assert_select "p", "Sorry, the user block with ID 99999 could not be found."
+ ##
+ # test the edit action when the remaining block duration doesn't match the available select options
+ def test_edit_duration
+ moderator_user = create(:moderator_user)
+ freeze_time do
+ active_block = create(:user_block, :creator => moderator_user, :ends_at => + 96.hours)
+ session_for(moderator_user)
+ get edit_user_block_path(active_block)
+ assert_select "form#edit_user_block_#{}", :count => 1 do
+ assert_select "select#user_block_period", :count => 1 do
+ assert_select "option[value='96'][selected]", :count => 1
+ end
+ end
+ travel 2.hours
+ get edit_user_block_path(active_block)
+ assert_select "form#edit_user_block_#{}", :count => 1 do
+ assert_select "select#user_block_period", :count => 1 do
+ assert_select "option[value='96'][selected]", :count => 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
# test the create action
def test_create
assert_select "p", "Sorry, the user block with ID 99999 could not be found."
+ ##
+ # test the update action on expired blocks
+ def test_update_expired
+ creator_user = create(:moderator_user)
+ other_moderator_user = create(:moderator_user)
+ block = create(:user_block, :expired, :creator => creator_user, :reason => "Original Reason")
+ session_for(other_moderator_user)
+ put user_block_path(block,
+ :user_block_period => "0",
+ :user_block => { :needs_view => false, :reason => "Updated Reason" })
+ assert_redirected_to edit_user_block_path(block)
+ assert_equal "Only the moderator who created this block can edit it.", flash[:error]
+ block.reload
+ assert_not
+ assert_equal "Original Reason", block.reason
+ session_for(creator_user)
+ put user_block_path(block,
+ :user_block_period => "0",
+ :user_block => { :needs_view => false, :reason => "Updated Reason" })
+ assert_redirected_to user_block_path(block)
+ assert_equal "Block updated.", flash[:notice]
+ block.reload
+ assert_not
+ assert_equal "Updated Reason", block.reason
+ put user_block_path(block,
+ :user_block_period => "0",
+ :user_block => { :needs_view => true, :reason => "Updated Reason 2" })
+ assert_redirected_to user_block_path(block)
+ assert_equal "Block updated.", flash[:notice]
+ block.reload
+ assert_predicate block, :active?
+ assert_equal "Updated Reason 2", block.reason
+ end
# test the revoke action
def test_revoke