $(this).data();
+ panToSearchResult(data);
// Let clicks to object browser links propagate.
if (data.type && data.id) return;
page.pushstate = page.popstate = function(path) {
var params = querystring.parse(path.substring(path.indexOf('?') + 1));
$(".search_form input[name=query]").val(params.query);
+ $(".describe_location").hide();
OSM.loadSidebarContent(path, page.load);
page.load = function() {
- $(".search_results_entry").each(function() {
+ $(".search_results_entry").each(function(index) {
var entry = $(this);
url: entry.data("href"),
success: function(html) {
+ // go to first result of first geocoder
+ if (index === 0) {
+ var firstResult = entry.find('*[data-lat][data-lon]:first').first();
+ if (firstResult.length) {
+ panToSearchResult(firstResult.data());
+ }
+ }