def add_foreign_key(table_name, column_name, reftbl, refcol = nil)
execute "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} ADD " +
- "FOREIGN KEY (#{quote_column_names(column_name)}) " +
- "REFERENCES #{reftbl} (#{quote_column_names(refcol || column_name)})"
+ "FOREIGN KEY (#{quote_column_names(column_name)}) " +
+ "REFERENCES #{reftbl} (#{quote_column_names(refcol || column_name)})"
+ end
+ def remove_foreign_key(table_name, column_name, reftbl, refcol = nil)
+ execute "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} DROP " +
+ "CONSTRAINT #{table_name}_#{column_name[0]}_fkey"
alias_method :old_options_include_default?, :options_include_default?
- class MysqlAdapter
- alias_method :old_native_database_types, :native_database_types
- def native_database_types
- types = old_native_database_types
- types[:bigint] = { :name => "bigint", :limit => 20 }
- types[:double] = { :name => "double" }
- types[:bigint_pk] = { :name => "bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY" }
- types[:bigint_pk_64] = { :name => "bigint(64) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY" }
- types[:bigint_auto_64] = { :name => "bigint(64) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment" }
- types[:bigint_auto_11] = { :name => "bigint(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment" }
- types[:bigint_auto_20] = { :name => "bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment" }
- types
+ if defined?(ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::MysqlAdapter)
+ class MysqlAdapter
+ alias_method :old_native_database_types, :native_database_types
+ def native_database_types
+ types = old_native_database_types
+ types[:bigint] = { :name => "bigint", :limit => 20 }
+ types[:double] = { :name => "double" }
+ types[:integer_pk] = { :name => "integer DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY" }
+ types[:bigint_pk] = { :name => "bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY" }
+ types[:bigint_pk_64] = { :name => "bigint(64) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY" }
+ types[:bigint_auto_64] = { :name => "bigint(64) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment" }
+ types[:bigint_auto_11] = { :name => "bigint(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment" }
+ types[:bigint_auto_20] = { :name => "bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment" }
+ types[:four_byte_unsigned] = { :name=> "integer unsigned" }
+ types[:inet] = { :name=> "integer unsigned" }
+ enumerations.each do |e,v|
+ types[e.to_sym]= { :name => "enum('#{v.join '\',\''}')" }
+ end
+ types
+ end
+ def change_column(table_name, column_name, type, options = {})
+ unless options_include_default?(options)
+ options[:default] = select_one("SHOW COLUMNS FROM #{table_name} LIKE '#{column_name}'")["Default"]
+ unless type == :string or type == :text
+ options.delete(:default) if options[:default] = "";
+ end
+ end
+ change_column_sql = "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} CHANGE #{column_name} #{column_name} #{type_to_sql(type, options[:limit], options[:precision], options[:scale])}"
+ add_column_options!(change_column_sql, options)
+ execute(change_column_sql)
+ end
+ def myisam_table
+ return { :id => false, :force => true, :options => "ENGINE=MyIsam" }
+ end
+ def innodb_table
+ return { :id => false, :force => true, :options => "ENGINE=InnoDB" }
+ end
+ def innodb_option
+ return "ENGINE=InnoDB"
+ end
+ def change_engine (table_name, engine)
+ execute "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} ENGINE = #{engine}"
+ end
+ def add_fulltext_index (table_name, column)
+ execute "CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX `#{table_name}_#{column}_idx` ON `#{table_name}` (`#{column}`)"
+ end
+ def enumerations
+ @enumerations ||=
+ end
+ def create_enumeration (enumeration_name, values)
+ enumerations[enumeration_name] = values
+ end
+ def drop_enumeration (enumeration_name)
+ enumerations.delete(enumeration_name)
+ end
+ def alter_primary_key(table_name, new_columns)
+ execute("alter table #{table_name} drop primary key, add primary key (#{new_columns.join(',')})")
+ end
+ def interval_constant(interval)
+ "'#{interval}'"
+ end
+ end
+ if defined?(ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter)
+ class PostgreSQLAdapter
+ alias_method :old_native_database_types, :native_database_types
- def change_column(table_name, column_name, type, options = {})
- unless options_include_default?(options)
- options[:default] = select_one("SHOW COLUMNS FROM #{table_name} LIKE '#{column_name}'")["Default"]
+ def native_database_types
+ types = old_native_database_types
+ types[:double] = { :name => "double precision" }
+ types[:integer_pk] = { :name => "serial PRIMARY KEY" }
+ types[:bigint_pk] = { :name => "bigserial PRIMARY KEY" }
+ types[:bigint_pk_64] = { :name => "bigserial PRIMARY KEY" }
+ types[:bigint_auto_64] = { :name => "bigint" } #fixme: need autoincrement?
