-For example, to use the Potlatch 2 editor you need to register it as an OAuth application.
-Do the following:
-* Log into your Rails Port instance - e.g. http://localhost:3000
-* Click on your user name to go to your user page
-* Click on "my settings" on the user page
-* Click on "oauth settings" on the My settings page
-* Click on 'Register your application'.
-* Unless you have set up alternatives, use Name: "Local Potlatch" and URL: "http://localhost:3000"
-* Check the 'modify the map' box.
-* Everything else can be left with the default blank values.
-* Click the "Register" button
-* On the next page, copy the "consumer key"
-* Edit config/application.yml in your rails tree
-* Uncomment and change the "potlatch2_key" configuration value
+For iD, do the following:
+* Go to "[OAuth 2 applications](http://localhost:3000/oauth2/applications)" on the My settings page.
+* Click on "Register new application".
+* Unless you have set up alternatives, use Name: "Local iD" and Redirect URIs: "http://localhost:3000"
+* Check boxes for the following Permissions
+ * 'Read user preferences'
+ * 'Modify user preferences'
+ * 'Modify the map'
+ * 'Read private GPS traces'
+ * 'Upload GPS traces'
+ * 'Modify notes'
+* On the next page, copy the "Client ID"
+* Edit config/settings.local.yml in your rails tree
+* Add the "id_application" configuration with the "Client ID" as the value