+ types[:bigint_auto_11] = { :name => "bigint" } #fixme: need autoincrement?
+ types[:bigint_auto_20] = { :name => "bigint" } #fixme: need autoincrement?
+ types[:four_byte_unsigned] = { :name => "bigint" } # meh
+ types[:inet] = { :name=> "inet" }
- unless type == :string or type == :text
- options.delete(:default) if options[:default] = "";
+ enumerations.each_key do |e|
+ types[e.to_sym]= { :name => e }
+ types
+ end
+ def myisam_table
+ return { :id => false, :force => true, :options => ""}
+ end
+ def innodb_table
+ return { :id => false, :force => true, :options => ""}
+ end
+ def innodb_option
+ return ""
+ end
+ def change_engine (table_name, engine)
+ end
+ def add_fulltext_index (table_name, column)
+ execute "CREATE INDEX #{table_name}_#{column}_idx on #{table_name} (#{column})"
+ end
+ def enumerations
+ @enumerations ||=
- change_column_sql = "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} CHANGE #{column_name} #{column_name} #{type_to_sql(type, options[:limit], options[:precision], options[:scale])}"
- add_column_options!(change_column_sql, options)
- execute(change_column_sql)
+ def create_enumeration(enumeration_name, values)
+ enumerations[enumeration_name] = values
+ execute "CREATE TYPE #{enumeration_name} AS ENUM ('#{values.join '\',\''}')"
+ end
+ def drop_enumeration(enumeration_name)
+ execute "DROP TYPE #{enumeration_name}"
+ enumerations.delete(enumeration_name)
+ end
+ def rename_enumeration(old_name, new_name)
+ execute "ALTER TYPE #{quote_table_name(old_name)} RENAME TO #{quote_table_name(new_name)}"
+ end
+ def alter_primary_key(table_name, new_columns)
+ execute "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} DROP CONSTRAINT #{table_name}_pkey"
+ execute "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} ADD PRIMARY KEY (#{new_columns.join(',')})"
+ end
+ def interval_constant(interval)
+ "'#{interval}'::interval"
+ end
+ def add_index(table_name, column_name, options = {})
+ column_names = Array(column_name)
+ index_name = index_name(table_name, :column => column_names)
+ if Hash === options # legacy support, since this param was a string
+ index_type = options[:unique] ? "UNIQUE" : ""
+ index_name = options[:name] || index_name
+ index_method = options[:method] || "BTREE"
+ else
+ index_type = options
+ end
+ quoted_column_names = { |e| quote_column_name(e) }
+ if Hash === options and options[:lowercase]
+ quoted_column_names = { |e| "LOWER(#{e})" }
+ end
+ quoted_column_names = quoted_column_names.join(", ")
+ execute "CREATE #{index_type} INDEX #{quote_column_name(index_name)} ON #{quote_table_name(table_name)} USING #{index_method} (#{quoted_column_names})"
+ end
- def myisam_table
- return { :id => false, :force => true, :options => "ENGINE=MyIsam" }
+ def rename_index(table_name, old_name, new_name)
+ execute "ALTER INDEX #{quote_table_name(old_name)} RENAME TO #{quote_table_name(new_name)}"
- def innodb_table
- return { :id => false, :force => true, :options => "ENGINE=InnoDB" }
+ def rename_sequence(table_name, old_name, new_name)
+ execute "ALTER SEQUENCE #{quote_table_name(old_name)} RENAME TO #{quote_table_name(new_name)}"